
#' Fit a Stack of Restricted Boltzmann Machines
#' @param x a sparse matrix
#' @param layers an integer vector of the number of neurons in each RBM
#' @param learning_rate The learning rate
#' @param verbose_stack Print messages while training the stack
#' @param use_gpu use rbm_gpu instead of rbm to train the rbm on a gpu
#' @param ... passed to the rbm function
#' @export
#' @return a stacked_rbm object
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix cBind drop0
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix %*% crossprod tcrossprod
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item \url{http://blog.echen.me/2011/07/18/introduction-to-restricted-boltzmann-machines}
#' }
#' @examples
#' #Setup a dataset
#' set.seed(10)
#' data(movie_reviews)
#' data(george_reviews)
#' Stacked_RBM <- stacked_rbm(movie_reviews, layers = c(3, 3), max_epochs=25)
#' predict(Stacked_RBM, movie_reviews)
stacked_rbm <- function (x, layers = c(30, 100, 30), learning_rate=0.1, verbose_stack=TRUE, use_gpu=FALSE, ...) {
      rbm <- rbm_gpu
    } else {
     warning('The gputools package is require to train RBMs on the gpu.  RBMs will be trained on the cpu instead.')

  stopifnot(length(dim(x)) == 2)
    learning_rate <- rep(learning_rate, length(layers))
  stopifnot(length(layers) == length(learning_rate))

  if(any('data.frame' %in% class(x))){
    if(any(!sapply(x, is.finite))){
      stop('x must be all finite.  rbm does not handle NAs, NaNs, Infs or -Infs')
    if(any(!sapply(x, is.numeric))){
      stop('x must be all finite, numeric data.  rbm does not handle characters, factors, dates, etc.')
    x = Matrix(as.matrix(x), sparse=TRUE)
  } else if (any('matrix' %in% class(x))){
    x = Matrix(x, sparse=TRUE)
  } else if(length(attr(class(x), 'package')) != 1){
    stop('Unsupported class for rmb: ', paste(class(x), collapse=', '))
  } else if(attr(class(x), 'package') != 'Matrix'){
    stop('Unsupported class for rmb: ', paste(class(x), collapse=', '))

  x_range <- range(x)
  scaled <- FALSE
  if (x_range[1] <0 | x_range[2] > 1){
    warning("x is out of bounds, automatically scaling to 0-1, test data will be scaled as well")
    x <- (x - x_range[1]) / (x_range[2] - x_range[1])
    scaled <- TRUE

  if(length(layers) < 2){
    stop('Please use the rbm function to fit a single rbm')

  #Fit first RBM
  if(verbose_stack){print('Fitting RBM 1')}
  rbm_list <- as.list(layers)
  if(verbose_stack){message(paste('Input dims:', paste(dim(x), collapse=', ')))}
  if(verbose_stack){message(paste('Input class:', paste(class(x), collapse=', ')))}
  rbm_list[[1]] <- rbm(x, num_hidden=layers[[1]], learning_rate=learning_rate[[1]], retx=TRUE, ...)

  #Fit the rest of the RBMs
  #Do we train on the returned x dataset?
  #Or should we just train on the rotation matrix (would be MUCH quicker for large datasets)
  for(i in 2:length(rbm_list)){
    if(verbose_stack){message(paste('Fitting RBM', i))}
    new_train <- predict(rbm_list[[i-1]], type='probs', omit_bias=TRUE)
    if(verbose_stack){message(paste('Input dims:', paste(dim(new_train), collapse=', ')))}
    if(verbose_stack){message(paste('Input class:', paste(class(new_train), collapse=', ')))}
    rbm_list[[i]] <- rbm(new_train, num_hidden=layers[[i]], learning_rate=learning_rate[[i]], retx=TRUE, ...)

  #Return result
  out <- list(rbm_list=rbm_list, layers=layers, activation_function=rbm_list[[1]]$activation_function, x_range=x_range, scaled=scaled)
  class(out) <- 'stacked_rbm'

#' Predict from a Stacked Restricted Boltzmann Machine
#' This function takes a stacked RBM and a matrix of new data, and predicts for the new data with the RBM.
#' @param object a RBM object
#' @param newdata a sparse matrix of new data
#' @param type a character vector specifying whether to return the hidden unit activations, hidden unit probs, or hidden unit states.  Activations or probabilities are typically the most useful if you wish to use the RBM features as input to another predictive model (or another RBM!).  Note that the hidden states are stochastic, and may be different each time you run the predict function, unless you set random.seed() before making predictions.  Activations and states are non-stochastic, and will be the same each time you run predict.
#' @param omit_bias Don't return the bias column in the prediciton matrix.
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
#' @return a sparse matrix
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix cBind drop0
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix %*% crossprod tcrossprod
predict.stacked_rbm <- function (object, newdata, type='probs', omit_bias=TRUE, ...) {

  #If no new data, just return predictions from the final rbm in the stack
  if (missing(newdata)) {
    return(predict(object$rbm_list[[length(object$rbm_list)]], type=type, omit_bias=omit_bias))
  } else {
    if(! type %in% c('probs', 'states')){
      stop('Currently we can only return hidden probabilities or states from a stacked rbm.  Activations are not yet supported')
    hidden_probs <- predict(object$rbm_list[[1]], newdata=newdata, type='probs', omit_bias=TRUE)
    for(i in 2:length(object$rbm_list)){
      omit_bias_in_loop <- TRUE
        omit_bias_in_loop <- omit_bias #For the last RBM, use the user_specified omit_bias
      hidden_probs <- predict(object$rbm_list[[i]], newdata=hidden_probs, type='probs', omit_bias=omit_bias_in_loop)

  #Scale if scaled during training
  if (!is.null(object$scaled)) {
      newdata <- (newdata - object$x_range[1]) / (object$x_range[2] - object$x_range[1])
    if(min(newdata) < 0 | max(newdata) > 1){
      stop('newdata outside of the scale of the model training data.  Could not re-scale data to be 0-1')

  rows <- nrow(hidden_probs)
  cols <- ncol(hidden_probs)

    else if(type == 'states'){
      hidden_states <- hidden_probs > Matrix(runif(rows*cols), nrow=rows, ncol=cols)
  } else{
    else if(type == 'states'){
      hidden_states <- hidden_probs > Matrix(runif(rows*cols), nrow=rows, ncol=cols)

#' Combine weights from a Stacked Restricted Boltzmann Machine
#' This function takes a stacked RBM and returns the combined weight matrix
#' @param x a RBM object
#' @param layer which RBM to return weights for (usually the final RBM, which will combine all 3 RBMs into a single weight matrix)
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
#' @return a sparse matrix
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix cBind drop
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix %*% crossprod tcrossprod
combine_weights.stacked_rbm <- function(x, layer=length(x$rbm_list)){
  x$rbm_list[[1]]$rotation %*% x$rbm_list[[2]]$rotation %*% x$rbm_list[[3]]$rotation
zachmayer/rbm documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:07 p.m.