setRays: helper function to create an object to be processed by...

View source: R/vcgRaySearch.r

setRaysR Documentation

helper function to create an object to be processed by vcgRaySearch


create a search structure from a matrix of coordinates and one of directional vectors to be processed by vcgRaySearch


setRays(coords, dirs)



k x 3 matrix (or a vector of length 3) containing the starting points of the rays


k x 3 matrix (or a vector of length 3) containing the directons of the rays. The i-th row of dirs corresponds to the coordinate stored in the i-th row of coords


an object of class "mesh3d" (without faces) and the vertices representing the starting points of the rays and the normals storing the directions.

zarquon42b/Rvcg documentation built on July 17, 2024, 4:03 a.m.