Man pages for wolfsonliu/enrich
Gene list enrichment on KEGG pathway, GO term, Transcript Factor Targets and so on.

degA Gene List Data to Test Functions. Data of genes with hgnc...
enrichKEGGPathwayKEGG pathway enrichment tests. 'enrichKEGGPathway' will do...
enrichKEGGPathwayParentKEGG pathway enrichment tests The function to do...
enrichMSigDBMSigDB data sets enrichment tests. 'enrichMSigDB' will do the...
fetchPathwayInfoFetch single pathway information from KEGG website...
hypergeometricTestVectorHypergeomatric Test of Terms and Genes...
listKEGGOrganismList available organisms of KEGG website. 'listKEGGOrganism'...
listKEGGPathwayList available pathways of KEGG website. 'listKEGGPathway'...
MSigDBMSigDB data Data of the MSigDB sets, stored in list. using...
MSigDBSet-classMSigDB data set class The Class "MSigDBSet" is used to store...
readMSigDBxmlMSigDB XML file processing These functions are used to deal...
subsetMSigDBsubset MSigDB data subsetMSigDB is used to subset the MSigDB...
viewKEGGPathwayInfoview pathway information of KEGG website....
wolfsonliu/enrich documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:47 a.m.