pl2curves: Plot 2 Noncentral Distribution Curves for Visual Comparison

View source: R/dnchisq-fn.R

pl2curvesR Documentation

Plot 2 Noncentral Distribution Curves for Visual Comparison


Plot two noncentral (chi-squared or t or ..) distribution curves for visual comparison.


pl2curves(fun1, fun2, df, ncp, log = FALSE,
          from = 0, to = 2 * ncp, p.log = "", n = 2001,
          leg = TRUE, col2 = 2, lwd2 = 2, lty2 = 3, ...)


fun1, fun2

function()s, both to be used via curve(), and called with the same 4 arguments, (., df, ncp, log) (the name of the first argument is not specified).

df, ncp, log

parameters to be passed and used in both functions, which hence typically are non-central chi-squared or t density, probability or quantile functions.

from, to

numbers determining the x-range, passed to curve().


string, passed as curve(...., log = log.p).


the number of evaluation points, passed to curve().


logical specifying if a legend() should be drawn.

col2, lwd2, lty2

color, line width and line type for the second curve. (The first curve uses defaults for these graphical properties.)


further arguments passed to first curve(..) call.


TODO: inivisible return both curve() results, i.e., (x,y1, y2), possibly as data frame


Martin Maechler

See Also

curve, ..


p.dnchiBessel <- function(df, ncp, log=FALSE, from=0, to = 2*ncp, p.log="", ...)
    pl2curves(dnchisqBessel, dchisq, df=df, ncp=ncp, log=log,
              from=from, to=to, p.log=p.log, ...)

  ## TODO the p.dnchiB()  examples  >>>>>> ../tests/chisq-nonc-ex.R <<<

DPQ documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 3:01 a.m.