
# Template of a function for automated documentation generation with the 'inlinedocs' package

fTemplateInlinedocs<- function(
  ## Short function title (mandatory)
  ## Description of the function (optional)
  Var1.V.n              ##<< Description of input variable 1 (mandatory)
  ,Var2.V.n             ##<< Description of input variable 2 (mandatory)
  ## Name initials of author(s) (mandatory)
  ## Long and detailed description of the function (optional)
  ## List of names of other functions doing similar stuff (optional)
  ## with links to documentation pages: \code{\link{fTemplateInlinedocs}}
  ## List of papers describing the mechanisms or algorithms used (optional)
# Standard comments (with one hash): These will not appear in the documentation (optional)
# TODO(username): Explicit description of action to be taken (optional)
# TEST: Function arguments used for testing only (optional)
  ## Description of what this part of your function does (optional)
  plot(Var1.V.n, Var2.V.n)
  lSum.V.n <- Var1.V.n + Var1.V.n
  ## Further descriptions, e.g of lists (for lists use 'describe'):
  List.L <- list(     
    item0               ##<< Description of list item 0
    ,item1 = list(      ##<< A list inside a list:
      # description of lists etc.
      ,item1.1=lSum.V.n       ##<< Description of list item 1.1
      ,item1.2=Var1.V.n       ##<< Description of list item 1.2
      # necessary to end enclosed 'describe'
    ,item2              ##<< Description of item 2
  ## Description of the return/output values of your function (mandatory)
attr(fTemplateInlinedocs,"ex") <- function(){
  # Example code demonstrating the functionality of your function
  x.V.n <- 1:10

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REddyProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:19 p.m.