
Defines functions set get reset

#' Options for the escalc package
#' The `escalc::opts` object contains three functions to set, get, and reset
#' options used by the escalc package. Use `escalc::opts$set` to set options,
#' `escalc::opts$get` to get options, or `escalc::opts$reset` to reset specific or
#' all options to their default values.
#' It is normally not necessary to get or set `escalc` options.
#' The following arguments can be passed:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{...}{For `escalc::opts$set`, the dots can be used to specify the options
#'   to set, in the format `option = value`, for example,
#'   `escalc::opts$reset`, a list of options to be reset can be passed.}
#'   \item{option}{For `escalc::opts$set`, the name of the option to set.}
#'   \item{default}{For `escalc::opts$get`, the default value to return if the
#'   option has not been manually specified.}
#' }
#' The following options can be set:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{EFFECTSIZE_POINTESTIMATE_NAME_IN_DF}{The name of the column
#'   with the effect size values.}
#'   \item{EFFECTSIZE_VARIANCE_NAME_IN_DF}{The name of the column
#'   with the effect size variance.}
#'   \item{EFFECTSIZE_MISSING_MESSAGE_NAME_IN_DF}{The name of the column
#'   with the missing values.}
#'   \item(stopOnError}{Default behavior regarding errors of varying severity. The
#'   errorlevels are 0 (no error), 1 (proceed with caution: computed value comes
#'   with caveats), 2 (fatal error: something could not be computed due to
#'   statistical reasons, e.g. impossible input values), and 3 (fatal error:
#'   something could not be computed due to argument misspecification, e.g. mismatching
#'   argument lengths). Of these, 0 is not a valid value. When set to 3, only argument
#'   misspecifications stop the functions; when set to 2, also situations
#'   where effect sizes cannot be computed stop functions; and when set to 1, even
#'   'warning'-level errors cause errors to be thrown.}
#' }
#' @aliases opts set get reset
#' @usage opts
#' @examples ### Get the default name for the point estmate
#' ### Set it to a custom version
#' escalc::opts$set(EFFECTSIZE_POINTESTIMATE_NAME_IN_DF = "value_i");
#' ### Check that it worked
#' ### Reset this option to its default value
#' ### Check that the reset worked, too
#' @export
opts <- list();

opts$set <- function(...) {
  dots <- list(...);
  dotNames <- names(dots);
  names(dots) <-
    paste0("escalc.", dotNames);
  if (all(dotNames %in% names(opts$defaults))) {
  } else {
    stop("Option '", option, "' is not a valid (i.e. existing) option for escalc!");

opts$get <- function(option, default=FALSE) {
  option <- as.character(substitute(option));
  if (!option %in% names(opts$defaults)) {
    stop("Option '", option, "' is not a valid (i.e. existing) option for escalc!");
  } else {
    return(getOption(paste0("escalc.", option),

opts$reset <- function(...) {
  optionNames <-
  if (length(optionNames) == 0) {
  } else {
    prefixedOptionNames <-
      paste0("escalc.", optionNames);
    if (all(optionNames %in% names(opts$defaults))) {
    } else {
      invalidOptions <-
        !(optionNames %in% names(opts$defaults));
      stop("Option(s) ", vecTxtQ(optionNames[invalidOptions]),
           "' is/are not a valid (i.e. existing) option for escalc!");

opts$defaults <-
       ### Column names for the dataframe that is returnes
       ### Default behavior regarding errors of varying severity. The
       ### errorlevels are:
       ###   0: no error
       ###   1: proceed with caution: computed value comes with caveats
       ###   2: fatal error: something could not be computed due to
       ###                   statistical reasons (e.g. impossible input values)
       ###   3: fatal error: something could not be computed due to
       ###                   argument misspecification (e.g. mismatching arg lengths)
       ### Of these, 0 is not a valid value. When set to 3, only argument
       ### misspecifications stop the functions; when set to 2, also situations
       ### where stuff can't be computed stops functions; and when set to 1, even
       ### 'warning'-level errors are cause to stop the program.
       stopOnErrors = 2,
       ### Whether you want extra information, as for debugging
       debugging = FALSE,
       ### Error stack delimited
       errorStackDelimiter = " | "
wviechtb/escalc documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 4:14 p.m.