#' Read Nodes of a Decoration
#' @name read_nds
#' @description Read nodes' information from a file including all nodes and extract nodes of one decoration. Accepted formats are tab separated values ('tsv'), semicolon separated values ('csv'), or shapefile ('shp').
#' @param site name of the site.
#' @param decor name of the decoration.
#' @param dir path to the working folder, by default it is the working directory.
#' @param nodes name of the nodes file (a dataframe or a shapefile).
#' @param format file extension indicating a file format from 'tsv' (tab separated values), 'csv' (semicolon separated values) or 'shp' (shapefile). For 'tsv' and 'csv', the files must include node coordinates (\code{nodes$x}, \code{nodes$y}).
#' @return Dataframe of graph nodes, including at least the columns "site", "decor", "id", and coordinates "x", "y", with values for each node (row).
#' @examples
#' # Set data folder
#' dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "iconr")
#' # Read dataframe of nodes
#' nds.df <- read_nds(site = "Cerro Muriano", decor = "Cerro Muriano 1",
#' dir = dataDir, format = "tsv")
#' # Read shapefile of nodes
#' nds.df <- read_nds(site = "Cerro Muriano", decor = "Cerro Muriano 1",
#' dir = dataDir, format = "shp")
#' @export
read_nds <- function(site, decor,
dir = getwd(), nodes = "nodes", format = "tsv") {
# TODO: read WKT (POLYGONS, etc.)
mandatory.columns <- c("site", "decor", "id", "x", "y")
nds.file <- paste0(dir, "/", nodes, ".", format)
if (file.exists(nds.file)) {
if (format == "tsv") {
nds.df <- utils::read.table(file = nds.file, sep = "\t",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nds.df <- nds.df[ nds.df$site == site &
nds.df$decor == decor, ]
if (format == "csv") {
nds.df <- utils::read.table(file = nds.file, sep = ";",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nds.df <- nds.df[ nds.df$site == site &
nds.df$decor == decor, ]
if (format == "shp") {
nds.shp <- sf::st_read(paste0(dir, "/", nodes, ".shp"), quiet = TRUE)
nds.shp <- nds.shp[nds.shp$site == site & nds.shp$decor == decor, ]
# collect coordinates
nds.df <- as.data.frame(nds.shp)
nds.df[ , c("x", "y", "geometry")] <- NULL
nds.df$x <- sf::st_coordinates(nds.shp)[ , 1]
nds.df$y <- sf::st_coordinates(nds.shp)[ , 2]
} else {
stop(paste0("No file called ", nds.file))
if (any(!mandatory.columns %in% colnames(nds.df))) {
stop(paste0("Not all the mandatory columns are present: ",
paste(mandatory.columns, collapse = ", ")))
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