

x <- raster(L5TSR_1986, layer=1)
min_x <- cellStats(x, 'min')
max_x <- cellStats(x, 'max')


# Test that glcm calculated with apply_windowed matches the output from 
# running glcm directly
glcm_apply_windowed <- apply_windowed(x, glcm, edge=c(1, 2), min_x=min_x, 
                                      statistics=c('mean', 'variance'))
# Force glcm_apply_windowed to be stored in memory so it can compare 
# identically with glcm_glcm
glcm_apply_windowed <- glcm_apply_windowed + 0

glcm_glcm <- glcm(x, statistics=c('mean', 'variance'))
glcm_glcm <- glcm_glcm + 0

test_that("glcm calculated with apply_windowed matches glcm calculated 
          directly", {
    expect_equal(glcm_apply_windowed, expected=glcm_glcm, tolerance=1e-7)

# Test that glcm calculated with apply_windowed matches the output from 
# running glcm directly when only a single texture measure is calculated

glcm_apply_windowed_single <- apply_windowed(x, glcm, edge=c(1, 2), 
                                             min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x, 
# Force glcm_apply_windowed to be stored in memory so it can compare 
# identically with glcm_glcm
glcm_apply_windowed_single <- glcm_apply_windowed_single + 0

glcm_glcm_single <- glcm(x, statistics=c('mean'))

test_that("glcm calculated with apply_windowed matches glcm calculated 
          directly", {
    expect_equal(glcm_apply_windowed_single, expected=glcm_glcm_single, 
yinscapital/sat-locat-reference-team-lucc documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:09 a.m.