mp_cal_dca-methods: Detrended Correspondence Analysis with MPSE or tbl_mpse...

mp_cal_dcaR Documentation

Detrended Correspondence Analysis with MPSE or tbl_mpse object


Detrended Correspondence Analysis with MPSE or tbl_mpse object


mp_cal_dca(.data, .abundance, .dim = 3, action = "add", origin = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'MPSE'
mp_cal_dca(.data, .abundance, .dim = 3, action = "add", origin = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'tbl_mpse'
mp_cal_dca(.data, .abundance, .dim = 3, action = "add", origin = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'grouped_df_mpse'
mp_cal_dca(.data, .abundance, .dim = 3, action = "add", origin = TRUE, ...)



MPSE or tbl_mpse object


the name of abundance to be calculated.


integer The number of dimensions to be returned, default is 3.


character "add" joins the 'decorana' result to the object, "only" return a non-redundant tibble with the 'decorana' result. "get" return 'decorana' object can be processed with related vegan function.


logical Use true origin even in detrended correspondence analysis. default is TRUE.


additional parameters see also 'vegan::decorana'


update object or tbl according to the action.

xiangpin/MicrobitaProcess documentation built on Nov. 6, 2024, 1:15 a.m.