
Development Environment Setup

Cloning the repository to your local computer

git clone git@github.com:briancohn/retina.git && cd retina && r

If you want to load a specific branch, run git checkout -b iss13 && git pull origin iss13

install.packages('devtools'); library(devtools); install(); test(); load_all();

To Run all demos:


How to commit a new change from the terminal if you are a collaborator on the project.

git add R/some_file_you_edited.R
git commit -m 'I made a change to the file so it now does X. See #13'

Be specific on the changes you made, & be sure to note what issue you are referring to via #.

Want to help contribute?

Let me know at brian.cohn@usc.edu and I can get you up to speed so you can implement features and extend the codebase!

yinscapital/retina-analysis-reference documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:40 p.m.