
Defines functions get_resplot arrange.plots gg_resX

Documented in gg_resX

#' Generate residual plot of residuals against predictors
#' @param fitted.lm a fitted linear model (i.e. lm, glm) that contains fitted regression
#' @param plot.all boolean value to determine whether plot will be return as
#' a plot arranged using `grid.arrange()`. When set to false, the function
#' would return a list of residual plots. Parameter defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ncol specify number of columns in resulting plot per page. Default to make a square matrix of the output.
#' @param scale.factor numeric; scales the point size and linewidth to allow customized viewing. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param max.per.page numeric; maximum number of plots allowed in one page. Parameter defaults to fit all plots on one page.
#' @return An arranged grid of residuals against predictor values plots in ggplot.
#' If plotall is set to FALSE,  a list of ggplot objects will be returned instead.
#' Name of the plots are set to respective variable names.
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' data(Cars93)
#' # a regression with categorical variable
#' cars_lm <- lm(Price ~ Passengers + Length + RPM + Origin, data = Cars93)
#' gg_resX(cars_lm)
#' # customize which diagnostic plot is included by have gg_resX to return a list of plots
#' plots <- gg_resX(cars_lm, plot.all = FALSE)
#' names(plots)     # get name of the plots
#' exclude_plots <- plots[-1 ]    #exclude certain residual plots
#' include_plots <- plots[1]      # include certain residual plots
#' plot_all(exclude_plots)       # make use of plot_all() in lindia
#' plot_all(include_plots)
#' @export
gg_resX <- function(fitted.lm, plot.all = TRUE, scale.factor = 0.5, max.per.page = NA, ncol = NA){

   handle_exception(fitted.lm, "gg_resX")

   # extract model matrix
   lm_matrix = fortify(fitted.lm)

   # extract relevant explanatory variables in model matrix
   var_names = get_varnames(fitted.lm)$predictor
   dim = length(var_names)

   # create a list to hold all residual plots
   plots = vector("list", dim)

   # number of plots so far
   n = 1

   for (i in 1:length(var_names)){
      var = var_names[i]
      this_plot <- get_resplot(var, lm_matrix, fitted.lm, scale.factor)
      if (!is.null(this_plot)) {
         plots[[n]] <- this_plot
         n = n + 1


   # rename the plots
   names(plots) = var_names
   # handle malformed max.per.page request 
   if (is.na(max.per.page)) {
      max.per.page = length(plots)
   } else if (!inherits(max.per.page, "numeric") || max.per.page < 1) {
      message("Maximum plots per page invalid; switch to default")
      max.per.page = length(plots)

   # determine to plot the plots, or return a list of plots
   if (plot.all) {
      return(arrange.plots(plots, max.per.page, ncol))
   else {
      return (plots)


# arrange.plots arranges plot to pages according to max.per.page
arrange.plots <- function(plots, plots.per.page, ncol) {
   # get total number of plots
   len <- length(plots)
   if (plots.per.page >= len) {
      if (is.na(ncol)) {
         nCol = get_ncol(len)
      } else {
         nCol = ncol
      return (do.call("grid.arrange", c(plots, ncol = nCol)))
   # get pages needed
   pages <- ceiling(len/plots.per.page)
   for (i in 1:pages) {
     start = (i - 1) * (plots.per.page) + 1
     end = min(i * plots.per.page, len)
     if (is.na(ncol)) {
        nCol = get_ncol(end-start)
     } else {
        nCol = ncol
     do.call("grid.arrange", c(plots[start:end], ncol = nCol))

# get_resplot - returns a ggplot object of residuals in fitted.lm against var in lm_matrix
# input : var - variable name string the residual plot is about
#         lm_matrix - model matrix of the fitted lm
#        fitted.lm : fitted lm
#        data : original dataset (optional)
# output : a ggplot object of var vs. residual of fitted lm
get_resplot <- function(var, lm_matrix, fitted.lm, scale.factor){

   # to center residual plot around y = 0 line
   res = residuals(fitted.lm)
   limit = max(abs(res))
   margin_factor = 5
   margin = round(limit / margin_factor)

   n_var_threshold = 4    # if more number of variables than threshold, tilt label to 45 degrees

   # handle categorical and continuous variables
   x = lm_matrix[, var]

   # continuous variable: return scatterplot
   if (is.numeric(x)) {
      return (ggplot(data = fitted.lm, aes(x = lm_matrix[, var], y = fitted.lm$residuals)) +
                 labs(x = var, y = "residuals") +
                 ggtitle(paste("Residual vs.", var)) +
                 geom_point(size = scale.factor) +
                 geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "indianred3", size = scale.factor) +
                 ylim(-(limit + margin), limit + margin))
   # categorical variable: return boxplot
   else {
      base_plot = ggplot(data = data.frame(lm_matrix), aes(x = lm_matrix[, var], y = fitted.lm$residuals)) +
         labs(x = var, y = "Residuals") +
         ggtitle(paste("Residual vs.", var)) +
         geom_boxplot(size = scale.factor)
      if (nlevels(lm_matrix[, var]) > n_var_threshold) {
         return (base_plot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)))
      else {
         return (base_plot)
yeukyul/lindia documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 1:35 a.m.