panellipse: Confidence ellipses around products based on panelists...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples


Virtual panels are generated using Boostrap techniques in order to display confidence ellipses around products.


panellipse(donnee, col.p, col.j, firstvar, lastvar = ncol(donnee),
    alpha = 0.05, coord = c(1,2), scale.unit = TRUE, nbsimul = 500,
    nbchoix = NULL, group = NULL, = NULL, = 0.2, centerbypanelist = TRUE,
    scalebypanelist = FALSE, name.panelist = FALSE,
    variability.variable = TRUE, cex = 1, color = NULL)



a data frame made up of at least two qualitative variables (product, panelist) and a set of quantitative variables (sensory descriptors)


the position of the product variable


the position of the panelist variable


the position of the first sensory descriptor


the position of the last sensory descriptor (by default the last column of donnee)


the confidence level of the ellipses


a length 2 vector specifying the components to plot


boolean, if T the descriptors are scaled to unit variance


the number of simulations (corresponding to the number of virtual panels) used to compute the ellipses


the number of panelists forming a virtual panel, by default the number of panelists in the original panel


the number of variables in each group of variables when multiple factor analysis is performed (by default this parameter equals NULL and a PCA is performed)

the names of the groups of variables when mfa is performed (if group differs from NULL)

the threshold above which a descriptor is not considered as discriminant according to AOV model "descriptor=Product+Panelist"


boolean, if T center the data by panelist before the construction of the axes


boolean, if T scale the data by panelist before the construction of the axes (by default, FALSE is assigned to that parameter)


boolean, if T then the name of each panelist is displayed on the plotpanelist graph (by default, FALSE is assigned to that parameter)


boolean, if T a plot with the variability of the variable is drawn and a confidence intervals of the correlations between descriptors are calculated


cf. function par in the graphics package


a vector with the colors used; by default there are 35 colors defined


Panellipse, step by step:
Step 1 Performs a selection of discriminating descriptors with respect to a threshold set by users
Step 2 Virtual panels are generated using Boostrap techniques; the number of panels as well as their size are set by users with the nbsimul and nbchoix parameters
Step 3 Coordinates of the products with respect to each virtual panels are computed
Step 4 Each product is then circled by its confidence ellipse generated by virtual panels and comprising (1-alpha)*100 percent of the virtual products
Step 5 Variability of the variables is drawn and confidence interval of the correlation coefficient between descriptors are calculated by bootstrap


A list containing the following elements:


a matrix with the component of the factor analysis (in row) and the eigenvalues, the inertia and the cumulative inertia for each component


a list with: the coordinates of the products with respect to the panel and to each panelists and the coordinates of the partial products with respect to the panel and to each panelists


Returns a matrix with the P-values of the Hotelling's T2 tests for each pair of products: this matrix allows to find the product which are significantly different for the 2-components sensory description; if an MFA is done, hotelling returns as many matrices as there are group, these matrices allows to find the product which are significantly different for the 2-components sensory description of the group, and it returns also a global matrix corresponding to the P-values for the tests corresponding to the mean product.


a list with: the matrix of the estimated correlation coefficients and two matrices corresponding to the confidence intervals, min and max, of the correlation coefficients calculated by bootstrap.

Returns a graph of the products as well as a correlation circle of the descriptors.

Returns a graph where each product is displayed with respect to a panel and to each panelist composing the panel; products described by the panel are displayed as square, they are displayed as circle when they are described by each panelist.

Returns a graph where each product is circled by its confidence ellipse generated by virtual panels. When a Multiple Factor Analysis is performed, returns a graph where each partial product is circled by its confidence ellipse generated by virtual panels.

Returns a graph where the variability of each variable is drawn on the correlation circle graph.


Fran<e7>ois Husson


Husson F., Le Dien S. & Pag<e8>s J. (2005). Confidence ellipse for the sensory profiles obtained by Principal Components Analysis. Food Quality and Preference. 16 (3), 245-250.
Pag<e8>s J. & Husson F. (2005). Multiple Factor Analysis with confidence ellipses: a methodology to study the relationships between sensory and instrumental data. To be published in Journal of Chemometrics.
Husson F., L<ea> S. & Pag<e8>s J. Variability of the representation of the variables resulting from PCA in the case of a conventional sensory profile. Food Quality and Preference. 16 (3), 245-250.

See Also

panellipse.session, panelmatch


## Not run: 
## Example 1: PCA
res <- panellipse(sensochoc, col.p = 4, col.j = 1, firstvar = 5)
coltable(res$hotelling, main.title = "P-values for the Hotelling's T2 tests")

## If we consider only 12 panelists in a virtual panel, 
## what would be the size of the ellipses
res2 <- panellipse(sensochoc, col.p = 4, col.j = 1, nbchoix = 12, firstvar = 5)
coltable(res2$hotelling, main.title = "P-values for the Hotelling's T2 tests")

## If we want the confidence ellipses around the individual descriptions
panellipse(sensochoc, col.p = 4, col.j = 1, nbchoix = 1, firstvar = 5)

## Example 2: MFA
res <- panellipse(sensochoc, col.p = 4, col.j = 1, firstvar = 5, 
    group = c(6,8), = c("G1","G2"))
for (i in 1:dim(res$hotelling$bygroup)[3]) coltable(res$hotelling$bygroup[,,i], 
    main.title = paste("P-values for the Hotelling's T2 tests (",

## End(Not run)

Example output

Loading required package: FactoMineR using pdf(file="Rplots1.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots2.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots3.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots4.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots5.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots6.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots7.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots8.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots9.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots10.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots11.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots12.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots13.pdf")

              Dim1        Dim2 Product Panelist
choc1 -3.757796675  1.61821061   choc1        0
choc2 -1.368141617 -0.77976142   choc2        0
choc3  7.479490096  0.65456298   choc3        0
choc4 -1.312132687  0.62686079   choc4        0
choc5 -0.958491687 -0.87373829   choc5        0
choc6 -0.082927430 -1.24613467   choc6        0
i7    -4.933181948 -1.02343349   choc1        1
i8    -0.547308965  2.01556559   choc2        1
i9     6.120010161  0.58513173   choc3        1
i10   -0.200248256  1.07870900   choc4        1
i11   -0.594544015 -1.33943833   choc5        1
i12    0.155273023 -1.31653450   choc6        1
i13   -1.405985464  2.26949264   choc1        2
i14    1.218342057  0.34845613   choc2        2
i15    4.731775422  0.99603403   choc3        2
i16   -0.881604109 -1.58391957   choc4        2
i17   -2.668761176 -0.70527140   choc5        2
i18   -0.993766730 -1.32479183   choc6        2
i19   -5.573914361  2.62087610   choc1        3
i20   -0.847765087 -1.15405408   choc2        3
i21    8.505752718 -0.12704964   choc3        3
i22   -1.510385300 -0.12068956   choc4        3
i23   -2.493491422 -0.79294245   choc5        3
i24    1.919803452 -0.42614038   choc6        3
i25   -5.937089968 -0.11016574   choc1        4
i26   -1.822390188 -3.51761531   choc2        4
i27   11.899206837 -1.72977191   choc3        4
i28   -4.386287342  1.44126313   choc4        4
i29    2.547811630  3.80606226   choc5        4
i30   -2.301250969  0.11022758   choc6        4
i31   -5.207902568  1.88113730   choc1        5
i32    1.324317897 -1.43171526   choc2        5
i33    4.376936695  1.90519194   choc3        5
i34   -3.924059034 -1.45660541   choc4        5
i35    0.005035789  0.37956548   choc5        5
i36    3.425671221 -1.27757406   choc6        5
i37   -0.211501472  1.98437333   choc1        6
i38   -1.581831166  0.79639220   choc2        6
i39    1.527242976 -2.42173424   choc3        6
i40   -0.976850109  0.73160923   choc4        6
i41   -1.183671502 -2.58145115   choc5        6
i42    2.426611273  1.49081063   choc6        6
i43   -0.485455212  3.87047992   choc1        7
i44   -1.868352887 -1.59593252   choc2        7
i45    5.268262725 -0.95862133   choc3        7
i46    1.228724715  0.44372940   choc4        7
i47   -4.112760653  1.79023315   choc5        7
i48   -0.030418688 -3.54988863   choc6        7
i49   -0.751844785  4.18891995   choc1        8
i50   -6.071779542 -1.26735726   choc2        8
i51   12.720493632  4.09268884   choc3        8
i52   -2.299060742 -0.29219326   choc4        8
i53   -1.341976427 -3.85713122   choc5        8
i54   -2.255832137 -2.86492705   choc6        8
i55   -6.692501469  3.86900150   choc1        9
i56   -5.822883739 -2.93217898   choc2        9
i57   10.472771095  0.97216003   choc3        9
i58    2.068375167  2.59676017   choc4        9
i59    1.768253217 -1.26616686   choc5        9
i60   -1.794014271 -3.23957585   choc6        9
i61   -4.713119355  0.32641044   choc1       10
i62    1.158050468 -0.07514870   choc2       10
i63    6.541603422  1.24894965   choc3       10
i64   -1.947150701  2.27868307   choc4       10
i65   -1.828643913 -2.10452703   choc5       10
i66    0.789260080 -1.67436744   choc6       10
i67   -3.303180585 -0.69738512   choc1       11
i68   -0.407648515 -0.36691627   choc2       11
i69    6.840100989  1.95567073   choc3       11
i70   -1.672708667  1.01419273   choc4       11
i71    0.643369360  1.04026281   choc5       11
i72   -2.099932582 -2.94582487   choc6       11
i73   -5.173620443 -0.70340215   choc1       12
i74   -1.161636290 -1.09028522   choc2       12
i75    8.894182214  3.21676207   choc3       12
i76   -3.233499033  0.24955708   choc4       12
i77    0.688819247 -1.23073453   choc5       12
i78   -0.014245695 -0.44189725   choc6       12
i79   -0.216202434  2.92179520   choc1       13
i80   -1.951535557 -1.10964584   choc2       13
i81    9.416167401 -0.53596302   choc3       13
i82   -2.118456569  1.89815735   choc4       13
i83   -3.527717195 -1.00910840   choc5       13
i84   -1.602255646 -2.16523529   choc6       13
i85   -1.018440678  2.82833486   choc1       14
i86   -0.750021327 -0.88597333   choc2       14
i87    3.490351145 -0.43446759   choc3       14
i88   -0.271288997 -1.32378856   choc4       14
i89    0.728105418  0.20875568   choc5       14
i90   -2.178705561 -0.39286106   choc6       14
i91   -3.912748154  0.85954362   choc1       15
i92   -4.108068768 -0.06525563   choc2       15
i93    8.271858967  0.96919425   choc3       15
i94   -1.136983749  1.52043877   choc4       15
i95    2.573755805 -0.83141800   choc5       15
i96   -1.687814102 -2.45250301   choc6       15
i97   -6.748800003 -0.46759770   choc1       16
i98   -0.051481170 -3.64613359   choc2       16
i99    7.938068116  1.57469878   choc3       16
i100   0.770978082  4.55004683   choc4       16
i101  -3.699086044 -0.33649101   choc5       16
i102   1.790321019 -1.67452330   choc6       16
i103  -1.841443127  4.04716039   choc1       17
i104  -4.081366067 -0.61712579   choc2       17
i105  10.544601496 -0.85265555   choc3       17
i106  -1.846471959  2.56190705   choc4       17
i107  -3.044267704 -3.53210449   choc5       17
i108   0.268947361 -1.60718161   choc6       17
i109  -3.697666113  4.55382619   choc1       18
i110  -0.425241284 -0.77867829   choc2       18
i111   8.458894570  0.98847636   choc3       18
i112  -4.917650536 -0.93477660   choc4       18
i113  -0.093062174 -1.30015607   choc5       18
i114   0.674725537 -2.52869159   choc6       18
i115  -4.147214125  1.73705785   choc1       19
i116   1.914807663 -0.84580023   choc2       19
i117   5.030477738  0.92006718   choc3       19
i118  -1.395248093  1.02286574   choc4       19
i119  -1.739174253 -2.93016404   choc5       19
i120   0.336351070  0.09597350   choc6       19
i121  -4.440827539  0.21966682   choc1       20
i122  -1.128950907  1.51693044   choc2       20
i123  13.455601989  1.96975294   choc3       20
i124  -7.265626525 -0.12721380   choc4       20
i125  -2.632087856  0.43499907   choc5       20
i126   2.011890837 -4.01413548   choc6       20
i127  -3.006115326  2.79661727   choc1       21
i128  -0.685202680 -0.03784867   choc2       21
i129   5.943115571 -0.19388140   choc3       21
i130  -1.178776701  1.33613752   choc4       21
i131  -0.544751305 -1.48559444   choc5       21
i132  -0.528269559 -2.41543028   choc6       21
i133  -5.764187837 -0.04399262   choc1       22
i134  -1.259913459 -1.81753926   choc2       22
i135   8.904448667  3.89857791   choc3       22
i136  -1.170682746  0.67368206   choc4       22
i137   0.689242508 -1.33580395   choc5       22
i138  -1.398907134 -1.37492413   choc6       22
i139  -3.420764458  1.39566301   choc1       23
i140  -1.035256203 -0.92313134   choc2       23
i141   7.552161831  0.63666339   choc3       23
i142  -1.737639087 -0.02525798   choc4       23
i143  -0.534404724 -0.91293604   choc5       23
i144  -0.824097359 -0.17100104   choc6       23
i145  -6.461528420 -0.14155122   choc1       24
i146  -0.167033953 -0.69327071   choc2       24
i147   9.585189637  0.27050901   choc3       24
i148  -0.245652014  1.38261166   choc4       24
i149  -3.342541290 -2.20001863   choc5       24
i150   0.631566039  1.38171988   choc6       24
i151  -1.206503984  2.06142039   choc1       25
i152   0.402029428  1.08162280   choc2       25
i153   2.481729446  0.13925542   choc3       25
i154  -2.380923385 -1.87312173   choc4       25
i155   1.522456954 -1.73197433   choc5       25
i156  -0.818788459  0.32279744   choc6       25
i157  -4.335951469 -0.17396537   choc1       26
i158  -2.850971389 -0.26161754   choc2       26
i159   5.985979244  0.59466080   choc3       26
i160   1.000218317 -1.06971170   choc4       26
i161  -0.244140358  0.12573927   choc5       26
i162   0.444865654  0.78489454   choc6       26
i163  -2.707969905  1.04211646   choc1       27
i164   0.584938515 -0.82974489   choc2       27
i165   2.437278727 -0.51998878   choc3       27
i166  -1.142523778  0.51383108   choc4       27
i167  -1.104530848  0.14634487   choc5       27
i168   1.932807289 -0.35255874   choc6       27
i169  -5.284286585  3.33666805   choc1       28
i170  -2.028833641 -0.68212730   choc2       28
i171  12.103806962  1.68328169   choc3       28
i172  -0.047856303 -0.24538082   choc4       28
i173  -3.070243300 -2.70694676   choc5       28
i174  -1.672587133 -1.38549486   choc6       28
i175  -6.376155793  1.47903977   choc1       29
i176  -5.623120131 -1.74695226   choc2       29
i177   7.407142391 -1.86126702   choc3       29
i178   4.767489527  1.93744000   choc4       29
i179  -1.163252702  0.92000615   choc5       29
i180   0.987896708 -0.72826664   choc6       29

        eigenvalue percentage of variance cumulative percentage of variance
comp 1 12.43048248             88.7891606                          88.78916
comp 2  1.06071846              7.5765605                          96.36572
comp 3  0.37251599              2.6608285                          99.02655
comp 4  0.09570998              0.6836427                          99.71019
comp 5  0.04057308              0.2898077                         100.00000







                CocoaA      MilkA     CocoaF      MilkF    Caramel    Vanilla
CocoaA       1.0000000 -0.9643480  0.9785248 -0.9571752 -0.9360588 -0.9879772
MilkA       -0.9643480  1.0000000 -0.9936930  0.9921083  0.9811928  0.9630937
CocoaF       0.9785248 -0.9936930  1.0000000 -0.9861461 -0.9831321 -0.9849654
MilkF       -0.9571752  0.9921083 -0.9861461  1.0000000  0.9901273  0.9629777
Caramel     -0.9360588  0.9811928 -0.9831321  0.9901273  1.0000000  0.9606128
Vanilla     -0.9879772  0.9630937 -0.9849654  0.9629777  0.9606128  1.0000000
Sweetness   -0.8832588  0.9609963 -0.9598773  0.9467762  0.9714737  0.9127383
Acidity      0.8178182 -0.9051651  0.9078363 -0.8822963 -0.9226157 -0.8493130
Bitterness   0.9380061 -0.9726131  0.9840980 -0.9561170 -0.9744724 -0.9589034
Astringency  0.8830144 -0.9412720  0.9519673 -0.9236238 -0.9572212 -0.9140783
Crunchy      0.8042928 -0.7731539  0.7567830 -0.8221982 -0.7579852 -0.7810121
Melting     -0.8614261  0.8689393 -0.8532705  0.9166081  0.8795951  0.8507954
Sticky      -0.9168947  0.8218217 -0.8278757  0.8050145  0.7378884  0.8489268
Granular     0.8956231 -0.9432427  0.9308954 -0.9681953 -0.9612149 -0.8981823
             Sweetness    Acidity Bitterness Astringency    Crunchy    Melting
CocoaA      -0.8832588  0.8178182  0.9380061   0.8830144  0.8042928 -0.8614261
MilkA        0.9609963 -0.9051651 -0.9726131  -0.9412720 -0.7731539  0.8689393
CocoaF      -0.9598773  0.9078363  0.9840980   0.9519673  0.7567830 -0.8532705
MilkF        0.9467762 -0.8822963 -0.9561170  -0.9236238 -0.8221982  0.9166081
Caramel      0.9714737 -0.9226157 -0.9744724  -0.9572212 -0.7579852  0.8795951
Vanilla      0.9127383 -0.8493130 -0.9589034  -0.9140783 -0.7810121  0.8507954
Sweetness    1.0000000 -0.9796763 -0.9859952  -0.9899582 -0.6027099  0.7540383
Acidity     -0.9796763  1.0000000  0.9624395   0.9897819  0.4594500 -0.6608026
Bitterness  -0.9859952  0.9624395  1.0000000   0.9898841  0.6352927 -0.7710618
Astringency -0.9899582  0.9897819  0.9898841   1.0000000  0.5461241 -0.7187801
Crunchy     -0.6027099  0.4594500  0.6352927   0.5461241  1.0000000 -0.9465937
Melting      0.7540383 -0.6608026 -0.7710618  -0.7187801 -0.9465937  1.0000000
Sticky       0.6546969 -0.5807156 -0.7444366  -0.6579702 -0.7933640  0.7859009
Granular    -0.9006487  0.8591927  0.9018204   0.8857045  0.8046914 -0.9452493
                Sticky   Granular
CocoaA      -0.9168947  0.8956231
MilkA        0.8218217 -0.9432427
CocoaF      -0.8278757  0.9308954
MilkF        0.8050145 -0.9681953
Caramel      0.7378884 -0.9612149
Vanilla      0.8489268 -0.8981823
Sweetness    0.6546969 -0.9006487
Acidity     -0.5807156  0.8591927
Bitterness  -0.7444366  0.9018204
Astringency -0.6579702  0.8857045
Crunchy     -0.7933640  0.8046914
Melting      0.7859009 -0.9452493
Sticky       1.0000000 -0.7520919
Granular    -0.7520919  1.0000000

                 CocoaA      MilkA      CocoaF      MilkF    Caramel    Vanilla
CocoaA       1.00000000 -0.9850601 -0.08667191 -0.9914515 -0.9896497 -0.9180195
MilkA       -0.98506014  1.0000000 -0.98869344 -0.2811128 -0.6302949 -0.2340823
CocoaF      -0.08667191 -0.9886934  1.00000000 -0.9902238 -0.9590431 -0.9840464
MilkF       -0.99145153 -0.2811128 -0.99022383  1.0000000 -0.3675383 -0.6109057
Caramel     -0.98964975 -0.6302949 -0.95904309 -0.3675383  1.0000000 -0.3180859
Vanilla     -0.91801953 -0.2340823 -0.98404638 -0.6109057 -0.3180859  1.0000000
Sweetness   -0.94178300 -0.9328719 -0.96824802 -0.4535349 -0.5760275 -0.1142080
Acidity     -0.64820372 -0.8613764 -0.48020543 -0.8851157 -0.9631062 -0.9641930
Bitterness  -0.61868822 -0.9615995  0.15322185 -0.9595140 -0.9066552 -0.9563821
Astringency -0.48911599 -0.8855603 -0.61732708 -0.9331752 -0.9965008 -0.7980075
Crunchy     -0.44250405 -0.8421949  0.00000000 -0.9754262 -0.9779015 -0.8663692
Melting     -0.93961848 -0.7590179 -0.92157759 -0.5656854 -0.3967957 -0.3689726
Sticky      -0.87533500 -0.3544588 -0.94106465 -0.7657097 -0.7484552 -0.5773503
Granular    -0.79166667 -0.9522509 -0.81569940 -0.9160035 -0.8776919 -0.8478419
             Sweetness    Acidity Bitterness Astringency    Crunchy    Melting
CocoaA      -0.9417830 -0.6482037 -0.6186882  -0.4891160 -0.4425040 -0.9396185
MilkA       -0.9328719 -0.8613764 -0.9615995  -0.8855603 -0.8421949 -0.7590179
CocoaF      -0.9682480 -0.4802054  0.1532218  -0.6173271  0.0000000 -0.9215776
MilkF       -0.4535349 -0.8851157 -0.9595140  -0.9331752 -0.9754262 -0.5656854
Caramel     -0.5760275 -0.9631062 -0.9066552  -0.9965008 -0.9779015 -0.3967957
Vanilla     -0.1142080 -0.9641930 -0.9563821  -0.7980075 -0.8663692 -0.3689726
Sweetness    1.0000000 -0.9480515 -0.9791622  -0.9621509 -0.8696827 -0.4082483
Acidity     -0.9480515  1.0000000 -0.4054991  -0.7329220 -0.5330018 -0.7951535
Bitterness  -0.9791622 -0.4054991  1.0000000  -0.6398319 -0.1337203 -0.9416472
Astringency -0.9621509 -0.7329220 -0.6398319   1.0000000 -0.6752825 -0.8174239
Crunchy     -0.8696827 -0.5330018 -0.1337203  -0.6752825  1.0000000 -0.9840627
Melting     -0.4082483 -0.7951535 -0.9416472  -0.8174239 -0.9840627  1.0000000
Sticky      -0.8411582 -0.6418523 -0.9383275  -0.8798420 -0.9870335 -0.8625819
Granular    -0.9672759 -0.4695048 -0.7280440  -0.6629233 -0.6650835 -0.9610923
                Sticky   Granular
CocoaA      -0.8753350 -0.7916667
MilkA       -0.3544588 -0.9522509
CocoaF      -0.9410647 -0.8156994
MilkF       -0.7657097 -0.9160035
Caramel     -0.7484552 -0.8776919
Vanilla     -0.5773503 -0.8478419
Sweetness   -0.8411582 -0.9672759
Acidity     -0.6418523 -0.4695048
Bitterness  -0.9383275 -0.7280440
Astringency -0.8798420 -0.6629233
Crunchy     -0.9870335 -0.6650835
Melting     -0.8625819 -0.9610923
Sticky       1.0000000 -0.8575054
Granular    -0.8575054  1.0000000

               CocoaA     MilkA      CocoaF      MilkF       Caramel Vanilla
CocoaA      1.0000000 0.4554433  0.95768612  0.2082717  2.939419e-01      NA
MilkA       0.4554433 1.0000000  0.56719209  0.9869834  8.909181e-01      NA
CocoaF      0.9576861 0.5671921  1.00000000 -0.2693429 -3.252463e-01      NA
MilkF       0.2082717 0.9869834 -0.26934285  1.0000000  9.874414e-01      NA
Caramel     0.2939419 0.8909181 -0.32524625  0.9874414  1.000000e+00      NA
Vanilla            NA        NA          NA         NA            NA       1
Sweetness   0.3859225 0.9193304 -0.02335709  0.9937416  9.826212e-01      NA
Acidity     0.8879400 0.9389530  0.90403070  0.3656536  2.725022e-01      NA
Bitterness  0.8882702 0.4571760  0.97733221 -0.3859499 -2.207241e-01      NA
Astringency 0.9375812 0.5158770  0.95755740  0.7121722  3.080181e-01      NA
Crunchy     0.9278844 0.4110901  0.89536932 -0.1000927  4.474284e-01      NA
Melting     0.8146131 0.9745830  0.60395717  0.9780595  9.004503e-01      NA
Sticky      0.4264014 0.8433383  0.60569788  0.8764222  8.707793e-01      NA
Granular    0.9496528 0.6787421  0.93831394  0.4242641  7.697702e-21      NA
              Sweetness   Acidity Bitterness Astringency    Crunchy   Melting
CocoaA       0.38592249 0.8879400  0.8882702   0.9375812  0.9278844 0.8146131
MilkA        0.91933042 0.9389530  0.4571760   0.5158770  0.4110901 0.9745830
CocoaF      -0.02335709 0.9040307  0.9773322   0.9575574  0.8953693 0.6039572
MilkF        0.99374158 0.3656536 -0.3859499   0.7121722 -0.1000927 0.9780595
Caramel      0.98262120 0.2725022 -0.2207241   0.3080181  0.4474284 0.9004503
Vanilla              NA        NA         NA          NA         NA        NA
Sweetness    1.00000000 0.3872983 -0.1546721   0.6661737  0.2436549 0.9002417
Acidity      0.38729833 1.0000000  0.9514617   0.9800277  0.7977240 0.3643931
Bitterness  -0.15467206 0.9514617  1.0000000   0.9888193  0.8656605 0.4892615
Astringency  0.66617372 0.9800277  0.9888193   1.0000000  0.9020123 0.8759182
Crunchy      0.24365493 0.7977240  0.8656605   0.9020123  1.0000000 0.4926646
Melting      0.90024169 0.3643931  0.4892615   0.8759182  0.4926646 1.0000000
Sticky       0.93265158 0.8246211  0.9349876   0.8926074  0.2446610 0.8341775
Granular     0.60132003 0.8955228  0.9468286   0.8972335  0.7842289 0.2991162
               Sticky     Granular
CocoaA      0.4264014 9.496528e-01
MilkA       0.8433383 6.787421e-01
CocoaF      0.6056979 9.383139e-01
MilkF       0.8764222 4.242641e-01
Caramel     0.8707793 7.697702e-21
Vanilla            NA           NA
Sweetness   0.9326516 6.013200e-01
Acidity     0.8246211 8.955228e-01
Bitterness  0.9349876 9.468286e-01
Astringency 0.8926074 8.972335e-01
Crunchy     0.2446610 7.842289e-01
Melting     0.8341775 2.991162e-01
Sticky      1.0000000 7.715114e-01
Granular    0.7715114 1.000000e+00

There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) using pdf(file="Rplots14.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots15.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots16.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots17.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots18.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots19.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots20.pdf") using pdf(file="Rplots21.pdf")

SensoMineR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:56 p.m.