
Defines functions find_dominant

#' @title Find dominant strategies in a normal-form game
#' @description \code{find_dominant()} finds each player's dominant and
#'     weakly dominant strategies if they exist.
#' @param game An object of "normal_form" class created by \code{normal_form()}.
#' @param quietly If \code{TRUE}, the message telling dominated (or dominant)
#'     strategies will not be shown. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @author Yoshio Kamijo and Yuki Yanai <yanai.yuki@@kochi-tech.ac.jp>
#' @noRd
find_dominant <- function(game, quietly = FALSE) {

  # error if the game's payoffs are defined by functions
  if (game$type != "matrix") stop("game is not defined by a payoff matrix")

  n_s1 <- length(game$strategy$s1)
  n_s2 <- length(game$strategy$s2)

  ## Player 1
  dom_res_1 <- rep(FALSE, length.out = n_s1)
  if (n_s1 > 1) {
    for (i in 1:n_s1) {
      not_i <- c(1:n_s1)[-i]
      cond_w <- cond <- rep(FALSE, length.out = length(not_i))
      for (j in seq_along(not_i)) {
        if (all(game$mat$matrix1[i, ] > game$mat$matrix1[not_i[j], ])) {
          cond[j] <- TRUE
          cond_w[j] <- TRUE
        } else if (all(game$mat$matrix1[i, ] >= game$mat$matrix1[not_i[j], ]) &
                   !all(game$mat$matrix1[i, ] == game$mat$matrix1[not_i[j], ])) {
          cond_w[j] <- TRUE
      if (all(cond)) {
        dom_res_1[i] <- "dominant"
      } else if (all(cond_w)) dom_res_1[i] <- "weakly"

  ## Player 2
  dom_res_2 <- rep(FALSE, length.out = n_s2)
  if (n_s2 > 1) {
    for (i in 1:n_s2) {
      not_i <- c(1:n_s2)[-i]
      cond_w <- cond <- rep(FALSE, length.out = length(not_i))
      for (j in seq_along(not_i)) {
        if (all(game$mat$matrix2[, i] > game$mat$matrix2[, not_i[j]])) {
          cond[j] <- TRUE
          cond_w[j] <- TRUE
        } else if (all(game$mat$matrix2[, i] >= game$mat$matrix2[, not_i[j]]) &
                   !all(game$mat$matrix2[, i] == game$mat$matrix2[, not_i[j]])) {
          cond_w[j] <- TRUE
      if (all(cond)) {
        dom_res_2[i] <- "dominant"
      } else if (all(cond_w)) dom_res_2[i] <- "weakly"

  ## to sum up
  dom_1 <- game$strategy$s1[dom_res_1 == "dominant"]
  if (length(dom_1) != 1) dom_1 <- NA

  wdom_1 <- game$strategy$s1[dom_res_1 %in% c("weakly", "dominant")]
  if (length(wdom_1) != 1) wdom_1 <- NA

  dom_2 <- game$strategy$s2[dom_res_2 == "dominant"]
  if (length(dom_2) != 1) dom_2 <- NA

  wdom_2 <- game$strategy$s2[dom_res_2 %in% c("weakly", "dominant")]
  if (length(wdom_2) != 1) wdom_2 <- NA

  # message showing dominant strategies
  if (!quietly) {
                   "'s dominant strategy: ",
                   "'s weakly dominant strategy: ",
                   "'s dominant strategy: ",
                 "'s weakly dominant strategy: ",

  dom_list <- list(dom_1, dom_2)
  names(dom_list) <- game$player
  wdom_list <- list(wdom_1, wdom_2)
  names(wdom_list) <- game$player

  return(list(dominant = dom_list,
              w_dominant = wdom_list))
yukiyanai/rgamer documentation built on June 14, 2024, 7:38 p.m.