
Clean Up and Test Democracy Mentions Data

Xavier Marquez r Sys.Date()

Raw data description

The raw data consists of all the mentions of democracy in constitutional documents I was able to extract from the texts gathered by the Comparative Constitutions Project as of 2015.

Loading and cleanup


democracy_mentions <- read_csv("../../../../Data/Democracy mentions/democracy.mentions.csv",
                               col_types = cols(YEAR = col_number(),
                                                earliest.dem = col_number(),
                                       = col_number())) %>%
  select(COUNTRY, YEAR, Name, EVENTTYPE, mentions) 

# Some years have a decimal, which we eliminate
democracy_mentions$YEAR <- as.integer(democracy_mentions$YEAR) 

# This is what the mentions look like

democracy_mentions %>%
  select(COUNTRY,YEAR,Name,mentions) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  head() %>%

COUNTRY YEAR Name mentions

Afghanistan 1923 Afghanistan's Constitution of 1923 NA Afghanistan 1925 Afghanistan's Constitution of 1923 with Amendments through 1925 NA Afghanistan 1931 Afghanistan's Constitution of 1931 NA Afghanistan 1933 Afghanistan's Constitution of 1931 with Amendments through 1933 NA Afghanistan 1964 Afghanistan's Constitution of 1964 In the Name of God, the Almighty and the Just. To re-organize the national life of Afghanistan according to the requirements of the time and on the basis of the realities of national history and culture; To achieve justice and equality; To establish political, economic and social democracy; To organize the functions of the state and its branches to ensure liberty and welfare of the individual and the maintenance of the general order; To achieve a balanced development of all phases of life in Afghanistan; and To form, ultimately, a prosperous and progressive society based on social co-operation and preservation of human dignity; We, the people of Afghanistan, conscious of the historical changes which have occurred in our life as a nation and as a part of human society, while considering the above-mentioned values to be the right of all human societies, have, under the leadership of His Majesty Mohammed Zahir Shah, the King of Afghanistan and the leader of its national life, framed this constitution for ourselves and the generations to come. Afghanistan 1964 Afghanistan's Constitution of 1964 In the name of God, the Almighty and the Just to reorganize the national life of Afghanistan according to the requirements of the times and on the basis of the realities of national history and culture; to achieve justice and equality; to establish political, economic and social democracy; to organize the functions of the state and its branches to ensure liberty and welfare of the individual and the maintenance of the general order; to achieve a balanced development of all phases of life in Afghanistan; and to form, ultimately, a prosperous and progressive society based on social cooperation and preservation of human dignity; we, the people of Afghanistan, conscious of the historical changes which have occurred in our life as a nation and as a part of human society, while considering the above mentioned values to be the right of all human societies, have, under the leadership of his majesty Mohammed Zahir Shah, the king of Afghanistan and the leader of its national life, framed this constitution for ourselves and the generations to come.

Once the data is loaded, we need to standardize the country names and make sure they correspond to the right country-names in the standard "international system":


countries <- democracy_mentions %>% 
  distinct(COUNTRY, YEAR) %>%
  PoliticalDatasets::to_gw_system(country_col = "COUNTRY",
                                  date_col = "YEAR",
                                  match_condition = c("!(COUNTRY == 'Vietnam (Annam/Cochin China/Tonkin)' & country_name =='China' )",
                                              "!(COUNTRY == 'Yugoslavia (Serbia)' & country_name =='Yugoslavia' & (YEAR < 1900 | YEAR == 2006))",
                                              "(match_score == max(match_score))"))
## [1] "The following countries were not matched:"
## # A tibble: 14 × 3
##                                                                        COUNTRY
##                                                                          <chr>
## 1                                 African Charter on Human and People's Rights
## 2                                          American Convention on Human Rights
## 3                                                   Convention Against Torture
## 4   Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
## 5                        Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
## 6                                        Convention on the Rights of the Child
## 7                                                               European Union
## 8                   French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
## 9  International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimi
## 10                        International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
## 11             International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural rights
## 12                                                                    Scotland
## 13                                         Vietnam (Annam/Cochin China/Tonkin)
## 14                                                                        <NA>
## # ... with 2 more variables: min <int>, max <int>

The country names for some documents not matched, simply because the documents do not refer to independent countries, or the document does not contain a proper country name:

anti_join(democracy_mentions,countries) %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY, Name) %>% 
  summarise(min(YEAR),max(YEAR),n()) %>%

COUNTRY Name min(YEAR) max(YEAR) n()

African Charter on Human and People's Rights African Charter on Human and People's Rights 1981 1981 1981 1 American Convention on Human Rights American Convention on Human Rights_1969 1969 1969 6 Convention Against Torture Convention Against Torture NA NA 1 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women NA NA 1 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities NA NA 1 Convention on the Rights of the Child Convention on the Rights of the Child NA NA 1 European Union European Union's Constitution of 2004 2004 2004 26 French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1789 1789 1789 1 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination NA NA 1 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 1966 1966 3 International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural rights International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights NA NA 2 Scotland Scotland's Draft Constitution of 2014 2014 2014 4 Vietnam (Annam/Cochin China/Tonkin) Vietnam (Annam/Cochin China/Tonkin)'s Constitution of 1946 1946 1946 1 NA European Convention of Human Rights NA NA 9 NA Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 NA NA 1

We also need to clean up column names, trim whitespace, and eliminate duplicates:

democracy_mentions <- countries %>%
  left_join(democracy_mentions) %>% 
  rename(year = YEAR, constitutional.event = EVENTTYPE, ccp_country = COUNTRY) %>% 
  mutate(Name = str_trim(Name), 
         Name = str_replace(Name,"\\.[0-9]$",""),
         constitutional.event = factor(constitutional.event)) %>%

# We eliminate duplicates

## [1] 11219
democracy_mentions <- distinct(democracy_mentions)

## [1] 10959

These countries had their names changed:

democracy_mentions %>% 
  filter(country_name != ccp_country) %>% 
  group_by(country_name, ccp_country) %>%
  summarise(min(year), max(year), n()) %>%

country_name ccp_country min(year) max(year) n()

Antigua & Barbuda Antigua And Barbuda 1981 1981 18 Congo, Democratic Republic of (Zaire) Congo, Democratic Republic Of (Zaire) 1964 2011 166 Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 1990 1990 1 Korea, People's Republic of North Korea 1948 2009 170 Korea, Republic of South Korea 1948 1987 24 Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of) Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic Of) 1991 2011 36 Papal States Vatican City 1929 2000 2 Rumania Romania 1866 2003 81 Saint Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts And Nevis 1983 1983 11 Saint Lucia St. Lucia 1978 1978 7 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent And The Grenadines 1979 1979 7 Samoa/Western Samoa Samoa 1962 2010 12 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome And Principe 1975 2003 94 Serbia Yugoslavia (Serbia) 1869 2006 23 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad And Tobago 1962 2007 34 Turkey (Ottoman Empire) Turkey/Ottoman Empire 1876 2011 172 United Provinces of Central America United Provinces Of Central America 1824 1835 2 United States of America United States Of America 1781 1992 18 Vietnam, Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Democratic Republic Of 1960 2001 105 Vietnam, Republic of Vietnam, Republic Of 1956 1967 8 Yemen (Arab Republic of Yemen) Yemen (Arab Republic Of Yemen) 1962 2001 14 Yemen, People's Republic of People's Republic of Yemen 1978 1978 53 Yugoslavia Yugoslavia (Serbia) 1921 2003 136

And here's what the data looks like, per country:


ggplot(data = democracy_mentions) +
  geom_count(aes(x=fct_rev(reorder(country_name,year,FUN = min)), y = year, color = fct_infreq(constitutional.event))) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "", color = "Constitutional\nevent", size = "Number of \ntext snippets") +

These are the countries where the first mention is not "new" or "interim" constitution:

democracy_mentions %>% 
  group_by(country_name) %>%
  filter(!(first(constitutional.event) %in% c("new","interim"))) %>% 
  summarise(year = first(year), Name = first(Name), constitutional.event = first(constitutional.event)) %>%

country_name year Name constitutional.event

Brunei 1983 1983 Amendment to Brunei's Constitution of 1959 amendment Central African Republic 1962 Central African Republic's Constitution of 1959 with Amendments through 1962 amendment China 1908 China_1908 non-event Federated States of Micronesia 1990 Micronesia, Fed. Sts.'s Constitution of 1981 with Amendments through 1990 amendment Israel 1948 Israel's Constitution of 1948 non-event Malaysia 1977 Malaysia's Constitution of 1957 with Amendments through 1977 amendment Maldives 1975 Maldives's Constitution of 1968 with Amendments through 1975 amendment Moldova 1991 1991 Amendment to Moldova's Constitution of 1978 amendment Singapore 1966 Singapore's Constitution of 1959 with Amendments through 1966 amendment Tonga 1967 Tonga's Constitution of 1875 with Amendments through 1967 amendment Uganda 1963 Uganda's Constitution of 1962 with Amendments through 1963 amendment Yemen, People's Republic of 1978 Yemen, People'S Republic Of's Constitution of 1970 with Amendments through 1978 amendment

These countries need to be fixed:

fixed_countries <- democracy_mentions %>% 
  group_by(country_name) %>%
  filter(!(first(constitutional.event) %in% c("new","interim"))) %>% 
  summarise_all(funs(first(.))) %>%
  mutate(year = c(1959, 1959, 1908, 1981, 1948, 1957, 
                  1968, 1978, 1959, 1875, 1962, 1970),
         constitutional.event = c("new","new","new","new","new","new",

democracy_mentions <- bind_rows(democracy_mentions, fixed_countries) %>%
  arrange(country_name, year, Name) %>%
  mutate(has_mention = !

These constitutions have the wrong names or the wrong events:

democracy_mentions %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(!(constitutional.event %in% c("amendment"))) %>%
  distinct(country_name, year, Name, constitutional.event, .keep_all = FALSE) %>%
  group_by(country_name, year) %>%
  filter(n() > 1) %>%

country_name year Name constitutional.event

China 1908 China_1908 non-event China 1908 China_1908 new France 1815 France's Constitution of 1815 new France 1815 France's Constitution of 1815 reinstated Israel 1948 Israel's Constitution of 1948 non-event Israel 1948 Israel's Constitution of 1948 new Myanmar (Burma) 2008 Myanmar (Burma)'s Constitution of 2008 new Myanmar (Burma) 2008 Myanmar (Burma)'s Constitution of 2008 new Serbia 2006 Yugoslavia (Serbia)'s Constitution 2006 new Serbia 2006 Yugoslavia (Serbia)'s Constitution of 2006 new

So we need to fix them:

democracy_mentions <- democracy_mentions %>%
  filter(!(country_name == "China" &
             year == 1908 &
             Name == "China_1908" &
             constitutional.event == "non-event"),
         !(country_name == "France" &
             year == 1815 &
             Name == "France's Constitution of 1815" &
             constitutional.event == "new"),
         !(country_name == "Israel" &
             year == 1948 &
             Name == "Israel's Constitution of 1948" &
             constitutional.event == "non-event"),
         !(country_name == "Myanmar (Burma)" &
             year == 2008 &
             Name == "Myanmar (Burma)'s Constitution of  2008" &
             constitutional.event == "new"),
         !(country_name == "Serbia" &
             year == 2006 &
             Name == "Yugoslavia (Serbia)'s Constitution 2006" &
             constitutional.event == "new"))

Creation of the country-year dataset

Now we need to create the country-year dataset. We use the tidyr package; I assume that amendments never delete mentions of democracy.

democracy_mentions_shell <- democracy_mentions %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
           GW_enddate) %>%
           GW_enddate) %>%
  do(data.frame(year = min(.$year, year(.$GW_startdate[1])):ifelse($GW_enddate[1]), 2013, year(.$GW_enddate[1])))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  distinct() %>%
  select(-GW_startdate, -GW_enddate)

new_or_interim <- democracy_mentions  %>%
  filter(constitutional.event %in% c("new","interim","reinstated")) %>% 
  distinct(country_name, GWn, year, Name, constitutional.event) %>%
  right_join(democracy_mentions_shell) %>%
  arrange(country_name, year) %>%
  mutate(const_num = ifelse(!, 1, 0)) %>%
  group_by(country_name) %>%
  fill(Name) %>%
  mutate(const_num = cumsum(const_num)) %>%
  select(-constitutional.event) %>%
  rename(constitution_name = Name)

constitutional_events <- democracy_mentions %>%
  distinct(country_name, year, constitutional.event) 

democracy_mentions_summary <- democracy_mentions %>%
  group_by(country_name, year) %>%
  summarise(mentions = paste(unique(na.omit(mentions)), collapse = ", ")) %>%
  mutate(mentions = stringr::str_conv(mentions, "ASCII"),
         mentions = stringr::str_trunc(mentions, 500, "right"),
         mentions = ifelse(mentions == "", NA, mentions)) %>%

democracy_mentions_yearly <- democracy_mentions_shell %>%
  left_join(new_or_interim) %>%
  left_join(constitutional_events) %>%
  left_join(democracy_mentions_summary) %>%
  group_by(country_name, const_num, constitution_name) %>%
  arrange(year) %>%
  fill(mentions) %>%
  mutate(has_mention = ! %>%



These are Venezuela's mentions, for example:

democracy_mentions_yearly %>% 
  filter(country_name == "Venezuela") %>% 
  group_by(country_name, constitution_name, const_num, has_mention, mentions) %>%
  summarise(constitutional.event = first(constitutional.event), min_year = min(year), max_year = max(year)) %>%
  arrange(const_num, min_year) %>%

country_name constitution_name const_num has_mention mentions constitutional.event min_year max_year

Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1811 1 FALSE NA new 1811 1818 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1819 2 FALSE NA new 1819 1820 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1821 3 FALSE NA new 1821 1829 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1830 4 FALSE NA new 1830 1856 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1857 5 TRUE Artculo 5.El Gobierno de Venezuela es y sera siempre republicano, democratico, bajo la forma representativa, con responsabilidad y alternacion de todos los funcionarios publicos. new 1857 1857 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1858 6 TRUE Las formas esenciales del Gobierno democratico sobresalen en relieve y se ostentan con pureza en la division, el deslinde e independencia de los poderes; en el sufragio universal y directo para la eleccion de los principales funcionarios, y en las supremas atribuciones del Poder Legislativo, representante inmediato del pueblo y organo genuino de la opinion nacional. new 1858 1863 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1864 7 FALSE NA new 1864 1873 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1874 8 FALSE NA new 1874 1880 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1881 9 FALSE NA new 1881 1890 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1891 10 FALSE NA new 1891 1892 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1893 11 FALSE NA new 1893 1900 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1901 12 TRUE Artculo 26. El Gobierno de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, democratico, electivo, federal, representativo, alternativo y responsable. new 1901 1903 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1904 13 TRUE AR T. 25. Toda decisien acordada por vequisicien directa 6 indirecta de la fuerza, 6 de reunien de pueblo en actitud subversiva, es nula de derechoy carece de eticacia. A R T. 26. El Gobierno de la Unien es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representative, alternative y responsable., r e a c h ed through direct or indirect use of force, or dictated by a mass of people in subversive attitude, are null dejure and p... new 1904 1908 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1909 14 TRUE Artculo 2. La Nacion venezolana es para siempre e irrevocablemente libre e independiente de toda potencia o denominacion extranjera; y en ningun caso y por ningun acto podra autoridad, Congreso o poder alguno, cambiar la forma de Gobierno, que es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, alternativo y responsable. new 1909 1913 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1914 15 TRUE 9. the Venezuelan nation is for always and irrevocably free and independent of every foreign power or domination, and in no case and by no act can an authority, Congress, or l 'ower change the form of government, which is and shall be republican, federal, democratic, e lec t ive, rep resen ta t ive, responsible, and a l te rna t ive. new 1914 1921 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1922 16 TRUE Artculo 9. La Nacion venezolana es para siempre e irrevocablemente libre e independiente de toda potencia o dominacion extranjera, y en ningun caso y por ningun acto podra Autoridad, Congreso o Poder alguno cambiar la forma de Gobierno, que es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo. new 1922 1924 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1925 17 TRUE 13. the form of government of the Un i ted S t a t es of Venezue la and t h at of the S t a t es of the Un ion i s, a nd shall ever be, republic an, federal, : democratic, e lec t ive, r e p r e s en t a t iv e, responsible and a l t e r n a t i v e., Artculo 13. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el de cada uno de los Estados de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alter... new 1925 1927 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1928 18 TRUE Artculo 13. El Gobierno de la Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el de cada uno de los Estados de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratica, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo. new 1928 1928 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1929 19 TRUE Artculo 13. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el de cada uno de los Estados de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo. new 1929 1930 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1931 20 TRUE Artculo 13. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el de cada uno de los Estados de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo. new 1931 1935 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1936 21 TRUE is and shall be always republican, federal, democratic,, Artculo 13. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el de cada uno de los Estados de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo. new 1936 1944 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1936 21 TRUE Artculo 13. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el de cada uno de los Estados de la Union es y sera siempre republicano, federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo. amendment 1945 1946 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1947 22 TRUE the support of democracy as the sole and indispensable system of conducting its internal affairs, and pacific collabora tion in the design of promoting that same system in the government and relations of all peoples of the earth., national education will be organised as an integral process, correlated in its several parts, and will be oriented to attain the harmonious development of the human personality, to develop citizens prepared for life and f... new 1947 1947 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1948 23 FALSE NA reinstated 1948 1951 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1948 23 TRUE P a ra el cump l im ien to de esos f ines, las Fu e r z as A rm a d as Nac iona les so l ic i ta ron la co laborac ion de o t ros venezo lanos que a t r a v es de lar, con s ignas de su ag rupac ion po l t ica h a b an exp re sado deseos de s e r v ir al p a s. Es imp e r a t ivo reco rdar s i emp re cual fue la ac t i tud y como co r respond ie ron aquellos venezo lanos en tan e x t r a o r d i n a r ia o p o r t u n i d a d. Pocas ... amendment 1952 1952 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1953 24 TRUE Declaracion preliminar Artculo 1. La Nacion venezolana es la asociacion de los venezolanos en un pacto de organizacion poltica con el nombre de Republica de Venezuela, que se rige por los principios de Gobierno federal, democratico, electivo, representativo, responsable y alternativo y que es independiente y libre de toda dominacion o proteccion extranjera. new 1953 1960 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1961 25 TRUE supporting the democratic order as the soul and irrenouncable means of ensuring the rights and dignity of citizens and favoring the peaceful extension to all the peoples of the earth;, article 3. the government of the republic of Venezuela is and always shall be democratic, representative, responsible, and alternating., article 27. the law may establish different systems for the organization, government, and administration of Municipalities, based on population, economic development, geogr... new 1961 1982 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1961 25 TRUE En representacion del pueblo venezolano, para quien invoca la proteccion de Dios Todopoderoso; Con el proposito de mantener la independencia y la integridad territorial de la Nacion, fortalecer su unidad, asegurar la libertad, la paz y la estabilidad de las instituciones; Proteger y enaltecer el trabajo, amparar la dignidad humana, promover el bienestar general y al seguridad social; lograr la participacion equitativa de todos en el disfrute de la riqueza, segun los principios de la justi... amendment 1983 1998 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1999 26 TRUE Title I Fundamental principles article 1. the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela is irrevocably free and independent, basing its moral property and values of freedom, equality, justice and international peace on the doctrine of Simon Bolvar, the Liberator. Independence, liberty, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination are unrenounceable rights of the Nation. article 2. Venezuela constitutes itself as a democratic and Social state of Law and Justic... new 1999 2008 Venezuela Venezuela's Constitution of 1999 26 TRUE the people of Venezuela, exercising their powers of creation and invoking the protection of God, the historic example of our Liberator Simon Bolivar and the heroism and sacrifice of our aboriginal ancestors and the forerunners and founders of a free and sovereign nation; to the supreme end of reshaping the republic to establish a democratic, participatory and self-reliant, multiethnic and multicultural society in a just, federal and decentralized state ... amendment 2009 2013

And these are Malaysia's mentions:

democracy_mentions_yearly %>% 
  filter(country_name == "Malaysia") %>% 
  group_by(country_name, constitution_name, const_num, has_mention, mentions) %>%
  summarise(constitutional.event = first(constitutional.event), min_year = min(year), max_year = max(year)) %>%
  arrange(const_num, min_year) %>%

country_name constitution_name const_num has_mention mentions constitutional.event min_year max_year

Malaysia Malaysia's Constitution of 1957 with Amendments through 1977 1 FALSE NA new 1957 2013

And these are New Zealand's mentions:

democracy_mentions_yearly %>% 
  filter(country_name == "New Zealand") %>% 
  group_by(country_name, constitution_name, const_num, has_mention, mentions) %>%
  summarise(constitutional.event = first(constitutional.event), min_year = min(year), max_year = max(year)) %>%
  arrange(const_num, min_year) %>%

country_name constitution_name const_num has_mention mentions constitutional.event min_year max_year

New Zealand New Zealand's Constitution of 1852 1 FALSE NA new 1852 1989 New Zealand New Zealand's Constitution of 1852 1 TRUE democratic and Civil rights, Subject to section 4 of this Bill of rights, the rights and freedoms contained in this Bill of rights may be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. amendment 1990 1992 New Zealand New Zealand's Constitution of 1852 1 TRUE democratic and civil rights, Justified limitations Subject to section 4 ofthis Bill of rights, the rights and freedoms contained in this Bill of rights may be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society., Democratie and civil rights amendment 1993 2013

And we can visualize the mentions:

data <- democracy_mentions_yearly %>%
  mutate(constitutional.event = fct_lump(constitutional.event, 2))

ggplot(data = data, 
       aes(x=fct_rev(reorder(country_name,year,FUN = min)), 
           y = year)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill = has_mention)) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = constitutional.event)) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "", shape = "Constitutional\nevent", fill = "Does it mention democracy?") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(title.position = "top"),
         shape = guide_legend(title.position = "top"))

Final setup

We add back the info on system membership, and make sure that when constitutions do not exist, we indicate that.

countries <- democracy_mentions_yearly %>% 
  distinct(country_name, GWn, year) %>%
  PoliticalDatasets::to_gw_system(country_col = "country_name", 
                                  code_col = "GWn", 
                                  code_type = "GWn") %>%
  select(-country_name.x, -country_name.y) 

democracy_mentions_yearly <- countries %>%
  full_join(democracy_mentions_yearly) %>%
  mutate(has_constitution = ! %>%

devtools::use_data(democracy_mentions_yearly, overwrite = TRUE)

xmarquez/AuthoritarianismBook documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m.