First download the package from install this package by typing the following command in terminal R CMD INSTALL ./TD_0.1.0.tar.gz

1. Evaluating the marker density in input files

We will remove individual with too low marker density(<5 Markers/Mb) Please note that the regular expression(gsub) at the thrid line has to match the folder name where the TIGER output is stored ```{r eval=FALSE}

input_folder <-"/home/thibaut/Gallus/Projects/genotypeTIGER/data/with.fam.f2.call2-v2/" # this is a link to the output foler all_vcf <- setdiff(list.files(path = input_folder),list.dirs(path = input_folder,full.names = F)) # extract the name of output all_id <- gsub(pattern = "(\d+)\.vcf$",replacement = "\1",x = all_vcf) # extract the ID out.put <- data.frame(array(NA,dim=c(length(all_vcf),1039))) # generate a holder rownames(out.put) <- all_id total <- numeric(length(all_id)) require(data.table)

extract the number of marker at each 1 Mb bin across individuls

for( i in 1:nrow(out.put)){ input_now <- paste0(input_folder,all_vcf[i]) total[i] <- nrow(fread(input_now)) num_now<- get_density_input(inputfile = input_now,binsize =1,cut = T,cutoff = 0, chr.match = "/home/yanjun/projects/F2_seq/F2_re_seq/data/chr_id.match.txt") out.put[i,] <- wrap_get_density(test =num_now,chr.match = "/home/yanjun/projects/F2_seq/F2_re_seq/data/chr_id.match.txt" )

cat(i, "\n")


get density

density <- apply(out.put,1,mean)

get id with more than 5 Markers/Mb

id.keep <- names(density)[density >5]

### 2. QC
Sample mix-ups, DNA contaminations and pedigree errors in the data will lead to inaccurate genotype imputation. Individuals affected by these errors are likely to have higher number of genome-wide crossover events and therefore a lower call rate after filtering. Here, what we shown as "double-/single- cross over" is just an approximation. Users are free to use number of crossover estimated from Rqtl as an more accurated filtering criteria, which gave very similar result in our case. 

#### 2.1 Double cross over
Here we first have a look by filtering out genotype swithed twich in less than 3Mb

```{r eval=FALSE}
input_folder <- "/home/thibaut/Gallus/Projects/genotypeTIGER/data/with.fam.f2.call2-v2TIGER_OUT/"
all_vcf <- list.dirs(path = input_folder)
all <- list.files(all_vcf,pattern = "\\d+\\.vcf\\.(\\d+)\\.rough_COs\\.refined\\.breaks.txt")
chr <- sort(as.numeric(unique(gsub(pattern = "\\d+\\.vcf\\.(\\d+)\\.rough_COs\\.refined\\.breaks.txt",replacement = "\\1",x = all))))
index.keep <- which(id_all %in% id.keep)

Double_xo_w_f <- Extract_Double_co_all_chr(id_all[index.keep],all_vcf[index.keep],chromosome = chr,gap=3e6,filter=T)

2.2 Check the number of cross over

Alternatively, we could check the number of cross over with/without filtering(by setting gap=NULL and filter=F)

```{r eval=FALSE} cross_w_f_3 <- Extract_co_all_chr(chromosome = chr,id_all = id_all[index.keep],all_vcf = all_vcf[index.keep],gap=3e6,filter=T)

Users can extract number of double- /single cross over from here to make a cut off
## 3. Extract genotypes

we will get a matrix, with each row represents one individual and each column a block in the genome in which no crossover event was identified in the population.

Here we decided to remove genotypes which swiched twice within 3 Mb.

```{r eval=FALSE}
out_3 <- Extract_all(chromosome = chr,id_all = id_all[index.keep],all_vcf = all_vcf[index.keep],gap=3e6,filter = T )

Users can extract call rate from out_3 data.matrix to make a cut off.

4. Format genotype to consecutive genomic bins

The genotypes we obtained might has many bins due to i) we are trying to capturing every recombination, ii)gaps in the imputed data or imputation errors, which is not favoured in linkage map estimation. Here, we further averaged these bins into evenly spaced genomic bins.

For associations, we strongly recomend to use this matrix as it is to scan for QTL

```{r eval=FALSE} chr.match <- read.table("/home/yanjun/projects/F2_seq/F2_re_seq/data/chr_id.match.txt",stringsAsFactors = F,header=T) # this file is saved at system.file(package="TD") after installation length.chr <- ceiling(chr.match$Size.Mb.) names(length.chr) <- chr.match$Name mat_3 <- Mat2geno(out = out_3,id = id_all[index.keep],length.chr = length.chr)

## 5. Set bins spanning recombination break point to missing and format to Rqtl input format

```{r eval=FALSE}

mat.fam.re_3 <- Remove_het_mat(mat.fam = mat_3)
Export2rqtl(genoFile =mat.fam.re_3,phenoFile = pheFile2, = paste0("/Users/yanjunzan/Documents/impute/results/F2_833.within.fam._Tiger_1Mb_bins_cut_", 3,  "_",  Sys.Date()))

yanjunzan/TD documentation built on May 18, 2019, 3:40 a.m.