
Defines functions .onAttach .onLoad

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
#    require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE) 

.onAttach <- function(library, pkg){
    buildStartupMessage(pkg = "RandVar", packageHelp = TRUE, library = library, VIGNETTE=gettext("This package also includes a vignette; try vignette(\"RandVar\")."))

# optional rSpace
setClassUnion("OptionalrSpace", c("rSpace", "NULL"))

# random variable
            representation(Map = "list", 
                           Domain = "OptionalrSpace",
                           Range = "OptionalrSpace"), 
            prototype(Map = list(function(x){ }), 
                      Domain = NULL,
                      Range = NULL),
            validity = function(object){
                nrvalues <- length(object@Map)
                for(i in 1:nrvalues){
                        stop("element ", i, " of 'Map' contains no function")
                    if(length(formals(object@Map[[i]])) != 1)
                        stop("element ", i, " of 'Map' has to be a function of one argument")
                    if(names(formals(object@Map[[i]])) != "x")
                        stop("element ", i, " of 'Map' contains a function with argument name != 'x'")

# Euclidean random variable
            prototype = prototype(Map = list(function(x){1}),
                                  Domain = NULL,
                                  Range = new("EuclideanSpace")),
            contains = "RandVariable",
            validity = function(object){
                if(!is(object@Range, "EuclideanSpace"))
                    stop("'Range' is no Euclidean space")
                else TRUE

# Euclidean random variable
            representation(Dim = "integer"), 
            prototype = prototype(Map = list(function(x){1}),
                                  Domain = NULL,
                                  Range = new("EuclideanSpace"),
                                  Dim = as.integer(c(1,1))),
            contains = "EuclRandVariable",
            validity = function(object){
                if(!is(object@Range, "EuclideanSpace"))
                    stop("'Range' is no Euclidean space")
                d <- object@Dim
                if(length(d) != 2)
                    stop("'Dim' has to be of length 2")
                if(length(object@Map) != d[1]*d[2])
                    stop("'Map' has wrong dimension")
                else TRUE

# real random variable
            prototype = prototype(Map = list(function(x){1}),
                                  Domain = NULL,
                                  Range = new("Reals")),
            contains = "EuclRandVariable", 
            validity = function(object){
                if(!is(object@Range, "Reals"))
                    stop("'Range' is not the Real space")
                else TRUE

# list of Euclidean random variables
setClass(Class = "EuclRandVarList", 
            prototype = prototype(list(new("EuclRandVariable"))), 
            contains = "list",
            validity = function(object){
                nrvalues <- length(object)
                for(i in 1:nrvalues)
                    if(!is(object[[i]], "EuclRandVariable")) 
                        stop("element ", i, " is no 'EuclRandVariable'")
                if(nrvalues > 1)
                    for(i in 2:nrvalues)
                        if(!compatibleDomains(object[[1]], object[[i]]))
                            stop("the domains of the Euclidean random variables\n", 
                                 "forming the list have to be compatible")

Try the RandVar package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RandVar documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 3 a.m.