Man pages for IntClust
Integrated Data Analysis via Clustering

ADCAggregated Data Clustering
ADECAggregated Data Ensemble Clustering
ADECaAggregated Data Ensemble Clustering - version a
ADECbAggregated Data Ensemble Clustering - version b
ADECcAggregated Data Ensemble Clustering - version c
BinFeaturesPlotPlot of a selection of features
BoxPlotDistanceBox plots of one distance matrix categorized against another...
CECComplementary Ensemble Clustering
CECaComplementary Ensemble Clustering - version a
CECbComplementary Ensemble Clustering - version b
CECcComplementary Ensemble Clustering - version c
CharacteristicFeaturesDetermining the characteristic features of a cluster
ChooseClusterInteractive plot to determine DE Genes and DE features for a...
ClusterPerform clustering on a single data source
ClusterPlotPlot a dendrogram with leaves colored by a result of choice
ColorpaletteCreate a color palette to be used in the plots
Colors1First example for colors
Colors2Second example for colors
ColorsNamesFunction that annotates colors to their names
CompareInteractiveInteractive comparison of clustering results for a specific...
ComparePlotComparison of clustering results over multiple results
CompareSilClusterCompares medoid clustering results based on silhouette widths
CompareSvsMComparison of clustering results for the single and multiple...
ContFeaturesPlotPlot of continuous features
DetermineWeight_SilClustDetermines an optimal weight for weighted clustering by...
DetermineWeight._SimClustDetermines an optimal weight for weighted clustering by...
DiffGenesDifferential gene expressions for multiple results
DistanceDistance function
FeaturesOfClusterLists all features present in a selected cluster of compounds
FindClusterFind a selection of compounds in the output of...
FindElementFind an element in a data structure
FindGenesInvestigates whether genes are differential expressed in...
fingerprintMatThe fingerprint matrix for the MCF7 data
GeneInfoThe gene info data frame
geneMatThe gene expression matrix
Geneset.intersectIntersection over resulting gene sets of 'PathwaysIter'...
GSList of GO Annotations
HeatmapPlotComparing two clustering results with a heatmap
HeatmapSelectionA function to select a group of compounds via the similarity...
IntClust-packageIntegrated Data Analysis
LabelPlotColoring specific leaves of a dendrogram
NormalizationA normalization function
PathwayAnalysisPathway Analysis
PathwaysPathway analysis for multiple clustering results
PathwaysIterIterations of the pathway analysis
PlotPathwaysA GO plot of a pathway analysis output.
PreparePathwayPreparing a data set for pathway analysis
ProfilePlotPlotting gene profiles
ReorderToReferenceOrder the outputs of the clustering methods against a...
SelectnrClustersDetermines an optimal number of clusters based on silhouette...
SharedCompsIntersection of clusters over multiple methods
SharedGenesPathsFeatIntersection of genes and pathways over multiple methods
SimilarityHeatmapA heatmap of similarity values between compounds
SimilarityMeasureA measure of similarity for the outputs of the different...
SNFSimilarity Network Fusion
SNFaSimilarity Network Fusion - version a
SNFbSimilarity Network Fusion - version b
SNFcSimilarity Network Fusion - version c
targetMatThe target prediction matrix
TrackClusterFollow a cluster over multiple methods
UltimateFunction that performs any aggregated data function
WeightedClustWeighted clustering
WeightedSimClustWeighted similarity clustering
WonMWeighting on Membership
IntClust documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:23 p.m.