cedar: Testing cell type specific differential signals for specified...

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cedarR Documentation

Testing cell type specific differential signals for specified phenotype by considering DE/DM state corrleation between cell types.


This function provides posterior probability of whether a feature is DE/DM in certain cell type given observed bulk data.


cedar(Y_raw, prop, design.1, design.2=NULL, factor.to.test=NULL,
            pval = NULL, p.adj = NULL, tree = NULL, p.matrix.input = NULL,
            de.state = NULL, cutoff.tree = c('fdr', 0.01), 
            cutoff.prior.prob = c('pval', 0.01),
            similarity.function = NULL, parallel.core = NULL, corr.fig = FALSE, 
            run.time = TRUE, tree.type = c('single','full'))



matrix of observed bulk data, with rows representing features and columns representing samples


matrix of cell type composition of samples, with rows representing samples and columns representing cell types


covariates with cell type specific effect, with rows representing samples and columns representing covariates


covariates without cell type sepcific effect, with rows representing samples and columns representing covariates


A phenotype name, e.g. "disease", or a vector of contrast terms, e.g. c("disease", "case", "control").


matrix of p-values, with rows representing features and columns representing cell types. colnames must be same as input of prop


matrix of adjusted p-values, with rows representing features and columns representing cell types. colnames must be same as input of prop


tree structure between cell types, a matrix with row representing layers andcolumn representing cell types (column name is required)


prior probability on each node of the tree structure. only work when tree structure has been specified. the dimension must be same as tree input.


DE/DM state of each feature in each cell type, with row representing features and column representing cell types (1:DE/DM, 0:non-DE/DM)


cut off used to define DE state to estimate tree could be 'fdr' or 'pval' default it 'fdr'=0.01. suggest to start with restrictive cut off and change to relative loose value when the restrictive cut off is failed


cut off used to define DE state to estimate prior probs of nodes on tree could be 'fdr' or 'pval' default it 'fdr'=0.01. suggest to start with restrictive cut off and change to relative loose value when the restrictive cut off is failed


custom function used to calculate similarity between cell types that used for tree structure estimation. the input of the custom is assumed to be a matrix of log transformed p-value. dimension is: selected gene number * cell number


number of cores for parallel running, default is NULL


a boolean value, whether to plot corrrelation between cell types use function plotCorr()


a boolean value, whether to report running time in seconds


tree type for inference, default is c('single','full')


A list


If pval is NULL, then TOAST result by function csTest() is returned


matrix of posterior probability of each feature for each cell type


If corr.fig = TRUE, then figure show DE/DM state correlation between cell types will be returned


If run.time = TRUE, then running time (seconds) of CeDAR will be returned


Luxiao Chen <luxiao.chen@emory.edu>


N <- 300 # simulation a dataset with 300 samples
K <- 3 # 3 cell types
P <- 500 # 500 features

### simulate proportion matrix
Prop <- matrix(runif(N*K, 10,60), ncol=K)
Prop <- sweep(Prop, 1, rowSums(Prop), FUN="/")
colnames(Prop) <- c("Neuron", "Astrocyte", "Microglia")

### simulate phenotype names
design <- data.frame(disease=factor(sample(0:1,size = N,replace=TRUE)),
                     age=round(runif(N, 30,50)),
                     race=factor(sample(1:3, size = N,replace=TRUE)))
Y <- matrix(rnorm(N*P, N, P), ncol = N)
rownames(Y) <- paste0('gene',1:nrow(Y))
d1 <-  data.frame('disease' = factor(sample(0:1,size = N,replace=TRUE)))

### Only provide bulk data, proportion
res <- cedar(Y_raw = Y, prop = Prop,
             design.1 = design[,1:2],
             design.2 = design[,3],
             factor.to.test = 'disease',
             cutoff.tree = c('pval',0.1),
             corr.fig = TRUE,
             cutoff.prior.prob = c('pval',0.1) )

### result of toast (independent test)
### posterior probability of DE/DM of cedar with single layer tree structure
### posterior probability of DE/DM of cedar with muliple layer tree structure
### estimated tree structure of three cell types
### scatter plot of -log10(pval) showing DE/DM state correlation between cell types

### Using custom similarity function to estimate tree structure
### In CeDAR, the input is assumed to be a matrix of log transformed p-values 
### with row representing genes and columns represening cell types

sim.fun <- function(log.pval){
  similarity.res <- sqrt((1 - cor(log.pval, method = 'spearman'))/2)

res <- cedar(Y_raw = Y, prop = Prop,
             design.1 = design[,1:2],
             design.2 = design[,3],
             factor.to.test = 'disease',
             cutoff.tree = c('pval',0.1),
             similarity.function = sim.fun,
             corr.fig = FALSE,
             cutoff.prior.prob = c('pval',0.1) )

### posterior probability of DE/DM of cedar with muliple layer tree structure

### Using custom tree structure as input
### cell type 1 and cell type 3 are more similar
tree.input <- rbind(c(1,1,1),c(1,2,1),c(1,2,3))
### If column name is provided for the matrix; make sure it is same as variable Prop
colnames(tree.input) <- c("Neuron", "Astrocyte", "Microglia")

res <- cedar(Y_raw = Y, prop = Prop,
             design.1 = design[,1:2],
             design.2 = design[,3],
             factor.to.test = 'disease',
             cutoff.tree = c('pval',0.1),
             tree = tree.input,
             corr.fig = FALSE,
             cutoff.prior.prob = c('pval',0.1) )

### posterior probability of DE/DM of cedar with muliple layer tree structure

### Using custom tree structure and prior probability of each node as input
### cell type 1 and cell type 3 are more similar
tree.input <- rbind(c(1,1,1),c(1,2,1),c(1,2,3))
colnames(tree.input) <- c("Neuron", "Astrocyte", "Microglia")

p.matrix.input <- rbind(c(0.2,0.2,0.2), c(0.5,0.25,0.5), c(0.5,1,0.5))
# marginally, each cell type has 0.05 (cell 1: 0.2 * 0.5 * 0.5, cell 2: 0.2 * 0.25 * 1)
# probability to be DE for a randomly picked gene
# there will be about 50% DE genes in cell type 1 overlaped with cell type 3; 
# while there will be about 25% DE genes in cell type 1 overlaped with cell type 2

res <- cedar(Y_raw = Y, prop = Prop,
             design.1 = design[,1:2],
             design.2 = design[,3],
             factor.to.test = 'disease',
             cutoff.tree = c('pval',0.1),
             tree = tree.input,
             p.matrix.input = p.matrix.input,
             corr.fig = FALSE,
             cutoff.prior.prob = c('pval',0.1) )

### posterior probability of DE/DM of cedar with muliple layer tree structure

ziyili20/TOAST documentation built on Aug. 28, 2022, 11:28 a.m.