Man pages for ywhsiao/ceRNAR
ceRNAR: An R Package for Identification and Analysis of ceRNAs-miRNA Triplets

all_steps_interfaceA function for conducting the algorithm through the toy data
ceRNACustomizeA function for uploading customized data
ceRNAFunctionFunctional enrichment analysis
ceRNAIntergateIntegration of the possible ceRNA pairs among published tools
ceRNALocationVisualization for peak location
ceRNAMethodMain ceRNAR algorithm
ceRNAModuleNetwork analysis and visualization
ceRNApairFilteringone of three steps in main ceRNAR algorithm
ceRNAputativePairsExtraction of putative mRNA-miRNA pairs
ceRNASurvivalSurvival analysis and visualization
ceRNATCGARetrieval of public TCGA data from GDC Xena Hub
ceRNAValidateExternally experimental validation for the potential ceRNA...
gene_expExample gene expression dataset for ceRNAR
mirna_expExample mirna expression dataset for ceRNAR
SegmentClusteringPlusPeakMergingtwo of three steps in main ceRNAR algorithm
surv_dataExample survival dataset for ceRNAR
ywhsiao/ceRNAR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 3:13 p.m.