words: rank data : words

Description Format Source Examples


The data was collected under the auspices of the Graduate Record Examination Board. A sample of 98 college students were asked to rank five words according to strength of association (least to most associated) with the target word "Idea": A = Thought, B = Play, C = Theory, D = Dream and E = Attention.


A list containing :


A matrix of size 98*5 containing the 98 answers. Each row corresponding to one ranking (ranking representation).

The ranking representation r=(r_1,...,r_m) contains the ranks assigned to the objects, and means that the ith object is in r_ith position.

For example, if the ranking representation of a rank is (4,3,1,2,5), it means that judge ranks the first object in 4th position, second object in 3rd position, ...


matrix of size 15*6. Each row corresponds to one of the 15 different observed rankings, and the last column contains the observation frequency.


the size of the rankings (m=5).


M.A. Fligner and J.S. Verducci. "Distance based ranking models". J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B, 48(3):359-369, 1986.



Example output

WARNING : Since Rancluster 0.92, the ranks have to be given to the package in the ranking notation (see convertRank function), with the following convention :
- missing positions are replaced by 0
- tied are replaced by the lowest position they share

Rankcluster documentation built on Aug. 26, 2019, 3 p.m.