openXL: Open a Microsoft Excel file (xls/xlsx) or an openxlsx...

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openXLR Documentation

Open a Microsoft Excel file (xls/xlsx) or an openxlsx Workbook


This function tries to open a Microsoft Excel (xls/xlsx) file or an openxlsx Workbook with the proper application, in a portable manner.

In Windows (c) and Mac (c), it uses system default handlers, given the file type.

In Linux it searches (via which) for available xls/xlsx reader applications (unless options('openxlsx.excelApp') is set to the app bin path), and if it finds anything, sets options('openxlsx.excelApp') to the program choosen by the user via a menu (if many are present, otherwise it will set the only available). Currently searched for apps are Libreoffice/Openoffice (soffice bin), Gnumeric (gnumeric) and Calligra Sheets (calligrasheets).





path to the Excel (xls/xlsx) file or Workbook object.


Luca Braglia


# file example
# openXL("writeDataExample.xlsx")

# (not yet saved) Workbook example
wb <- createWorkbook()
x <- mtcars[1:6, ]
addWorksheet(wb, "Cars")
writeData(wb, "Cars", x, startCol = 2, startRow = 3, rowNames = TRUE)
# openXL(wb)

openxlsx documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:08 p.m.