multi.gen_data=function(n_obs, A_true, graph_true, W_true, seed=1, df = T){
types_by_node = attr(W_true, "types_by_node")
n_levels_by_node = attr(W_true, "n_resps_by_node")
n_dummys_by_node = attr(W_true, "n_dummys_by_node")
n_nodes = length(types_by_node)
parents_by_node = lapply(, function(x) which(x==1))
n_expls = nrow(W_true) - 1
idx_intcpt = nrow(W_true)
idx_resps_by_node = gen_indices_by_node(n_levels_by_node)
idx_expls_by_node = gen_indices_by_node(n_dummys_by_node)
X1_temp = matrix(NA, n_obs, n_expls)
Z = matrix(NA, n_obs, n_nodes)
topo_info = topo_sort(graph_true)
for (j in 1:n_nodes){ # j = 2
resp_node = topo_info[j]
idx_resps_j = idx_resps_by_node[[resp_node]]
n_resps_j = length(idx_resps_j)
expl_nodes = parents_by_node[[resp_node]]
if (length(expl_nodes) == 0L){
q_j = n_levels_by_node[resp_node]
try_gen_levels = 0
while (try_gen_levels < 100){
Z_j = factor(sample(0:(q_j-1), n_obs, replace = T ))
if (n_levels_by_node[resp_node] == nlevels(Z_j)) break
try_gen_levels = try_gen_levels + 1
if (try_gen_levels > 100){
stop("Something's wrong. Single level column has been generated.")}
} ## end of while (try_gen_levels < 100)
## X matrix to generate other nodes data
X1_temp[,idx_expls_by_node[[resp_node]]] = model.matrix(~factor(Z_j))[,-1]
Z[, resp_node] = Z_j
} else {
idx_expls_j = unlist(idx_expls_by_node[expl_nodes])
n_expls_j = length(idx_expls_j)
q_j = n_levels_by_node[resp_node]
etas1 = X1_temp[, idx_expls_j, drop = F] %*% (W_true[idx_expls_j, idx_resps_j])
## Add intercepts
etas = sweep(etas1, 2, W_true[idx_intcpt, idx_resps_j], "+")
probs = t(apply(exp(etas), 1, function(x) (x/sum(x))))
while (try_gen_levels < 100){
Z_j = factor(apply(probs, 1, function(x)
sample(0:(q_j-1), 1, replace=T, prob = x )) )
if (n_levels_by_node[resp_node] == nlevels(Z_j) ) break
try_gen_levels = try_gen_levels + 1
if (try_gen_levels > 100){
stop("Something's wrong. Single level column has been generated.")
X1_temp[,idx_expls_by_node[[resp_node]]] = model.matrix(~factor(Z_j))[,-1]
Z[, resp_node] = Z_j
} # end of for loop (j in 1:n_nodes)
if (df == T){
Z <-
Z[, types_by_node=="m"] <- lapply(Z[,types_by_node=="m", drop = F], as.factor)
colnames(Z) <- paste0("Z", 1:n_nodes)
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