
### ---- Rscript01DataFormat.R: a script for the introduction to RSiena -------------
###                               version: May 14, 2018
# Rscript01DataFormat.R is followed by
# RScriptSNADescriptives.R, code for descriptive analysis of the data, and
# Rscript02SienaVariableFormat.R, which formats data and specifies the model,
# and Rscript03SienaRunModel.R, which runs the model and estimates parameters
# Rscript04SienaBehaviour.R, which illustrates an example of analysing the
# coevolution of networks and behaviour
# The entire model fitting is summarised at the end of RscriptSienaRunModel.R
# (without comments)
# This is an R script for getting started with RSiena, written by
# Tom Snijders, with earlier contributions from Robin Gauthier,
# Ruth Ripley, Johan Koskinen, Paulina Preciado, and Zsofia Boda,
# with some examples borrowed from Christian Steglich.
# Lines starting with # are not processed by R but treated as comments.
# The script has a lot of explanation of R possibilities that will be
# familiar for readers well acquainted with R, and can be skipped by them.
# There are various really easy online introductions to R. See, for example
# You can go to any of these sites to learn the basics of R
# or refresh your knowledge.
# There is a lot of documentation available at
# including some short introductions, handy reference cards,
# and introductions in many languages besides English.
# Some general points to note:
# R is case-sensitive. Be aware of capitalization!
# The left-arrow "<-" is very frequently used: it denotes an assignment,
# "a <- b" meaning that object a gets the value b.
# Often b is a complicated expression that has to be evaluated by R,
# and computes a result that then is stored as the object a.
# Help within R can be called by typing a question mark and the name of the
# function you need help for. For example
# ?library
# will bring up a file titled "loading and listing of packages".
# Comments are made at the end of commands after #,
# or in lines starting with # telling R to ignore everything beyond it.
# That is why everything up to now in this file is on lines starting with #.
# This session will be using s50 data which are supposed to be
# present in the working directory.
# You can get them from
# Any command in R is a function, and ends by parentheses
# that enclose the arguments of the function,
# or enclose nothing if no argument is needed, such as for the function q()
# In general the command syntax for calling R's functions is function(x) where
# function is a saved function and x the name of the object to be operated on.
#################### - CALLING THE DATA AND PRELIMINARY MANIPULATIONS - ###########

# The library command loads the packages needed during the session.


# Some additional packages are used by RSiena,
# the so-called required packages; these will be loaded automatically.

# You need to have INSTALLED all of them.


# Or click on the tab "Packages", "Install package(s)", then select a
# CRAN mirror (e.g. Bristol if you are in the UK) and finally select
# from the list the package you wish to install.

# Where are you?


# By something like
	# setwd('C:/SienaTest')
# you can set the directory but note the quotes and forward slash.
# It is also possible to set the directory using the menus if you have them.
# On a windows machine, you can predetermine the working directory
# in the <Properties> of the shortcut to R;
# these are accessible by right-clicking the shortcut.

# If you want to set the working directory to for example
	# "C:\Documents and Settings\johan\My Documents\RSiena_course"
# simply copy and paste from windows explorer or type
#     setwd('C:/Documents and Settings/johan/My Documents/RSiena_course')
# or
#     setwd('C:\\Documents and Settings\\johan\\My Documents\\RSiena_course')
# but note that "\" has to be changed; both '/' and '\\' work!!!

# What is in this directory?


# What is available in RSiena?


# (these are .htlm HELP PAGES)

# At the bottom of this page, when you click on "Index",
# a list of all the available functions is shown in your browser.
# The same list is shown in the graphical user interface for R by requesting


# Where is the manual?

         RShowDoc("RSiena_Manual", package="RSiena")

# (Note, however, that it is possible that the Siena website
# at contains a more recent version.)

# Each data is named (for example below we name it
# so that we can call it as an object within R.
# If you read an object straight into R, it will treat it as a
# dataset, or in R terminology a "data frame".
# Here this is not what we want, therefore on reading
# we will immediately convert it to a matrix.
# R will read in many data formats, the command to read them is read.table.
# In the help file for read.table, look at the section "Value",
# which is there in every help page:
# it indicates the class of the object that is produced by the function.
# For read.table, the value is a data frame; below we see what this is.
# If we wished to read a .csv file we would have
# used the read.csv command.
# The pathnames must have forward slashes, or double backslashes.
# If single backslashes are used, one of the error messages will be:
#   1: '\R' is an unrecognized escape in a character string


# Quick start (Data assignment).
# Please make sure the s50 data set is in your working directory.
# The data set is on the Siena website ("Data sets" tab) and must be
# unzipped in your working directory. <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-network1.dat")) <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-network2.dat")) <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-network3.dat"))
        drink <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-alcohol.dat"))
        smoke <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-smoke.dat"))

# To make this script self-contained, you may instead run the following commands:
        library(RSiena) <- s501 <- s502 <- s503
        drink <- s50a
        smoke <- s50s

# Explanation of data structures and formats below

################# - DIFFERENT DATA FORMATS - #######################################
### The assignments here involve reading in data to a "data frame"
### 		data <- read.table("data.dat")
### reads your text file into a "data frame";
### check the class of the object "data"
###        >  class(data)
###        [1] "data.frame"
### If your data is not a ".dat" file, alternative import methods are
### ----- ".csv" ------------------------------------------------------------------
###        data <- read.table("c:/data.csv", header=TRUE,
###                                   sep=",", row.names="iden")
### ---- ".csv" -------------------------------------------------------------------
###        data <- read.csv("data.csv",header=T)
### ---- ".spss" ------------------------------------------------------------------
###        library(foreign)
###        data <- read.spss("c:/data.spss")
### ---- ".dta" -------------------------------------------------------------------
###        library(foreign)
###        data <- read.dta("c:/data.dta")

################# - FROM DATA FRAME TO MATRIX - ####################################
### ---- Data frame ----------------------------------------------------------------
### The data frame is like a spreadsheet of cases by variables,
### where the variables are the columns, and these have the names
###        names( data )
### a spreadsheet view of a data frame is given by the fix() command
###        fix( data )
### All changes you make in this spreadsheet will be saved automatically,
### so beware.
### As an example create two vectors:
	      height <- c( 120, 150, 180, 200, 190, 177, 170, 125, 141, 157 )
      	weight <- c( 11, 14, 17, 18, 17, 18, 11, 12, 10, 15 )
### The function c() combines its argument into a vector
### (or into a list, but we are not concerned with that possibility now.).
### These two vectors can be collected as variables in a data frame
	      data <- data.frame( height, weight )
### and look at the results
### The columns of a data frame may be extracted
### using a "$" sign and their names.
### For example:
		names( data )
### Or by "[]" and column number, e.g.
  	data[  , 1]
  	data[ 1,  ]
### If you wish to see the structure of an object, such as data, then request
### Objects often have attributes:

### ---- Matrix -------------------------------------------------------------------
### A "matrix" is a numeric object ordered like a matrix with dimensions
### ( dim() ) given by the number of rows and columns, e.g.
		dim( )

### If you wish to play around with a copy of the matrix,
###e.g. having the name "data", you can make the copy by the command
		data <-
### The earlier object that we created with the name "data" now has been lost.
### Elements if matrices can be accessed by using square brackets.
### For example, the element of "data" in row 2 and column 3 is given by
		data[ 2, 3 ]
### the first three rows of a matrix called data are given by
		data[ 1:3, ]
### columns 2, 5, and 6 are given by
		data[ , c( 2, 5, 6) ]
### Indeed there are a lot of zeros - networks tend to be sparse.

### ---- Converting data frame to matrix -------------------------------------------
### Most classes can be converted to other classes through "as.typeofclass ()",
### e.g., if "data" would be an object with a matrix-like structure,
### then it could be converted to the class "matrix" by the command
	      data <- as.matrix( data )


################## - EXAMPLE FOR ARC LIST - ########################################
### From the Siena website you can download the data set arclistdata.dat:
### Download this file and save it in your current directory.
    ArcList <- read.table( "arclistdata.dat", header=FALSE )
### Note the capitalization.
### Now ArcList is a data.frame
### (we saw this above in the help file for read.table).
### What are its dimensions?
### You can get an impression of it by looking at the start of the object:
### This is a data file in arclist format, with columns:
### sender id, receiver id, value of tie, wave.
### Add names to the columns:
		names(ArcList) <- c( "sid", "recid", "bff", "wid" )
### The bff ("best friend") variable does not have much variability:
### This tells us that non-ties are not included (they would have the value 0),
### and that there are no tie values other than 1.
### It may be nice to order the rows by sender, then by receiver, then by wave.
### The tedious way to do this is
            ArcList <- ArcList[ order( ArcList$sid, ArcList$recid, ArcList$wid), ]
### To understand this, you may look at the help page for function order()
### The rows of Arclist are ordered first by ArcList$sid, then by ArcList$recid,
### and then by ArcList$wid;
### these reordered rows then are put into the object ArcList,
### this overwriting the earlier contents of this object.
### This way is tedious because it is repeated all the time that the names
### sid, recid, wid refer to the ArcList object.
### The less tedious way uses the function "with".
### The with(a, b) function tells R that b must be calculated,
### while the otherwise unknown names refer to data set a:
		ArcList <- with( ArcList, ArcList[ order( sid, recid, wid), ] )
### An arc list does not give information about the number of nodes,
### because isolates are not recorded.
### The set of non-isolates is
    union(unique(ArcList$sid), unique(ArcList$recid))
### and, given that we have the information that there are 50 nodes
### labeled 1 to 50, the isolates are the following two nodes:
    setdiff(1:50, union(unique(ArcList$sid), unique(ArcList$recid)))
### Now suppose we want to create a separate set of records for each wave.
### Select by wave:

		SAff.1 <- with(ArcList, ArcList[ wid == 1, ] ) #extracts edges in wave 1
		SAff.2 <- with(ArcList, ArcList[ wid == 2, ] ) #extracts edges in wave 2
		SAff.3 <- with(ArcList, ArcList[ wid == 3, ] ) #extracts edges in wave 3

### This can be arranged more efficiently as
    SAff <- lapply(1:3, function(m){ with(ArcList, ArcList[ wid == m, ] ) } )
### with the correspondence that SAff.1 is SAff[[1]], etc.

### For transforming an adjacency matrix, e.g.,, into an arclist,
### create indicator matrix of the non-zero entries:
        ones <- ! %in% 0
### create empty edge list of desired length
        edges <- matrix(0, sum(ones), 3)
### fill the columns of the edge list
        edges[, 1] <- row([ones]
        edges[, 2] <- col([ones]
        edges[, 3] <-[ones]
### if desired, order edge list by senders and then receivers
        edges <- edges[order(edges[, 1], edges[, 2]), ]

### For transforming an arclist into a matrix,
### first remove the fourth column indicating the wave, so that we are left
### with sender, receiver and value of the tie,
### and transform it into matrix format (at first it is a data.frame)
		SAff.1.copy <- SAff.1[, 1:3]
		SAff.1.copy <- as.matrix(SAff.1.copy)
### create empty adjacency matrix
        adj <- matrix(0, 50, 50)
### put edge values in desired places
    adj[SAff.1.copy[,1:2]] <- SAff.1.copy[, 3]
### Now adj is the adjacency matrix.
### Also see Section 4.1 of the Siena manual
### and the help page for sienaDependent.

################ - READING IN PAJEK DATA - ########################################
### Skip this section if handling Pajek data is of no concern to you.
### If you have data in Pajek format you can use the package "network" in order
### to convert it to a network object. This example is from ?read.paj
###   require( network )
###   par( mfrow = c( 2, 2 ) )
### <- read.paj("" )
###   plot(,main =$gal$title )
### <- read.paj("" )
###   plot(,main =$gal$title )

# Before we work with the data, we want to be sure it is correct. A simple way
# to check that our data is a matrix is the command class()

        class( )

# to list the properties of an object attributes( )
# (different classes have different attributes)

# To check that all the data has been read in, we can use the dim() command.
# The adjacency matrix should have the same dimensions as the original data
# (here, 50 by 50).


# To check the values are correct, including missing values, we can use
# the following commands to tabulate the variables.

        table(, useNA = 'always' )
        table(, useNA = 'always' )
        table(, useNA = 'always' )
        table( drink, useNA = 'always' )
        table( smoke, useNA = 'always' )

# NA is the R code for missing data (Not Available).
# This data set happens to have no missings
# (see the data description on the Siena website).
# If there are any missings, it is necessary to tell R about the missing data codes.
# Let us do as if the missing codes for the friendship network were 6 and 9.
# This leads to the following commands.
# (For new R users: the c() function used here as "c(6,9)" constructs
#  a vector [c for column] consisting of the numbers 6 and 9.
#  This function is used a lot in basic R.)[ %in% c(6,9) ] <- NA[ %in% c(6,9) ] <- NA[ %in% c(6,9) ] <- NA

# Commands for descriptive analysis are in the script: RscriptSNADescriptives.R

############## - SELECTING SUBSETS OF DATA - ###################################

# To select a subset of the data based on an actor variable, say,
# those who have the value 2 or 3 on drinking at time 1
# (the possibilities are endless, but hopefully this will serve as a pattern)

      use <- drink[, 1] %in% c(2, 3)

# This creates a logical vector which is TRUE for the cases where the condition
# is satisfied. To view or check, display the vectors:

     	drink[ , 1 ]

# and the number of selected cases is displayed by

      sum( use )

# or

	table( use )

# To have this arrayed more neatly side by side, you can create and display
# a matrix with the desired information,

        aa <- matrix(nrow=50, ncol=2)
        aa[,1] <- drink[,1]
        aa[,2] <- use
	#the first column contains the drink level and the second whether this
	#level is 2 or 3 (1) or not (0)

# or as a shorter alternative

	aa <- cbind(drink[ , 1 ],use)

# Given this selection, submatrices can be formed in case the analyses
# are to be done for this subset only: <-[ use, use ] <-[ use, use ]
        drink1 <- drink[ use, ]

# A useful option in R that allows you to save your workspace:
# Later you can load this in a new session by
# load("WorkspaceRscript01.RData")

# If next time you would like to continue from here, you will not need to open
# and run this script again, since you will be able to load this current state of
# your workspace. But packages will have to be attached again.

### ---- PROCEED TO RscriptSNADescriptives.R FOR DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS ----------

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RSienaTest documentation built on July 14, 2021, 3 a.m.