
Defines functions ZoneAggregation

Documented in ZoneAggregation

#' @export ZoneAggregation

ZoneAggregation <- function(Spectrum_data, fromto.za = list(Citrate = c(2.5, 2.7)), 
                            verbose = FALSE) {
  # Data initialisation and checks ----------------------------------------------
  checkArg(verbose, c("bool"))
  begin_info <- beginTreatment("ZoneAggregation", Spectrum_data, force.real = TRUE, 
                               verbose = verbose)
  Spectrum_data <- begin_info[["Signal_data"]]
  if (!is.list(fromto.za)) {
    stop(deparse(substitute(fromto.za)), " is not a list.")
  # Zone Aggregation ----------------------------------------------
  # Instead of starting the triangle at 0.  /\ ___ ----/ \ we could start it from
  # the borders values /\___ ----/
  ppm <- as.numeric(colnames(Spectrum_data))
  for (i in 1:length(fromto.za)) {
    interval <- indexInterval(ppm, from = fromto.za[[i]][1], 
                              to = fromto.za[[i]][2], inclusive = TRUE)
    p <- length(interval)
    SpectOld <- Spectrum_data[, interval, drop = FALSE]
    S <- rowSums(Re(SpectOld))
    if (p < 3) {
      # Do nothing, the interval is so small that it does not make sense to aggregate
      # it.  It does not enter in the general case since we divide by p, p-1 and p-2.
    } else if (p%%2 == 0) {
      d <- 4 * S/((p - 2) * p)
      rise <- t(sapply(d * (p/2 - 1), function(top) seq(0, top, length.out = p/2)))
      triangle <- cbind(rise, rise[, ncol(rise):1])
    } else {
      d <- 4 * S/((p - 1) * (p - 1))
      rise <- t(sapply(d * ((p - 1)/2 - 1), function(top) seq(0, top, length.out = (p - 1)/2)))
      triangle <- cbind(rise, d * (p - 1)/2, rise[, ncol(rise):1, drop = FALSE])
    Spectrum_data[, interval] <- complex(real = triangle, imaginary = Im(SpectOld))
  # Data finalisation ----------------------------------------------
  return(endTreatment("ZoneAggregation", begin_info, Spectrum_data, verbose = verbose))
yclement/PepsNMR documentation built on April 10, 2020, 12:07 a.m.