
Defines functions wdkll_pdf emp_log deriv_log deriv2_log find_weight find_name wdkll_fit_pdf

Documented in wdkll_pdf

#' Weighted Double Kernel Local Linear Estimation of Coditional PDF
#' @description
#' This function estimates conditional pdf
#' using WDKLL method.
#' @param formula an object class \link[stats]{formula}.
#' @param data an optional data to be used.
#' @param nw_kernel Kernel for weighted nadaraya watson
#' @param nw_h Bandwidth for WNW
#' @param pdf_kernel Kernel for initial estimate of conditinal pdf
#' @param h0 Bandwidth for pdf kernel
#' @param init initial value for finding lambda
#' @param eps small value
#' @param iter maximum iteration when finding lambda
#' @return
#' Conditional pdf function of \code{(y, x)}. \code{y} can be a numeric vector.
#' @details
#' Since standalone LL or WNW does not fully satisfy the conditions of cdf,
#' Cai et al (2008) proposed to use WNW in LL scheme.
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_c(y \mid x) = \sum_{t = 1}^n W_{c,t}(w, h) K_{h_0}(y - Y_t)}
#' @import dplyr
#' @references Cai, Z., & Wang, X. (2008). \emph{Nonparametric estimation of conditional VaR and expected shortfall}. Journal of Econometrics, 147(1), 120-130.
#' @export
wdkll_pdf <- function(formula, data,
                      nw_kernel = c("Gaussian", "Epanechinikov", "Tricube", "Boxcar"), nw_h,
                      pdf_kernel = c("Gaussian", "Epanechinikov", "Tricube", "Boxcar"), h0,
                      init = 0, eps = 1e-5, iter = 1000) {
  var_name <- find_name(formula)
  yt <- data %>% select(var_name[1]) %>% pull()
  xt <- data %>% select(var_name[2]) %>% pull()
  nw_kernel <- match.arg(nw_kernel)
  pdf_kernel <- match.arg(pdf_kernel)
    function(y, x) {
      wdkll_fit_pdf(xt, yt, x, y, nw_kernel, nw_h, pdf_kernel, h0, init, eps, iter)
    vectorize.args = "y"

emp_log <- function(lambda, xt, x, Kh, h) {
  # log-pdf
  log(1 + lambda * (xt - x) * compute_kernel(x - xt, Kh, h))

deriv_log <- function(lambda, xt, x, Kh, h) {
  # derivative of each log-pdf
  (xt - x) * compute_kernel(x - xt, Kh, h) / (1 + lambda * (xt - x) * compute_kernel(x - xt, Kh, h))

deriv2_log <- function(lambda, xt, x, Kh, h) {
  # second derivative
  -deriv_log(lambda, xt, x, Kh, h)^2

find_weight <- function(xdata, x, Kh, h, init_lambda = 0, eps = 1e-5, max_iter = 1000) {
  if (!is.numeric(xdata)) stop("xdata should be numeric vector")
  lambda <- init_lambda
  grad <- numeric(1)
  hess <- numeric(1)
  for (i in seq_len(max_iter)) {
    grad <- -sum( deriv_log(init_lambda, xdata, x, Kh, h) )
    hess <- -sum( deriv2_log(init_lambda, xdata, x, Kh, h) )
    hess <- ifelse(hess == 0, hess + eps, hess)
    lambda <- init_lambda - grad / hess
    if (abs(init_lambda - lambda) < eps) break
    init_lambda <- lambda
  # pt = 1 / (n * (1 + lambda * (xt - x) * Kh))
  1 / length(xdata) * 1 / (1 + lambda * (xdata - x) * compute_kernel(x - xdata, Kh, h))

find_pt <- Vectorize(find_weight, vectorize.args = "x")

find_name <- function(formula) {
  formula %>%
    deparse() %>%
    stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = "[:blank:]") %>%
    stringr::str_split(pattern = "\\~|\\+", simplify = TRUE)

wdkll_fit_pdf <- function(xt, yt, x, y, nw_kernel, nw_h, pdf_kernel, h0, init = 0, eps = 1e-5, iter = 1000) {
  ystar <- compute_kernel(y - yt, pdf_kernel, h0)
  # pt using ystar
  pt <- find_weight(xt, x, nw_kernel, nw_h, init, eps, iter)
  # Wct
  wh <- compute_kernel(x - xt, nw_kernel, nw_h)
  wct <- pt * wh / sum(pt * wh)
  # fhat
  sum( wct * ystar )
ygeunkim/ceshat documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:39 p.m.