prep_nested: Prepared Nested Modeltime Data

prep_nestedR Documentation

Prepared Nested Modeltime Data


A set of functions to simplify preparation of nested data for iterative (nested) forecasting with Nested Modeltime Tables.


extend_timeseries(.data, .id_var, .date_var, .length_future, ...)

nest_timeseries(.data, .id_var, .length_future, .length_actual = NULL)

split_nested_timeseries(.data, .length_test, .length_train = NULL, ...)



A data frame or tibble containing time series data. The data should have:

  • identifier (.id_var): Identifying one or more time series groups

  • date variable (.date_var): A date or date time column

  • target variable (.value): A column containing numeric values that is to be forecasted


An id column


A date or datetime column


Varies based on the function:

  • extend_timeseries(): Defines how far into the future to extend the time series by each time series group.

  • nest_timeseries(): Defines which observations should be split into the .future_data.


Additional arguments passed to the helper function. See details.


Can be used to slice the .actual_data to a most recent number of observations.


Defines the length of the test split for evaluation.


Defines the length of the training split for evaluation.


Preparation of nested time series follows a 3-Step Process:

Step 1: Extend the Time Series

extend_timeseries(): A wrapper for timetk::future_frame() that extends a time series group-wise into the future.

  • The group column is specified by .id_var.

  • The date column is specified by .date_var.

  • The length into the future is specified with .length_future.

  • The ... are additional parameters that can be passed to timetk::future_frame()

Step 2: Nest the Time Series

nest_timeseries(): A helper for nesting your data into .actual_data and .future_data.

  • The group column is specified by .id_var

  • The .length_future defines the length of the .future_data.

  • The remaining data is converted to the .actual_data.

  • The .length_actual can be used to slice the .actual_data to a most recent number of observations.

The result is a "nested data frame".

Step 3: Split the Actual Data into Train/Test Splits

split_nested_timeseries(): A wrapper for timetk::time_series_split() that generates training/testing splits from the .actual_data column.

  • The .length_test is the primary argument that identifies the size of the testing sample. This is typically the same size as the .future_data.

  • The .length_train is an optional size of the training data.

  • The ... (dots) are additional arguments that can be passed to timetk::time_series_split().


extract_nested_train_split() and extract_nested_test_split() are used to simplify extracting the training and testing data from the actual data. This can be helpful when making preprocessing recipes using the recipes package.



nested_data_tbl <- walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    select(id, Date, Weekly_Sales) %>%
    set_names(c("id", "date", "value")) %>%

    # Step 1: Extends the time series by id
        .id_var     = id,
        .date_var   = date,
        .length_future = 52
    ) %>%

    # Step 2: Nests the time series into .actual_data and .future_data
        .id_var     = id,
        .length_future = 52
    ) %>%

    # Step 3: Adds a column .splits that contains training/testing indicies
        .length_test = 52


# Helpers: Getting the Train/Test Sets
extract_nested_train_split(nested_data_tbl, .row_id = 1)

modeltime documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 5:06 p.m.