1. Intorduction

This is a tutorial for R package GBSA. This package is developed for Whole-genome QTL mapping in experimental pedigrees from outbred founders utilizing low coverage individual based sequencing.

2. Installation

This package is dependent on python3, R package, zoo,data.table,dplyr,pbmcapply. Please make sure those dependencies are installed before proceeding.

```{bash eval=FALSE}

First download the package from

install GBSA package by typing the following command in terminal

R CMD INSTALL ./GBSA_0.1.0.tar.gz

### 3.Prepare input data
```{r eval=FALSE}
# A few files are needed to run the package. Below are examples of the input data. Users will have to prepare these accordingly.
# a vcf.gz file with all the founders and offspring. The F0 data is filtered following GATK VQSR and indels/multi-allelic sites are removed. The F2 individuals
# are called use our customised pipline(updating soon) and merged together with the F0 data as it is.

input.vcf <- "/Users/yanjunzan/Documents/impute/git/data/180208.all.223+700.f2.P60.vcf.gz" 

# a vcf.gz file that has genotype information on the F0 founders and F2 genotyped with all fixed marker. In the case of pool seq for founders, two sudo-F0 need to be created and included.

input.vcf.fixed <- "/Users/yanjunzan/Documents/impute/git/data/171215_all.780.F0.output.recode.vcf.gz" 

# A annotation file matching the chromsome/contig name in bam file to numerical chromsome names, and document the length of each chromsome/contig. See more in the package documentation.

NCBI.file <- read.table("/Users/yanjunzan/Documents/impute/git/F2_re_seq/data/chr_id.match.txt",sep="\t",header = T,stringsAsFactors = F)

#A a data.frame with 7 columns with names as id.f2,, id.f2.fa, fa.h, ma.h, ma.l, fa.l. Those are F2 id, corresponding mother id,father id and grand parent ids, fa.h,ma.h must come from one line and ma.l, fa.l. from another divergent line.See more in the package documentation.

pedigree <- read.table("/Users/yanjunzan/Documents/impute/git/F2_re_seq/data/Ped.f2.f2.f0.txt",sep="\t",header = T,stringsAsFactors = F)[1:5,]

# A dataframe with 3 or more column as ID,sex,family id, phentpye1,...ID names have to match the ID names in genotype file.

pheFile <- read.table("/Users/yanjunzan/Documents/impute/results/GBSA.test/",sep = "\t",header=T,stringsAsFactors = T)
pheFile <- pheFile[match(pedigree$ID,table = pheFile$ID),] # A datafram with 3 or more column as ID,sex,family id, phentpye1,...ID names have to match the ID names in genotype file

# directory for store the intermediate files.

outpath <- "/Users/yanjunzan//Documents/impute/results/GBSA.test/" 

4.Format input vcf to intermediate files.

4.1. Selecting markers fixed within family.

```{r eval=FALSE} require(GBSA) format_within_fam(pedigreeTable =pedigree,vcf.file = input.vcf,pathout = outpath,Core = 5) # intermediate files will be write to outpath

#### 4.2. Selecting marker fixed between divergent cross.
```{r eval=FALSE}
format_fixed(pedigreeTable =pedigree,vcf.file = input.vcf.fixed,pathout = outpath,Core = 5) # intermediate files will be write to outpath

5. Averaging the genotype call

```{r eval=FALSE} output <- GBSA(cutoffLevel = 10,pedigreeTable = pedigree,matchingNames = NCBI.file,bin.size = 1e6,pathout = outpath)

### 6.Transfering avearaged score to genotype call
```{r eval=FALSE}
genoCut <- arbitrary.cut(geno = output$genotype, upper.cut = 0.8, lower.cut = 0.2)

7.Format all the output to Rqtl input

```{r eval=FALSE} export2rqtl(genoFile = genoCut,phenoFile =pheFile,matchingNames = matchingNames)

### 8. QC and QTL mapping in R qtl
```{r eval=FALSE}
f2cross <- read.cross(format="csv",file = paste0(fileHap1,  ".csv"),na.strings = "NA",genotypes = c("A", "H", "B", "C", "D"), = FALSE, map.function = "haldane", sep = ";")

yanjunzan/GBSA documentation built on May 14, 2019, 4:05 a.m.