
#'Magnitude of monthly water conditions
#'Calculates the IHA parameter group 1: Magnitude of montly water conditions
#'See IHA documentation:
#'@inheritParams group5
#'@param FUN the function to be applied to the monthly values.  TNC uses median which is the default here.
#'@return A matrix with monthly medians.
#'@author jason.e.law@@gmail.com
#'@importFrom zoo index coredata is.zoo
#'@importFrom lubridate year month
#'group1(bullrun, 'water')
`group1` <-
function (x, year = c('water', 'calendar'), FUN = median) 
	year <- match.arg(year)
  idx <- index(x)
	yr <- switch(year,
	             water    = water.year(idx),
	             calendar = year(idx))
	mo <- switch(year,
	               water    = water.month(idx, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE),
	               calendar = month(idx, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE))
  res <- tapply(coredata(x), list(mo, yr), FUN)
	attr(res, 'FUN') <- deparse(substitute(FUN))

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IHA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:15 p.m.