#' getBetas32k
#' @export
getBetas32k = function(RGset, targets, keep_probes = names(pca.center)){
#batch_coor_data = file.path(package.path <- find.package("cnsTumorMNN"),
# "data/ba.coef.RData")
#RGset <- minfi::read.metharray.exp(targets = targets,force=TRUE, verbose = T)
Mset <- MNPpreprocessIllumina(RGset)
message("mest done...")
#keep_probes = read.table(gzfile(keep_probes_file), stringsAsFactors=F, head=F)[,1]
if(sum(! keep_probes %in% rownames(Mset)) > 0) stop("Error:", sum(!keep_probes %in% rownames(Mset)), " probes not found:\n", keep_probes[!keep_probes %in% rownames(Mset)]);
Mset = Mset[keep_probes,]
message("keep probes done in Mset")
if( sum(! keep_probes %in% names(methy.coef[[1]]) ) > 0 ){
stop("Error: probes not found in batch correction data ", batch_coor_data,"\n",
keep_probes[! keep_probes%in% names(methy.coef[[1]])],"\n")
message("Batch correction...")
methy.coef[[1]] = methy.coef[[1]][keep_probes]
methy.coef[[2]] = methy.coef[[2]][keep_probes]
unmethy.coef[[1]] = unmethy.coef[[1]][keep_probes]
unmethy.coef[[2]] = unmethy.coef[[1]][keep_probes]
methy <- minfi::getMeth(Mset)
unmethy <- minfi::getUnmeth(Mset)
batch <- ifelse(as.character(targets$Material_Type) == "FFPE", "FFPE", "Frozen")
# perform batch adjustment
methy.b <- log2(methy +1) + matrix(unlist(methy.coef[match(batch, names(methy.coef))]),ncol=length(batch))
unmethy.b <- log2(unmethy +1) + matrix(unlist(unmethy.coef[match(batch, names(unmethy.coef))]),ncol=length(batch))
methy.b[methy.b < 0] <- 0
unmethy.b[unmethy.b < 0] <- 0
methy.ba <- 2^methy.b
unmethy.ba <- 2^unmethy.b
# illumina-like beta values
betas<- methy.ba / (methy.ba +unmethy.ba +100)
betas = t(betas)
#' getBetas32k
#' @export
pca_transform = function(betas, n.pc = 300){
if(! identical(colnames(betas), names(pca.center))){
stop("Error in pca_trainsform: input betas has different probes from pca transfrom reference.")
df = t(apply(betas, 1, function(x) x - pca.center))
x.test = df %*% pca.rotation[,1:n.pc]
#return(list(x.ref, pca.y, x.test))
return(list(x.ref, y.ref, x.test))
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