accessor_create <- function(.x) rlang::new_function(args =
path = rlang::expr(!!.x),
... = ,
body = base::quote({
last_modified <-$mtime %|% 0
md <- try(rdrop2::drop_get_metadata(basename(path)), silent = TRUE)
if (UU::is_legit(md) && last_modified < lubridate::floor_date(Sys.time(), "day") && lubridate::as_datetime(md$client_modified) > last_modified) {
.f <- rdrop2::drop_download(basename(path), overwrite = TRUE)
if (.f)
fs::file_move(basename(path), path)
UU::file_fn(path)(path, ...)
clean_null <- function(files) {
.rds <- stringr::str_subset(files, "rds$")
.sizes <- file.size(.rds)
file.remove(.rds[.sizes == 44])
files[!files %in% .rds[.sizes == 44]]
#' @title Create accessor functions
#' @param path \code{(character)} path to directory where dependencies will be saved
#' @param app_nm \code{(character)} name of this app
#' @export
#' @include golem_utils_server.R
create_accessors <- function(path = "data", app_nm = "RminorElevated") {
files <- clean_null(UU::list.files2(path)) |>
stringr::str_subset("\\.png^", negate = TRUE)
db_files <- rdrop2::drop_dir() |>
dplyr::mutate(client_modified = suppressMessages(lubridate::as_datetime(client_modified, tz = Sys.timezone())))
# Find the list of dependencies, download & open
deps_nm <- paste0("deps_", app_nm, ".rds")
deps <- stringr::str_subset(db_files$path_display, deps_nm)
if (UU::is_legit(deps)) {
deps_updated <-, deps_nm))$mtime %|% 0
deps_needs_update <- deps_updated < db_files$client_modified[db_files$path_display == deps]
if (UU::is_legit(deps_updated) && deps_needs_update)
rdrop2::drop_download(deps, file.path(path, deps), overwrite = TRUE)
deps <- readRDS(file.path(path, deps_nm))
to_dl <- UU::ext(db_files$name, strip = TRUE) %in% deps
if (any(to_dl)) {
db_files <- db_files |>
to_dl = to_dl,
file_time =, name))$mtime,
needs_update = (file_time < client_modified) %|% FALSE
files_to_download <- dplyr::filter(db_files, to_dl & needs_update)
if (nrow(files_to_download)) {
apply(files_to_download, 1, rlang::as_function(~rdrop2::drop_download(.x["path_display"], file.path(path, .x["name"]), overwrite = TRUE)))
purrr::map(UU::list.files2(path), accessor_create)
do_assignment <- function(funs, ns = "RminorElevated") {
namespace <- rlang::ns_env(ns)
purrr::iwalk(funs, ~{
if (exists(.y, envir = namespace, inherits = FALSE))
rlang::env_binding_unlock(namespace, .y)
assign(.y, .x, envir = namespace)
assignInNamespace(.y, .x, ns, envir = namespace)
rlang::env_binding_lock(namespace, .y)
#' @title Authorize Dropbox
#' @param db_token \code{(character)} path to Dropbox token saved as RDS
#' @export
db_auth <- function(db_token = file.path("inst","auth","db_token.rds")) {
if (!file.exists(db_token)) {
token <- rdrop2::drop_auth(key = Sys.getenv("db_key"), secret = Sys.getenv("db_secret"), cache = FALSE)
if (!dir.exists(dirname(db_token)))
saveRDS(token, db_token)
} else {
rdrop2::drop_auth(rdstoken = db_token)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.