convertRank: change the representation of a rank

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples

View source: R/RankFunctions.R


convertRank converts a rank from its ranking representation to its ordering representation, and vice-versa. The function does not work with partial ranking. The transformation to convert a rank from ordering to ranking representation is the same that from ranking to ordering representation, there is no need to precise the representation of rank x.





a rank (vector) datum either in its ranking or ordering representation.


The ranking representation r=(r_1,...,r_m) contains the ranks assigned to the objects, and means that the ith object is in r_ith position.

The ordering representation o=(o_1,...,o_m) means that object o_i is in the ith position.

Let us consider the following example to illustrate both notations: a judge, which has to rank three holidays destinations according to its preferences, O1 = Countryside, O2 =Mountain and O3 = Sea, ranks first Sea, second Countryside, and last Mountain. The ordering result of the judge is o = (3, 1, 2) whereas the ranking result is r = (2, 3, 1).


a rank (vector) in its ordering representation if its ranking representation has been given in input of convertRank, and vice-versa.


Julien Jacques


x <- c(2, 3, 1, 4, 5)

Example output

WARNING : Since Rancluster 0.92, the ranks have to be given to the package in the ranking notation (see convertRank function), with the following convention :
- missing positions are replaced by 0
- tied are replaced by the lowest position they share
[1] 3 1 2 4 5

Rankcluster documentation built on Aug. 26, 2019, 3 p.m.