
Defines functions DeWrapper

# Names of DE methods
DeMethods <- function (all.info=FALSE) {
  # DeT         Student's T test
  # DeSam       SAM (significance analysis of microarray) test
  # DeRankP     Rank product test
  # DeDeSeq     DeSeq test for RNA-seq data
  # DeEdgeR     EdgeR test for RNA-seq data
  # DeVoomLimma Voom normalization followed by Limma for DE
  c("DeAbsSeq", "DeAldex2", "DeBader", "DeBallgown", "DeBaySeq", "DeBGmix", "DeBridge", "DeDegSeq", "DeDeSeq", "DeDexus",
    "DeEbSeq", "DeEdgeR", "DeEdgeRun", "DeGPseq", "DeLimma", "DeLMGene", "DeMetaseqR", "DeNBPSeq", "DeNoiSeq", "DePlgem", 
    "DePoissonSeq", "DeRankP", "DeRBM", "DeROTS", "DeSam", "DeSamSeq", "DeSSeq", "DeT", "DeTSPM", "DeTweeDeSeq", "DeVoomLimma", "DeWelch", "DeWilcoxon");

# Whether the method is applicable to count data only
# DeCountMethods <- function () c('DeT'=FALSE, 'DeSam'=FALSE, 'DeRankP'=FALSE, 'DeDeSeq'=TRUE, 'DeEdgeR'=TRUE, 'DeVoomLimma'=TRUE);

DeWrapper <- function(mtrx, grps, mthd, paired=FALSE, logged=TRUE, args=list()) {
    # mtrx    A numeric matrix of gene expression data. Rows are unique genes and columns include 2 groups of samples to be compared
    # grps    A list of two vectors, each vector has the column indexes (numeric vectors) or column names (character vectors) of a group; vectors are named by group names  
    # mthd    Name of the method to use for differential expression analysis
    # paired  Whether it's a paired test; if TRUE the two groups must have the same number of samples and the samples must be ordered to match each other
    # logged  Whether data is log2-transformed. It will affect how Log(FoldChange), but not the p values, will be calculated. It won't affect methods using RNA-seq read count data either.
    # args    Name:value pairs of specific arguments to selected method 
    if (!(mthd %in% DeMethods())) stop("DE method '", mthd, "' not available.\n") else mthd <- mthd[1];
    # standardize data types of inputs to all methods
    mtrx <- as.matrix(mtrx);
    grps <- lapply(grps[1:2], function(g) 
      if (class(g) == 'character') which(colnames(mtrx) %in% g) else g[g>0 & g<=ncol(mtrx)]);
    # Give error if no qualified samples for comparison
    if (min(sapply(grps, length)) == 0) 
      stop("No samples found in data matrix for comparison.\n");
    if (paired & length(grps[[1]])!=length(grps[[2]])) 
      stop("Numbers of samples in groups are unequal for paired test.\n");
    grp0 <- colnames(mtrx)[grps[[1]]];
    grp1 <- colnames(mtrx)[grps[[2]]];
    # Full argument list
    fun.args <- names(as.list(args(mthd))); 
    all.args <- list(mtrx=mtrx, grps=grps, paired=paired, logged=logged);
    all.args <- append(all.args, args);
    all.args <- all.args[names(all.args) %in% fun.args];
    res <- do.call(mthd, all.args); # call the selected method with an argument list
    res$stat <- res$stat[rownames(mtrx), , drop=FALSE];
    # return a list
      data       = mtrx,
      group0     = grp0,
      group1     = grp1,
      method     = mthd,
      paired     = paired,
      logged     = logged,
      parameters = args,
      results    = res  
zhezhangsh/DEGandMore documentation built on Sept. 22, 2022, 9:55 a.m.