
Defines functions acpOLStest partialFtest Ftest

Documented in Ftest partialFtest

# compute the principal component of each group and perform a OLS with the principal component as variables
# X : design matrix
# y : response
# group & var : vectors describing the group structure. group[i] contains the number of the group associated to the variable var[i] 
# return a list containing :
# - lm the summary of OLS
# - newdata matrix containing the principal components
# - y response (same as parameter)
# - group name of the columns of newdata
acpOLStest <- function(X, y, group, var)
  #acp + ols
  newdata = do.call(cbind, tapply(var, group, FUN = function(indvar)
    respca = PCA(X[, indvar, drop = FALSE], scale.unit = TRUE, ncp = 1)
  #colnames(newdata) = unique(group)
  colnames(newdata) = sort(unique(group))
  #ols on new data
#   reslm = lm(y ~ newdata)
#   sumlm = summary(reslm)
#   rownames(sumlm$coefficients)[-1] = colnames(newdata)
  #return pval
  return(list(newdata = newdata, y = y, group = as.numeric(colnames(newdata)))) #lm = sumlm, 

#' Perform a partial F-test
#' @title Partial F-test
#' @param X design matrix of size n*p
#' @param y response vector of length n 
#' @param varToTest vector containing the index of the column of X to test
#' @return a vector of the same length as varToTest containing the p-values of the test.
#' @details 
#' y = X * beta + epsilon
#' null hypothesis : beta[varToTest] = 0
#' alternative hypothesis : it exists an index k in varToTest such that beta[k] != 0
#' The test statistic is based on a full and a reduced model.
#' full : y = X * beta + epsilon
#' reduced : y = X * beta[-varToTest] + epsilon
#' @seealso \link{Ftest}
#' @export
partialFtest <- function(X, y, varToTest)
    reduced = lm(y ~ 1)
    reduced = lm(y ~ X[,-varToTest])
  full = lm(y ~ X)
  outPartialFtest = anova(reduced, full)

#' Perform a F-test
#' @title F-test
#' @param X design matrix of size n*p
#' @param y response vector of length n 
#' @param varToTest vector containing the index of the column of X to test
#' @return a vector of the same length as varToTest containing the p-values of the test.
#' @details 
#' y = X * beta + epsilon
#' null hypothesis : beta[varToTest] = 0
#' alternative hypothesis : it exists an index k in varToTest such that beta[k] != 0
#' The test statistic is based on a full and a reduced model.
#' full : y = X * beta[varToTest]  + epsilon
#' reduced : the null model
#' @seealso \link{partialFtest}
#' @export
Ftest <- function(X, y, varToTest)

# #'
# #' Perform a Chi-square test
# #'
# #' @title Chi-square test
# #'
# #' @param X design matrix of size n*p
# #' @param y response vector of length n
# #' @param varToTest vector containing the index of the column of X to test
# #'
# #' @return a vector of the same length as varToTest containing the p-values of the test.
# #' 
# #' @details 
# #' logit model : ln(P(y=1|X)/(1-P(y=1|X))) = X * beta + epsilon
# #' 
# #' null hypothesis : beta[varToTest] = 0
# #' alternative hypothesis : it exists an index k in varToTest such that beta[k] != 0
# #' 
# #' The test statistic is based on a full and a reduced model.
# #' full : ln(P(y=1|X)/(1-P(y=1|X))) = X * beta[varToTest]  + epsilon
# #' reduced : the null model
# #' 
# #' @seealso \link{partialChisqtest}
# #' 
# #' @export
# Chisqtest <- function(X, y, varToTest)
# {
#   y2 <- (y+1)/2
#   anova(glm(y2~X[,varToTest], family = binomial), test = "Chisq")[["Pr(>Chi)"]][2]
# }  

# #'
# #' Perform a Chi-square F-test
# #'
# #' @title Chi-square F-test
# #'
# #' @param X design matrix of size n*p
# #' @param y response vector of length n
# #' @param varToTest vector containing the index of the column of X to test
# #'
# #' @return a vector of the same length as varToTest containing the p-values of the test.
# #'
# #' @details
# #' ln(P(y=1|X)/(1-P(y=1|X))) = X * beta + epsilon
# #'
# #' null hypothesis : beta[varToTest] = 0
# #' alternative hypothesis : it exists an index k in varToTest such that beta[k] != 0
# #'
# #' The test statistic is based on a full and a reduced model.
# #' full : ln(P(y=1|X)/(1-P(y=1|X))) = X * beta + epsilon
# #' reduced : ln(P(y=1|X)/(1-P(y=1|X))) = X * beta[-varToTest] + epsilon
# #'
# #' @seealso \link{partialFtest}
# #'
# #' @export
# partialChisqtest <- function(X, y, varToTest)
# {
#   y2 <- (y+1)/2
#   reduced=c()
#   if(length(varToTest)==ncol(X))
#     reduced = glm(y2 ~ 1, family = binomial)
#   else
#     reduced = glm(y2 ~ X[,-varToTest], family = binomial)
#   full = glm(y2 ~ X, family = binomial)
#   outPartialFtest = anova(reduced, full, test = "Chisq")
#   return(outPartialFtest[["Pr(>Chi)"]][2])
# }

# #'
# #' Perform a score test
# #'
# #' @title Score test
# #'
# #' @param X design matrix of size n*p
# #' @param y response vector of length n 
# #' @param varToTest vector containing the index of the column of X to test
# #'
# #' @return a vector of the same length as varToTest containing the p-values of the test.
# #' 
# #' @details 
# #' y = X * beta + epsilon
# #' 
# #' null hypothesis : beta[varToTest] = 0
# #' alternative hypothesis : it exists an index k in varToTest such that beta[k] != 0
# #' 
# #' see the reference for more details.
# #' 
# #' @seealso \link{partialFtest}, \link{Ftest}
# #' 
# #' @references Goeman, J. J., Van De Geer, S. A. and Van Houwelingen, H. C. (2006), Testing against a high dimensional alternative. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 68: 477-493. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2006.00551.x
# #' 
# #' @export
# scoreTest <- function(X, y, varToTest)
# {
#   globaltest::p.value(gt(y, X[,varToTest], model = "linear"))
# }

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