
### Functions to derive the optimal theta

noValidTheta <- simpleError("It was not possible to find a valid theta (i.e., one that minimizes the type II error). Please adjust the test value under the null hypothesis to a less (extreme) value.")

## helper function, to ease the reading of the code
w <- function(x) {
        as.numeric(x >= 0)

## g1 helper function
## @importFrom stats pbinom
g1 <- function(k, N, z, alpha = 0.05) {
        ## if alpha < term2 -> 0
        ## if alpha > term1 -> 1
        ## else calculate the fraction term
        term2 <- pbinom(k, N, z, lower.tail = FALSE)
        ifelse(alpha < term2, 0,
               ifelse(alpha > pbinom(k - 1, N, z, lower.tail = FALSE),
                      (alpha - term2)/dbinom(k, N, z)))

## g2
## helper function
g2 <- function(mu, N, z, alpha) {
        k <- 0:(N - 1)

        ## term2
        ## if alpha >= z^N -> 1
        ## if alpha < z^N -> alpha/z^N
        term1 <- ifelse(alpha >= z^N, 1, alpha/z^N)

        ## g1 is 0 until alpha >= term2 from above
        ## how to find k^* fast? -> could then sum from there!
        res <- sum(dbinom(k, N, mu) * g1(k, N, z, alpha)) + mu^N*term1

## g2 <- function(mu, N, z, alpha)
##     {
##         k <- 0:(N - 1)
##         term2 <- w(alpha - z^N) + (1 - w(alpha - z^N))*(alpha/z^N)
##         res <- sum(dbinom(k, N, mu) * g1(k, N, z, alpha)) + mu^N*term2
##         res
##     }

## possibleTheta
## Calculates possible values of theta, which are in interval (0,1)
possibleTheta <- function(N, p, alpha) {
    k <- 0:N
    ## j <- lapply(k, function(x)x:N)
    ## theta <- sapply(j,
    ##                 function(x)
    ##                 (1/alpha)*sum(choose(N,x)*p^x*(1-p)^(N-x)))
    ## r <- sapply(theta, function(x)if(x<1 && x>0) x else NA)
    ## res <- rbind(k, r)
    ## res1 <- res[, !is.na(res[2,])]

    theta <- (1/alpha) * pbinom(k - 1, N, p,
                                lower.tail = FALSE)
    sensibletheta <- theta < 1 & theta > 0
    res <- theta[sensibletheta]
    res <- rbind(k[sensibletheta], res)

    row.names(res) <- c("k","theta")
    ## print(identical(round(res[2], 5), round(res1[2], 5)))
    ## list(res, res1)

minTypeIIError <- function(p.alt, p, N, alpha, alternative) {
    ## Calculates minimum value, for given difference d
    ## uses possibleTheta, g2
    theta <- possibleTheta(N, p, alpha)

    if(length(theta[2, ]) > 0) {
        f <- function(x) {
            (1 - g2(p.alt, N, p, alpha*x))/(1 - x)

        ## calculate the type II errors for the thetas
        typeIIerrors <- sapply(theta[2,], f)

        ## if no sensible theta was found, set the type II error to 1
        if(!is.numeric(typeIIerrors)) {
            typeIIerrors <- 1

        ## the right theta is the one that minimizes the type II error
        mintypeII <- min(typeIIerrors, 1)
        righttheta <- theta[2, which(typeIIerrors == mintypeII)]
        righttheta <- ifelse(length(righttheta) == 0, NA, righttheta)
    } else {

    list(theta = righttheta,
         typeII = mintypeII)

minTypeIIErrorWrapper <- function(p.alt, p, N, alpha, typeIIgoal = .5) {
        minTypeIIError(p.alt, p, N, alpha)$typeII - typeIIgoal

## uniroot(minTypeIIErrorWrapper, c(0, 1), p = .1, N = 50, alpha = .05)
zauster/npExact documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:12 p.m.