
IsoGenem <- function (x, y) 
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  if (dim(y)[[1]] == 1) {
    IsoGene1(x = x, y = y)
  } else {
    ordx <- order(x)
    x <- x[ordx]
    y <- y[, ordx]
    unx <- unique(x)
    ydf <- as.data.frame(t(y))
    y.m <- do.call("cbind", unclass(by(ydf, x, colMeans)))
    y.m.tot <- matrix(rep(rowMeans(y), length(x)), ncol = length(x))
    n.p <- table(x)
    n.g <- length(n.p)
    y.is.u <- t(apply(y.m, 1, function(x) pava(x, w = n.p)))
    y.is.d <- t(apply(y.m, 1, function(x) pava(x, w = n.p, 
                                               decreasing = TRUE)))
    rep.iso.d <- y.is.d[, rep(1:length(n.p), n.p)]
    rep.iso.u <- y.is.u[, rep(1:length(n.p), n.p)]
    y.m.all <- y.m[, rep(1:length(n.p), n.p)]
    SST0 <- rowSums((y - rowMeans(y))^2)
    SSIS.u1 <- rowSums((rep.iso.u - y)^2)
    SSIS.d1 <- rowSums((rep.iso.d - y)^2)
    SST <- rowSums((y - y.m.all)^2)
    direction = NULL
    direction <- ifelse(SSIS.u1 <= SSIS.d1, "u", "d")
    lambda1.up <- SSIS.u1/SST0
    Esquare.up <- 1 - lambda1.up
    iso.u <- y.is.u
    w.up <- (y.is.u[, n.g] - y.m[, 1])/sqrt(rowSums((y - 
                                                       y.m.all)^2)/(sum(n.p) - n.g) * (1/n.p[1] + 1/n.p[n.g]))
    w.c.up <- (y.is.u[, n.g] - y.is.u[, 1])/sqrt(rowSums((y - 
                                                            y.m.all)^2)/(sum(n.p) - n.g) * (1/n.p[1] + 1/n.p[n.g]))
    m.up <- (y.is.u[, n.g] - y.is.u[, 1])/sqrt(SSIS.u1/(sum(n.p) - 
    i.up <- (y.is.u[, n.g] - y.is.u[, 1])/sqrt(SSIS.u1/(sum(n.p) - 
                                                          apply(y.is.u, 1, function(x) length(unique(x)))))
    lambda1.dn <- SSIS.d1/SST0
    Esquare.dn <- 1 - lambda1.dn
    iso.u <- y.is.d
    n.pSum <- sum(n.p)
    w.dn <- (y.is.d[, n.g] - y.m[, 1])/sqrt(rowSums((y - 
                                                       y.m.all)^2)/(sum(n.p) - n.g) * (1/n.p[1] + 1/n.p[n.g]))
    w.c.dn <- (y.is.d[, n.g] - y.is.d[, 1])/sqrt(rowSums((y - 
                                                            y.m.all)^2)/(sum(n.p) - n.g) * (1/n.p[1] + 1/n.p[n.g]))
    m.dn <- (y.is.d[, n.g] - y.is.d[, 1])/sqrt(SSIS.d1/(n.pSum - 
    i.dn <- (y.is.d[, n.g] - y.is.d[, 1])/sqrt(SSIS.d1/(sum(n.p) - 
                                                          apply(y.is.d, 1, function(x) length(unique(x)))))
    res <- list(E2.up = Esquare.up, Williams.up = as.numeric(w.up), 
                Marcus.up = as.numeric(w.c.up), M.up = as.numeric(m.up), 
                ModM.up = as.numeric(i.up), E2.dn = Esquare.dn, Williams.dn = as.numeric(w.dn), 
                Marcus.dn = as.numeric(w.c.dn), M.dn = as.numeric(m.dn), 
                ModM.dn = as.numeric(i.dn), direction = direction)

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IsoGeneGUI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.