expm1x: Accurate exp(x) - 1 - x (for smallish |x|)

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expm1xR Documentation

Accurate exp(x) - 1 - x (for smallish |x|)


Compute e^x - 1 - x = exp(x) - 1 - x accurately, notably for small |x|.

The last two entries in cutx[] denote boundaries where expm1x(x) uses direct formulas. For nC <- length(cutx), exp(x) - 1 - x is used for abs(x) >= cutx[nC], and when abs(x) < cutx[nC] expm1(x) - x is used for abs(x) >= cutx[nC-1].


expm1x(x, cutx = c( 4.4e-8, 0.1, 0.385, 1.1, 2),
             k = c(2,      9,  12,    17))

expm1xTser(x, k)



numeric-alike vector; goal is to work for mpfr-numbers too.


increasing positive numeric vector of cut points defining intervals in which the computations will differ.




increasing vector of integers with length(k) == length(cutx) + 2, denoting the order of Taylor polynomial approximation by expm1xTser(.,k) to expm1x(.).


an integer \ge 1, where the Taylor polynomial approximation has degree k + 1.


a vector like x containing (approximations to) e^x - x - 1.


Martin Maechler

See Also

expm1(x) for computing e^x - 1 is much more widely known, and part of the ISO C standards now.


## a symmetric set of negative and positive
x <- unique(c(2^-seq(-3/8, 54, by = 1/8), seq(7/8, 3, by = 1/128)))
x <- x0 <- sort(c(-x, 0, x)) # negative *and* positive

## Mathematically,  expm1x() = exp(x) - 1 - x  >= 0  (and == 0 only at x=0):
em1x <- expm1x(x)
stopifnot(em1x >= 0, identical(x == 0, em1x == 0))

plot (x, em1x, type='b', log="y")
lines(x, expm1(x)-x, col = adjustcolor(2, 1/2), lwd = 3) ## should nicely cover ..
lines(x, exp(x)-1-x, col = adjustcolor(4, 1/4), lwd = 5) ## should nicely cover ..
cuts <- c(4.4e-8, 0.10, 0.385, 1.1, 2)[-1] # *not* drawing 4.4e-8
v <- c(-rev(cuts), 0, cuts); stopifnot(!is.unsorted(v))
abline(v = v, lty = 3, col=adjustcolor("gray20", 1/2))

stopifnot(diff(em1x[x <= 0]) <= 0)
stopifnot(diff(em1x[x >= 0]) >= 0)

## direct formula - may be really "bad" :
expm1x.0 <- function(x) exp(x) -1 - x
## less direct formula - improved (but still not universally ok):
expm1x.1 <- function(x) expm1(x)  - x

ax <- abs(x) # ==> show negative and positive x on top of each other
plot (ax, em1x, type='l', log="xy", xlab = "|x|  (for negative and positive x)")
lines(ax, expm1(x)-x, col = adjustcolor(2, 1/2), lwd = 3) ## see problem at very left
lines(ax, exp(x)-1-x, col = adjustcolor(4, 1/4), lwd = 5) ## see huge problems for |x| < ~10^{-7}
legend("topleft", c("expm1x(x)", "expm1(x) - x", "exp(x) - 1 - x"), bty="n",
       col = c(1,2,4), lwd = c(1,3,5))

## -------------------- Relative error of Taylor series approximations :
twoP <- seq(-0.75, 54, by = 1/8)
x <- 2^-twoP
x <- sort(c(-x,x)) # negative *and* positive
e1xAll <- cbind(expm1x.0 = expm1x.0(x),
                expm1x.1 = expm1x.1(x),
                vapply(1:15, \(k) expm1xTser(x, k=k), x))
colnames(e1xAll)[-(1:2)] <- paste0("k=",1:15)
## TODO  plot !!

DPQ documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 3:01 a.m.