filter = function(obj,
method = "butterworth",
param = list(order_high = 4,
order_low = order_high,
filtFreq = c(20,50))){
if(method %in% c("butterworth","btw")){
order_high = param$order_high,
order_low = param$order_low,
filtFreq = param$filtFrea)
}else if(method %in% "arv"){
k = param$k)
}else if(method %in% "rmv"){
k = param$k)
bandpass = function(obj,
order = 4,
filtFreq = c(5,50)){
xx = obj$emg
tt = obj$time
freq = obj$frequency
normFreq = 2 * filtFreq / freq
pf1 = butter(order,normFreq,type = "pass",plane = "z")
filt = apply(xx,2,function(x)filtfilt(pf,x))
filt = abs(filt)
filt[filt < 0] = min(filt[filt>0])
rownames(filt) = rownames(xx)
colnames(filt) = colnames(xx)
filt = data.frame(filt,check.names = F)
obj$filter = list(emg = filt, param=list(order=order,filtFreq = filtFreq,filtType = "Butterwoth"))
envelope = function(obj,
order = 4,
filtFreq = c(5,50)){
xx = obj$emg
tt = obj$time
freq = obj$frequency
fn = filtFreq / (freq/2) # Normalise by the Nyquist frequency (f/2)
names(fn) = c("low","high")
HP = butter(order, fn["high"], type="high")
LP = butter(order, fn["low"], type="low")
filtHp = apply(xx,2,function(x)filtfilt(HP,x))
filtHp = abs(filtHp)
filtHpLp = apply(filtHp,2,function(x)filtfilt(LP,x))
envelope = filtHpLp
envelope[envelope < 0] = min(envelope[envelope > 0])
envelope = data.frame(envelope,check.names = F)
obj$filter = list(emg = envelope, param=list(order=order,filtFreq = filtFreq,filtType = "envelope"))
arv = function(obj, k = 10){
xx = obj$emg
tt = obj$time
freq = obj$frequency
if(k < 2){stop("Nearest neighbor k is less than 2. Set more larger r")}
w = rep(1/k, k)
rxx = rectify(xx)
filt = apply(rxx,2,function(x)stats::filter(x, filter = w, sides = 2, method = "convolution"))
filt[filt < 0] = min(filt[filt>0])
filt = data.frame(filt,check.names = F)
rownames(filt) = rownames(xx)
colnames(filt) = colnames(xx)
obj$filter = list(emg = filt,param=list(knn = k),filtType = "ARV")
rms = function(obj,k = 10){
xx = obj$emg
tt = obj$time
freq = obj$frequency
if(k < 2){stop("moving average time point is less than 2. Set more larger r")}
w = rep(1/k, k)
rxx = rectify(xx)
filt = apply(rxx*rxx,2,function(x)stats::filter(x, filter = w, sides = 2, method = "convolution"))
rownames(filt) = rownames(xx)
colnames(filt) = colnames(xx)
filt[filt < 0] = min(filt[filt>0])
filt = data.frame(filt,check.names = F)
obj$filter = list(emg = filt,param=list(knn = k,filtType = "RMS"))
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