
Defines functions parseSVG svg2swf

Documented in svg2swf

# Currently this function could only parse svg files created by the cairo
# graphics library, typically from svg() in the grDevices package (R >= 2.14.0
# required for Windows OS), and CairoSVG() in the Cairo package.
parseSVG = function(file.name) {
  svgFile = xmlParse(file.name);
  # Don't forget the name space!
  newXMLNamespace(xmlRoot(svgFile), "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
  # Find the first <g> child of <svg>
  pathRoot = getNodeSet(svgFile, "/svg:svg/svg:g");
  if(!length(pathRoot)) stop(sprintf("Failed in parsing file '%s'", file.name));
  pathRoot = pathRoot[[1]];

  # Default style for a <path> node
  defaultStyle = c("stroke" = "none",
                   "stroke-width" = "1",
                   "stroke-linecap" = "butt",
                   "stroke-linejoin" = "miter",
                   "stroke-miterlimit" = "4",
                   "stroke-opacity" = "1",
                   "fill" = "rgb(0%,0%,0%)",
                   "fill-rule" = "nonzero",
                   "fill-opacity" = "1");

  # Handle <path> style in named vector
  parseStyle = function(style)
    if(is.null(style)) return(NULL);
    s = unlist(strsplit(style, ";"));
    val = strsplit(s, ":");
    result = sapply(val, function(x) x[2]);
    names(result) = sapply(val, function(x) x[1]);
  # Update the attributes in "old" style with the values in "new"
  # "old" must contain "new"
  updateStyle = function(old, new)
    if(is.null(new)) return(old);
    result = old;
    result[names(new)] = new;
  # Iteratively update the style from parent nodes
  updateStyleUpward = function(node)
    style = xmlAttrs(node)["style"];
    if(is.na(style)) style = NULL;
    style = parseStyle(style);
    style = updateStyle(defaultStyle, style);
    parentNode = xmlParent(node);
    # Recursively search the parent
      parentStyle = xmlAttrs(parentNode)["style"];
      if(is.null(parentStyle) || is.na(parentStyle)) parentStyle = NULL;
      parentStyle = parseStyle(parentStyle);
      style = updateStyle(style, parentStyle);
      parentNode = xmlParent(parentNode);
  # Parse <path> and <use> nodes into structured lists
  # <path style="" d="">   =====>   style=..., d=..., x=0, y=0
  # <use xlink:href="#glyph0-0" x="63.046875" y="385.921875"/>
  # =====>
  # style=..., d=..., x=63.046875, y=385.921875
  parseNode = function(node)
    if(xmlName(node) == "use")
      attrs = xmlAttrs(node);
      refID = sub("#", "", attrs["href"]);
      refPathNode = getNodeSet(svgFile, sprintf("//*[@id='%s']/svg:path", refID))[[1]];
      style = updateStyleUpward(refPathNode);
      style = updateStyle(style, updateStyleUpward(node));
      d = xmlAttrs(refPathNode)["d"];
      x = xmlAttrs(node)["x"];
      y = xmlAttrs(node)["y"];
    } else if(xmlName(node) == "path") {
      style = updateStyleUpward(node);
      d = xmlAttrs(node)["d"];
      x = y = 0;
    } else return(NULL);
    xy = as.numeric(c(x, y));
    names(d) = NULL;
    names(xy) = NULL;
    return(list(style = style, d = d, xy = xy));
  # Flatten nodes
  # <g>
  #   <use />
  #   <use />
  #   <use />
  # </g>
  # =====>
  # <use />
  # <use />
  # <use />
  expandNode = function(node)
    children = xmlChildren(node);
    res = if(!length(children)) node else children;
  nodes = unlist(xmlSApply(pathRoot, expandNode));
  names(nodes) = NULL;
  paths = lapply(nodes, parseNode);
  path.is.null = sapply(paths, is.null);
  paths[path.is.null] = NULL;
  if(!length(paths)) stop("Unknown child node of '/svg/g'");

#' Convert a sequence of SVG files to SWF file
#' Given the file names of a sequence of SVG files, this function could
#' convert them into a Flash file (.swf).
#' This function uses the XML package in R and a subset of librsvg
#' (\url{http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/}) to parse the SVG file, and
#' uses the Ming library (\url{http://www.libming.org/}) to
#' implement the conversion. Currently this function supports SVG files
#' created by \code{\link[grDevices]{svg}()} in the \pkg{grDevices}
#' package, and \code{\link[Cairo]{CairoSVG}()} in the
#' \pkg{Cairo} package.
#' @param input the file names of the SVG files to be converted
#' @param output the name of the output SWF file
#' @param bgColor background color of the output SWF file
#' @param interval the time interval (in seconds) between animation frames
#' @return The name of the generated SWF file if successful.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\email{yixuan.qiu@@cos.name}>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' if(capabilities("cairo")) {
#'   olddir = setwd(tempdir())
#'   svg("Rplot%03d.svg", onefile = FALSE)
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   x = rnorm(5)
#'   y = rnorm(5)
#'   for(i in 1:100) {
#'       plot(x <- x + 0.1 * rnorm(5), y <- y + 0.1 * rnorm(5),
#'            xlim = c(-3, 3), ylim = c(-3, 3), col = "steelblue",
#'            pch = 16, cex = 2, xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
#'   }
#'   dev.off()
#'   output = svg2swf(sprintf("Rplot%03d.svg", 1:100), interval = 0.1)
#'   swf2html(output)
#'   setwd(olddir)
#' }
#' }
svg2swf = function(input, output = "movie.swf", bgColor = "white",
                   interval = 1) {
  # Use XML package
      stop("svg2swf() requires XML package");
    stop("'input' must be a character vector naming the input SVG files");

  bg = col2rgb(bgColor, alpha = FALSE);
  bg = as.integer(bg);

  if(!all(file.exists(input))) stop("one or more input files do not exist");
  filesData = lapply(input, parseSVG);
  firstFile = xmlParse(input[1]);
  size = xmlAttrs(xmlRoot(firstFile))["viewBox"];
  size = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(size, " ")));

  outfile = normalizePath(output, mustWork = FALSE);
  .Call("svg2swf", filesData, outfile, size,
        bg, as.numeric(interval), PACKAGE = "R2SWF");

  message("SWF file created at ", outfile);
yixuan/R2SWF-archive documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:28 p.m.