p1l1: Numerically Stable p1l1(t) = (t+1)*log(1+t) - t

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p1l1R Documentation

Numerically Stable p1l1(t) = (t+1)*log(1+t) - t


The binomial deviance function bd0(x,M) can mathematically be re-written as bd0(x,M) = M * p1l1((x-M)/M) where we look into providing numerically stable formula for p1l1(t) as its mathematical formula p1l1(t) = (t+1)\log(1+t) - t suffers from cancellation for small |t|, even when log1p(t) is used instead of log(1+t).

Using a hybrid implementation, p1l1() uses a direct formula, now the stable one in p1l1p(), for \left| t \right| > c and a series approximation for \left|t\right| \le c for some c.

NB: The re-expression log1pmx() is almost perfect; it fixes the cancellation problem entirely (and exposes the fact that log1pmx()'s internal cutoff seems sub optimal.


 p1l1p  (t, ...)
 p1l1.  (t)
 p1l1   (t,    F = t^2/2)
 p1l1ser(t, k, F = t^2/2)
.p1l1ser(t, k, F = t^2/2)



numeric a-like vector ("mpfr" included), larger (or equal) to -1.


optional (tuning) arguments, passed to log1pmx().


small positive integer, the number of terms to use in the Taylor series approximation p1l1ser(t,k) of p1l1(t).


numeric vector of multiplication factor; must be t^2/2 for the p1l1() function, but can be modified, e.g. in more direct bd0() computations.


for now see in bd0().


numeric vector “as” t.


Martin Maechler

See Also

bd0; our package vignette log1pmx, bd0, stirlerr - Probability Computations in R. dbinom the latter for the C.Loader(2000) reference.


(doExtras <- DPQ:::doExtras()) # TRUE e.g. if interactive()

t <- seq(-1, 4, by=1/64)
plot(t, p1l1ser(t, 1), type="l")
lines(t, p1l1.(t), lwd=5, col=adjustcolor(1, 1/2)) # direct formula
for(k in 2:6) lines(t, p1l1ser(t, k), col=k)

## zoom in
t <- 2^seq(-59,-1, by=1/4)
t <- c(-rev(t), 0, t)
k.s <- 1:12; names(k.s) <- paste0("k=", 1:12)

## True function values: use Rmpfr with 256 bits precision: ---
### eventually move this to ../tests/ & ../vignettes/log1pmx-etc.Rnw
#### FIXME: eventually replace with  if(requireNamespace("Rmpfr")){ ......}
#### =====
if((needRmpfr <- is.na(match("Rmpfr", (srch0 <- search())))))
p1l1.T <- p1l1.(mpfr(t, 256)) # "true" values
p1l1.n <- asNumeric(p1l1.T)
all.equal(sapply(k.s, function(k)  p1l1ser(t,k)) -> m.p1l1,
          sapply(k.s, function(k) .p1l1ser(t,k)) -> m.p1l., tolerance = 0)
p1tab <-
    cbind(b1 = bd0(t+1, 1),
          b.10 = bd0(10*t+10,10)/10,
          dirct = p1l1.(t),
          p1l1p = p1l1p(t),
          p1l1  = p1l1 (t),
          sapply(k.s, function(k) p1l1ser(t,k)))
matplot(t, p1tab, type="l", ylab = "p1l1*(t)")
## (absolute) error:
##' legend for matplot()
mpLeg <- function(leg = colnames(p1tab), xy = "top", col=1:6, lty=1:5, lwd=1,
                  pch = c(1L:9L, 0L, letters, LETTERS)[seq_along(leg)], ...)
    legend(xy, legend=leg, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, pch=pch, ncol=3, ...)

titAbs <- "Absolute errors of p1l1(t) approximations"
matplot(t, asNumeric(p1tab - p1l1.T), type="o", main=titAbs); mpLeg()
i <- abs(t) <= 1/10 ## zoom in a bit
matplot(t[i], abs(asNumeric((p1tab - p1l1.T)[i,])), type="o", log="y",
        main=titAbs, ylim = c(1e-18, 0.003)); mpLeg()
## Relative Error
titR <- "|Relative error| of p1l1(t) approximations"
matplot(t[i], abs(asNumeric((p1tab/p1l1.T - 1)[i,])), type="o", log="y",
        ylim = c(1e-18, 2^-10), main=titR)
mpLeg(xy="topright", bg= adjustcolor("gray80", 4/5))
i <- abs(t) <= 2^-10 # zoom in more
matplot(t[i], abs(asNumeric((p1tab/p1l1.T - 1)[i,])), type="o", log="y",
        ylim = c(1e-18, 1e-9))
mpLeg(xy="topright", bg= adjustcolor("gray80", 4/5))

## Correct number of digits
corDig <- asNumeric(-log10(abs(p1tab/p1l1.T - 1)))
cbind(t, round(corDig, 1))# correct number of digits

matplot(t, corDig, type="o", ylim = c(1,17))
(cN <- colnames(corDig))
legend(-.5, 14, cN, col=1:6, lty=1:5, pch = c(1L:9L, 0L, letters), ncol=2)

## plot() function >>>> using global (t, corDig) <<<<<<<<<
p.relEr <- function(i, ylim = c(11,17), type = "o",
                    leg.pos = "left", inset=1/128,
                    main = sprintf(
                        "Correct #{Digits} in p1l1() approx., notably Taylor(k=1 .. %d)",
    if((neg <- all(t[i] < 0)))
        t  <- -t
    stopifnot(all(t[i] > 0), length(ylim) == 2) # as we use log="x"
    matplot(t[i], corDig[i,], type=type, ylim=ylim, log="x", xlab = quote(t), xaxt="n",
    legend(leg.pos, cN, col=1:6, lty=1:5, pch = c(1L:9L, 0L, letters), ncol=2,
           bg=adjustcolor("gray90", 7/8), inset=inset)
    t.epsC <- -log10(c(1,2,4)* .Machine$double.eps)
    axis(2, at=t.epsC, labels = expression(epsilon[C], 2*epsilon[C], 4*epsilon[C]),
         las=2, col=2, line=1)
    tenRs <- function(t) floor(log10(min(t))) : ceiling(log10(max(t)))
    tenE <- tenRs(t[i])
    tE <- 10^tenE
    abline (h = t.epsC,
            v = tE, lty=3, col=adjustcolor("gray",.8), lwd=2)
    AX <- if(requireNamespace("sfsmisc")) sfsmisc::eaxis else axis
    AX(1, at= tE, labels = as.expression(
                                 function(e) substitute(-10^{E}, list(E = e+0))
                                 function(e) substitute( 10^{E}, list(E = e+0)))))

p.relEr(t > 0, ylim = c(1,17))
p.relEr(t > 0) # full positive range
p.relEr(t < 0) # full negative range
if(FALSE) {## (actually less informative):
 p.relEr(i = 0 < t & t < .01)  ## positive small t
 p.relEr(i = -.1 < t & t < 0) ## negative small t

## Find approximate formulas for accuracy of k=k*  approximation
d.corrD <- cbind(t=t, as.data.frame(corDig))
names(d.corrD) <- sub("k=", "nC_",  names(d.corrD))

fmod <- function(k, data, cut.y.at = -log10(2 * .Machine$double.eps),
                 good.y = -log10(.Machine$double.eps), # ~ 15.654
                 verbose=FALSE) {
    varNm <- paste0("nC_",k)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(y <- get(varNm, data, inherits=FALSE)),
              is.numeric(t <- data$t))# '$' works for data.frame, list, environment
    i <- 3 <= y & y <= cut.y.at
    i.pos <- i & t > 0
    i.neg <- i & t < 0
    if(verbose) cat(sprintf("k=%d >> y <= %g ==> #{pos. t} = %d ;  #{neg. t} = %d\n",
                            k, cut.y.at, sum(i.pos), sum(i.neg)))
    nCoefLm <- function(x,y) `names<-`(.lm.fit(x=x, y=y)$coeff, c("int", "slp"))
    nC.t <- function(x,y) { cf <- nCoefLm(x,y); c(cf, t.0 = exp((good.y - cf[[1]])/cf[[2]])) }
    cbind(pos = nC.t(cbind(1, log( t[i.pos])), y[i.pos]),
          neg = nC.t(cbind(1, log(-t[i.neg])), y[i.neg]))
rr <- sapply(k.s, fmod, data=d.corrD, verbose=TRUE, simplify="array")
stopifnot(rr["slp",,] < 0) # all slopes are negative (important!)
matplot(k.s, t(rr["slp",,]), type="o", xlab = quote(k), ylab = quote(slope[k]))
## fantastcally close to linear in k
## The numbers, nicely arranged
ftable(aperm(rr, c(3,2,1)))
signif(t(rr["t.0",,]),3) # ==> Should be boundaries for the hybrid p1l1()
##           pos      neg
## k=1  6.60e-16 6.69e-16
## k=2  3.65e-08 3.65e-08
## k=3  1.30e-05 1.32e-05
## k=4  2.39e-04 2.42e-04
## k=5  1.35e-03 1.38e-03
## k=6  4.27e-03 4.34e-03
## k=7  9.60e-03 9.78e-03
## k=8  1.78e-02 1.80e-02
## k=9  2.85e-02 2.85e-02
## k=10 4.13e-02 4.14e-02
## k=11 5.62e-02 5.64e-02
## k=12 7.24e-02 7.18e-02

###------------- Well,  p1l1p()  is really basically good enough ... with a small exception:
rErr1k <- curve(asNumeric(p1l1p(x) / p1l1.(mpfr(x, 4096)) - 1), -.999, .999,
                n = if(doExtras) 4000 else 800, col=2, lwd=2)
abline(h = c(-8,-4,-2:2,4,8)* 2^-52, lty=2, col=adjustcolor("gray20", 1/4))
## well, have a "spike" at around -0.8 -- why?

plot(abs(y) ~ x, data = rErr1k, ylim = c(4e-17, max(abs(y))),
     ylab = expression(abs(hat(p)/p - 1)),
     main = "p1l1p(x) -- Relative Error wrt mpfr(*. 4096) [log]",
     col=2, lwd=1.5, type = "b", cex=1/2, log="y", yaxt="n")
eps124 <-  c(1, 2,4,8)* 2^-52
abline(h = eps124, lwd=c(3,1,1,1), lty=c(1,2,2,2), col=adjustcolor("gray20", 1/4))
axLab <- expression(epsilon[c], 2*epsilon[c], 4*epsilon[c], 8*epsilon[c])
axis(4, at = eps124, labels = axLab, col="gray20", las=1)
abline(v= -.791, lty=3, lwd=2, col="blue4") # -.789  from visual ..
##--> The "error" is in log1pmx() which has cutoff minLog1Value = -0.79149064
##--> which is clearly not optimal, at least not for computing p1l1p()

d <- if(doExtras) 1/2048 else 1/512; x <- seq(-1+d, 1, by=d)
p1l1Xct <- p1l1.(mpfr(x, if(doExtras) 4096 else 512))
rEx.5 <- asNumeric(p1l1p(x, minL1 = -0.5) / p1l1Xct - 1)
lines(x, abs(rEx.5), lwd=2.5, col=adjustcolor(4, 1/2)); abline(v=-.5, lty=2,col=4)
rEx.25 <- asNumeric(p1l1p(x, minL1 = -0.25) / p1l1Xct - 1)
lines(x, abs(rEx.25), lwd=3.5, col=adjustcolor(6, 1/2)); abline(v=-.25, lty=2,col=6)
lines(lowess(x, abs(rEx.5),  f=1/20), col=adjustcolor(4,offset=rep(1,4)/3), lwd=3)
lines(lowess(x, abs(rEx.25), f=1/20), col=adjustcolor(6,offset=rep(1,4)/3), lwd=3)

rEx.4 <- asNumeric(p1l1p(x, tol_logcf=1e-15, minL1 = -0.4) / p1l1Xct - 1)
lines(x, abs(rEx.4), lwd=5.5, col=adjustcolor("brown", 1/2)); abline(v=-.25, lty=2,col="brown")

if(needRmpfr && isNamespaceLoaded("Rmpfr"))

DPQ documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 3:01 a.m.