
Defines functions plot_z_dist

Documented in plot_z_dist

#' Plot z-Distribution and Shaded p-Value
#' @param x prop.test() or prop_test() object
#' @param shade_p_value Logical value indicating whether to shade the area under the curve
#' corresponding to the p-value. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Plot of the z-distribution. If shade_p_value=TRUE, the area under the curve
#' corresponding to the p-value will also be shaded.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' heads <- rbinom(1, size = 100, prob = .5)
#' my_z = prop.test(heads, 100)
#' plot_z_dist(my_z)
plot_z_dist = function(x, shade_p_value = TRUE){

  if(x$method %in% c("1-sample proportions test with continuity correction", "1-sample proportions test without continuity correction")){
    if(x$estimate < x$null.value){z_value = -1*sqrt(x$statistic[[1]])} else{z_value = sqrt(x$statistic[[1]])}
  } else{
    if(x$estimate[[1]] < x$estimate[[2]]){z_value = -1*sqrt(x$statistic[[1]])} else{z_value = sqrt(x$statistic[[1]])}

  abs_z_value = abs(z_value)
  tail_limit = ceiling(abs_z_value) #Get how many SE to go in each direction
  p = if(x$p.value < .001){formatC(x$p.value, format = "e", digits = 2)} else {round(x$p.value, 3)}

  # Reset tail limits to get better z-distribution if |z| < 5
  if(tail_limit < 5){tail_limit = 5}

  # Initial plot
  p1 = ggplot(data = data.frame(x = c(-tail_limit, tail_limit)), aes(x = x)) +
      fun = dnorm,
      geom = "line"
    ) +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("z") +
    ylab("Density") +
    ggtitle(paste0("z = ", round(z_value, 2), ", p = ", p))


    # Different shading/vertical lines depending on alternative hyp.

    if(x$alternative == "less"){

      # Shade to the left
      p1 = p1 +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "line",
          xlim = c(-tail_limit, z_value),
          color = "#ff2d21",
        ) +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "area",
          xlim = c(-tail_limit, z_value),
          fill = "#ff2d21",
          alpha = 0.3
        ) +
        geom_segment(x = z_value, xend = z_value, y = 0, yend = dnorm(0), color = "#ff2d21")

    } else if(x$alternative == "greater"){

      # Shade to the right
      p1 = p1 +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "line",
          xlim = c(z_value, tail_limit),
          color = "#ff2d21"
        ) +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "area",
          xlim = c(z_value, tail_limit),
          fill = "#ff2d21",
          alpha = 0.3
        ) +
        geom_segment(x = z_value, xend = z_value, y = 0, yend = dnorm(0), color = "#ff2d21")

    } else {

      # Shade to the left and right
      p1 = p1 +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "line",
          xlim = c(-tail_limit, -abs_z_value),
          color = "#ff2d21",
        ) +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "line",
          xlim = c(abs_z_value, tail_limit),
          color = "#ff2d21"
        ) +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "area",
          xlim = c(-tail_limit, -abs_z_value),
          fill = "#ff2d21",
          alpha = 0.3
        ) +
          fun = dnorm,
          geom = "area",
          xlim = c(abs_z_value, tail_limit),
          fill = "#ff2d21",
          alpha = 0.3
        ) +
        geom_segment(x = -abs_z_value, xend = -abs_z_value, y = 0, yend = dnorm(0), color = "#ff2d21") +
        geom_segment(x = abs_z_value, xend = abs_z_value, y = 0, yend = dnorm(0), color = "#ff2d21")


zief0002/educate documentation built on July 27, 2023, 9:25 a.m.