
#' Normal Theory Based Confidence Envelope for Density Helper Function
#' This function creates a normal theory based confidence envelope for the empirical density.
#' @param h A normal kernel function is used and `h` is its standard deviation. If this parameter is
#'     omitted, a normal optimal smoothing parameter is used.
#' @param fill Fill color for the confidence envelope. The default is `fill="skyblue"`
#' @param model The model to draw the confidence envelope for. The default is `model="none"` which creates the
#'     confidence envelope from the data. Using `model="normal"` creates the confidence envelope based on a normal distribution.
#' @export

StatDensityConfidence <- ggplot2::ggproto("StatDensityConfidence", ggplot2::Stat,

 # Required aesthetics
 required_aes = c("x"),
 default_aes = ggplot2::aes(ymin = stat(lower_limit), ymax = stat(upper_limit), group = stat(group)),

# Computations
compute_group = function(data, scales, h = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
                         fill = "skyblue", fade = FALSE,
                         model = "none", ...) {

  if (length(unique(data$x)) < 2) {
    # Not enough data to perform fit

  # Compute smoothing parameter
    h = (4 / (3*length(data$x))) ^ (1/5) * sd(data$x, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Compute points at which to evaluate density
  #eval_range = c(min(data$x) - diff(range(data$x)) / 4, max(data$x) + diff(range(data$x)) / 4)
  eval_range = c(min(data$x, na.rm = TRUE), max(data$x, na.rm = TRUE))
  eval_points = seq(from = eval_range[1], to = eval_range[2], length.out = 100)
  # Compute SD for kernel
  SD = sqrt(h^2 + var(data$x, na.rm = TRUE))

  if(model == "normal") {
    y = dnorm(eval_points, mean(data$x, na.rm = TRUE), SD)
  } else{
    y = density(data$x, bw = h, n = 100, from = eval_range[1], to = eval_range[2])$y

  # Compute confidence limits
  se <- sqrt(dnorm(0, sd = sqrt(2)*h) / (4 * length(data$x) * h))
  upper <- sqrt(y) + 2 * se
  lower <- pmax(sqrt(y) - 2 * se, 0)
  upper <- upper^2
  lower <- lower^2
  est_se <- rep(se, length(eval_points))
  est_upper <- upper
  est_lower <- lower

  # Output data for plotting
    x = eval_points,
    y = y,
    lower_limit = est_lower,
    upper_limit = est_upper,
    group = 1,
    alpha = 0.5

zief0002/educate documentation built on July 27, 2023, 9:25 a.m.