
#' @title Depth weighted density estimator
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @param y numeric vector
#' @param nx the number of equally spaced points at which the density is to be estimated in x-dimension.
#' @param ny the number of equally spaced points at which the density is to be estimated in x-dimension.
#' @param xg vector of point at which the density is to be estimated.
#' @param yg vector of point at which the density is to be estimated.
#' @param ... arguments passed to depthLocal.
#' @references
#' Kosiorowski D. and Zawadzki Z. (2014) Notes on optimality of predictive distribution pseudo-estimators in the CHARME models and automatic trading strategies, FindEcon2014, submitted
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # .sampleData is special function for creating
#' # data  for testing conditional denisty estimators
#' data = DepthProc:::.sampleData(1:5, 100)
#' x = data[,1]; y = data[,2]
#' plot(x,y)
#' dep = depthDensity(x,y)
#' plot(dep, type = "raw")
#' plot(dep, type = "depth")
#' }
depthDensity = function(x, y, nx = 5, ny = 32, xg = NULL, yg = NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(xg)) xy_grid = .createGrid(x,y,nx,ny)
  if(!is.null(xg)) xy_grid = .createGrid2(xg, yg)
  xy = cbind(x,y)
  dens_raw = npudens(xy, edat = xy_grid)$dens
  dens_x   = npudens(x, edat = xy_grid[,1])$dens
  dens = dens_raw/dens_x
  d_xy = depthLocal(xy_grid, xy, ...) # glebia xy
  d_x  = depthLocal(xy_grid[,1,drop = FALSE], xy[,1,drop = FALSE], ...) # glebia xy
  dep_scale = d_xy/d_x
  xg = unique(xy_grid[,1])
  yg = unique(xy_grid[,2])
  dens_mat  = matrix(dens, ncol = length(xg))
  dep_scale_mat = matrix(dep_scale, ncol = length(xg))
  new("DepthDensity", dep_scale = dep_scale_mat, density_raw = dens_mat, density = dens_mat/dep_scale_mat, xgrid = xg, ygrid = yg)

#' @title Plot function for DepthDensity
#' @param x object of class DepthDensity
#' @param type type of density that will be plotted. 'depth' is a depth scaled density, and 'raw' is denisty without scaling.
#' @param ... graphical arguments. 
#' @export
setMethod("plot", "DepthDensity", function(x, type = "depth", ...)
  den = x
  if(type == "raw") density = den@density_raw
  if(type == "depth") density = den@density
  mden = max(density)*1.05
  xg = den@xgrid
  yg = den@ygrid
  rn = max(diff(xg))
  density = density/max(mden) * rn
  xlim = range(xg); xlim[2] = xlim[2]+rn
  plot(xlim, range(yg), type = "n",...)
  for(i in 1:length(xg)) lines(xg[i]+density[,i], yg, ...)
  abline(v = xg)

##################### Utils Functions ###################
.createGrid = function(x,y,nx,ny)
  xg = seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = nx)  
  yg = seq(min(y), max(y), length.out = ny)  
  r = NULL
  tmp = sapply(xg, function(i) cbind(i,yg), simplify = FALSE)
  for(i in 1:length(tmp)) r = rbind(r,tmp[[i]])

.createGrid2 = function(xg, yg)
  r = NULL
  tmp = sapply(xg, function(i) cbind(i,yg), simplify = FALSE)
  for(i in 1:length(tmp)) r = rbind(r,tmp[[i]])

.sampleData = function(x,n)
  tmp = sapply(x, function(i) cbind(i, rnorm(n,mean = i)), simplify = FALSE)
  r = NULL
  for(i in 1:length(tmp)) r = rbind(r,tmp[[i]])

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DepthProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:22 p.m.