
IsoRawpMod <-
function (x, y, niter,seed) 

    if (niter > 2500) {
        jmatsize <- 2500
        nmats <- floor(niter/jmatsize)
        endmat <- c(1:nmats * jmatsize, niter)
        begmat <- c(1, endmat[-length(endmat)] + 1)
    else {
        nmats <- 1
        begmat <- 1
        endmat <- niter
    y <- data.matrix(y, rownames.force = TRUE)
    E <- IsoGenem(x, y)
    obs.E.up <- matrix(E[[1]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.W.up <- matrix(E[[2]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.WC.up <- matrix(E[[3]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.M.up <- matrix(E[[4]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.I.up <- matrix(E[[5]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.E.dn <- matrix(E[[6]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.W.dn <- matrix(E[[7]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.WC.dn <- matrix(E[[8]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.M.dn <- matrix(E[[9]], nrow(y), 1)
    obs.I.dn <- matrix(E[[10]], nrow(y), 1)
    dire <- E[[11]]
    StatVal <- E 
    assign("StatVal",StatVal ,envir=.GlobalEnv)

    nchunks <- 10
    chunklength <- floor(nrow(y)/nchunks)
    endpos <- c(1:(nchunks - 1) * chunklength, nrow(y))
    begpos <- c(1, endpos[-length(endpos)] + 1)
    suppressWarnings(exp.E.up <- ff("exp.E.up", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.W.up <- ff("exp.W.up", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.WC.up <- ff("exp.WC.up", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.M.up <- ff("exp.M.up", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.I.up <- ff("exp.I.up", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.E.dn <- ff("exp.E.dn", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.W.dn <- ff("exp.W.dn", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.WC.dn <- ff("exp.WC.dn", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.M.dn <- ff("exp.M.dn", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    suppressWarnings(exp.I.dn <- ff("exp.I.dn", vmode = "double", 
        dim = c(nrow(y), niter)))
    x.niter <- t(replicate(niter, sample(x)))
    ffmatrices <- c("exp.E.up", "exp.W.up", "exp.WC.up", "exp.M.up", 
        "exp.I.up", "exp.E.dn", "exp.W.dn", "exp.WC.dn", "exp.M.dn", 
    obsvecs <- c("obs.E.up", "obs.W.up", "obs.WC.up", "obs.M.up", 
        "obs.I.up", "obs.E.dn", "obs.W.dn", "obs.WC.dn", "obs.M.dn", 
    raw.count.up <- raw.count.dn <- matrix(0, nrow(y), 5)

    total <- length(seq(along = begpos))
   ## create progress bar ##
    pb <- tkProgressBar(title = "Permutations progress bar", "Permutations are started",
       min = 0, max = total, width = 300)

      for (ichunk in seq(along = begpos)) {
        begchunk <- begpos[ichunk]
        endchunk <- endpos[ichunk]
        suby <- y[begchunk:endchunk, ]
        if (nrow(y)<= 10)  suby <- y
        for (jmat in 1:nmats) {
            jbegmat <- begmat[jmat]
            jendmat <- endmat[jmat]
            ncolmat <- jendmat - jbegmat + 1
            subx.niter <- x.niter[jbegmat:jendmat, ]
            res <- apply(subx.niter, 1, function(x) IsoGenem(x = factor(x), 
              y = suby))
            exp.E.up[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[1]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.W.up[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[2]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.WC.up[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[3]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.M.up[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[4]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.I.up[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[5]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.E.dn[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[6]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.W.dn[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[7]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.WC.dn[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[8]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.M.dn[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[9]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            exp.I.dn[begchunk:endchunk, jbegmat:jendmat] <- matrix(sapply(res, 
                function(x) x[[10]]), length(begchunk:endchunk), 
            tclvalue(PermuteText3) <- "Please wait...."

          info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(ichunk /total*100, 0))
          setTkProgressBar(pb, ichunk , title=paste("Permutations are in progress "), info)
        for (i in 1:6) {
            x1 <- obsvecs[i]
            x2 <- ffmatrices[i]
            a1 <- get(x1)[begchunk:endchunk]
            a2 <- matrix(as.numeric(get(x2)[begchunk:endchunk, 
                ]), byrow = FALSE, nrow = length(begchunk:endchunk), 
                ncol = niter)
            tr <- rowSums(a1 < a2)
            if (i <= 5) {
                raw.count.up[begchunk:endchunk, i] <- tr
            else {
                raw.count.dn[begchunk:endchunk, 1] <- tr
        for (i in 7:10) {
            x1 <- obsvecs[i]
            x2 <- ffmatrices[i]
            a1 <- get(x1)[begchunk:endchunk]
            a2 <- matrix(as.numeric(get(x2)[begchunk:endchunk, 
                ]), byrow = FALSE, nrow = length(begchunk:endchunk), 
                ncol = niter)
            tr <- rowSums(a1 > a2)
            raw.count.dn[begchunk:endchunk, i - 5] <- tr
    raw.p.up <- data.frame(raw.count.up/niter)
    raw.p.dn <- data.frame(raw.count.dn/niter)
    rawp.up <- data.frame(row.names(y), raw.p.up)
    rawp.dn <- data.frame(row.names(y), raw.p.dn)
    raw.p.one <- data.frame(row.names(y), apply(cbind(raw.p.up[, 
        1], raw.p.dn[, 1]), 1, min), apply(cbind(raw.p.up[, 2], 
        raw.p.dn[, 2]), 1, min), apply(cbind(raw.p.up[, 3], raw.p.dn[, 
        3]), 1, min), apply(cbind(raw.p.up[, 4], raw.p.dn[, 4]), 
        1, min), apply(cbind(raw.p.up[, 5], raw.p.dn[, 5]), 1, 
    raw.p.two <- raw.p.one
    raw.p.two[, 2:6] <- 2 * (raw.p.one[, 2:6])
    raw.p.two[, 2:6][raw.p.two[, 2:6] > 1] <- 1
    colnames(raw.p.one) <- colnames(raw.p.two) <- colnames(rawp.up) <- colnames(rawp.dn) <- c("Probe.ID", 
        "E2", "Williams", "Marcus", "M", "ModM")
    res <- list(raw.p.one = raw.p.one, raw.p.two = raw.p.two, 
        rawp.up = rawp.up, rawp.dn = rawp.dn)
    rm(exp.E.up, exp.W.up, exp.WC.up, exp.M.up, exp.I.up, exp.E.dn, 
        exp.W.dn, exp.WC.dn, exp.M.dn, exp.I.dn)
    tclvalue(PermuteText3) <- "Permutation is finished...."

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IsoGeneGUI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.