
Defines functions getWeightsFromEnv computeRbmBreaks RestrictedBolzmannMachineFromWeightsEnv RestrictedBolzmannMachine

Documented in RestrictedBolzmannMachine

#' @title Initialize a Restricted Bolzman Machine
#' @description Creates a Restricted Bolzman Machine (RBM), precisely a \code{RestrictedBolzmannMachine} object, with the given specifications. 
#' It is typically stacked in a \code{\link{DeepBeliefNet}}.
#' @param input,output \code{\link{Layer}} objects
#' @param weights optional starting weights. If \code{NULL}, weights will be initialized to 0
#' @param initialize whether to initialize weights and biases with 0 or random uniform values. Ignored if \code{weights} are provided.
#' @return an object of class \code{RestrictedBolzmannMachine} containing the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{input,output}{\code{\link{Layer}}s}
#' \item{weights, weights.breaks}{as input}
#' \item{pretrained}{boolean switch to mark the state of the layer. \code{FALSE} just after initialization.}
#' }
#' @section Copying/Cloning:
#' For performance purposes, the weights are stored in an environment. This means that when you copy the RestrictedBolzmannMachine with an assignment, you do not copy the weights
#' and any modification you make to the new object will be propagated to the original one, and reciprocally.
#' Use \code{\link{clone}} to control this and make a copy of the weights whenever you need it. Note that all the functions defined in the package do this by default.
#' @seealso \code{\link{DeepBeliefNet}}, which makes use of RestrictedBolzmannMachine objects, \code{\link{Layer}}.
#' @examples
#' rbm <- RestrictedBolzmannMachine(Layer(784, "continuous"), Layer(1000, "binary"))
#' print(rbm)
#' methods(class="RestrictedBolzmannMachine")
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
RestrictedBolzmannMachine <- function(input, output, weights = NULL, initialize = c("0", "uniform")) {
	initialize <- match.arg(initialize)
	if (!is(input, "Layer") || !is(output, "Layer")) {
		stop("input and output must be Layer objects.")
	weights.env <- new.env(size=2)
	weights.breaks <- computeRbmBreaks(input, output)
	assign("breaks", weights.breaks, pos=weights.env) # Also store all the breaks there
	if (is.null(weights)) {
		assign("weights", numeric(tail(weights.breaks, n=1)), pos=weights.env) # Set all weights to 0
	else if (length(weights) == tail(weights.breaks, n=1) && is.numeric(weights) && is.vector(weights)) {
		assign("weights", weights, pos=weights.env)
		initialize <- "no"
	else {
		stop("Invalid weights supplied. Please provide a vector of numeric weights of compatible size (input + output + input * output).")
	return(RestrictedBolzmannMachineFromWeightsEnv(input, output, weights.env, weights.breaks, initialize))

# Private constructor - re-use weights.env from DBN
RestrictedBolzmannMachineFromWeightsEnv <- function(input, output, weights.env, weights.breaks, initialize) {
	rbm <- list(
		input = input,
		output = output,
		weights.env = weights.env,
		weights.breaks = weights.breaks,
		# Status
		pretrained = FALSE
	class(rbm) <- "RestrictedBolzmannMachine"
	if (initialize == "uniform") {
		init.W.random = sqrt(6) / sqrt(input$size + output$size)
		init.b.random = sqrt(6) / sqrt(input$size)
		init.c.random = sqrt(6) / sqrt(output$size)
		random.b <- runif(input$size, -init.b.random, init.b.random)
		random.W <- runif(input$size * output$size, -init.W.random, init.W.random)
		random.c <- runif(output$size, -init.c.random, init.c.random)
		# Assign to rbm - this seems not necessary???
		#rbm$b <- random.b
		#rbm$W[] <- random.W
		#rbm$c <- random.c
		# Assign to weights.env
		weights.env$weights[(weights.breaks[1]+1):(weights.breaks[4])] <- c(random.b, random.W, random.c)

# Private function that computes the weight breaks for a RBM from the input and output layers
computeRbmBreaks <- function(input, output) {
	as.integer(cumsum(c(0, input$size, input$size * output$size, output$size)))

getWeightsFromEnv <- function(weights.env, which = c("all", "b", "w", "c", "bw", "wc"), breaks = weights.env$breaks, weights = weights.env$weights) {
	which <- tolower(which)
	which <- match.arg(which)
	if (which == "all")
		return(weights[(breaks[1] + 1):breaks[4]])
	if (which == "bw")
		return(weights[(breaks[1] + 1):breaks[3]])
	if (which == "wc")
		return(weights[(breaks[2] + 1):breaks[4]])
	if (which == "b")
		return(weights[(breaks[1] + 1):breaks[2]])
	if (which == "w")
		return(weights[(breaks[2] + 1):breaks[3]])
	if (which == "c")
		return(weights[(breaks[3] + 1):breaks[4]])
	stop("Should have returned earlier in getWeightsFromEnv")
xrobin/DeepLearning documentation built on Sept. 18, 2020, 5:23 a.m.