##' SpaTimeClus a package for clustering spatio-temporal data
##' SpaTimeClus is a tool for clustering Spatio-Temporal data.
##' \tabular{ll}{
##' Package: \tab SpaTimeClus\cr
##' Type: \tab Package\cr
##' Version: \tab 1.0.0\cr
##' Date: \tab 2016-12-21\cr
##' License: \tab GPL-2\cr
##' LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
##' }
##' The main function of this package is \link{spatimeclus} that performs the clustering of spatio-temporal data.
##' @name SpaTimeClus-package
##' @aliases SpaTimeClus
##' @rdname SpaTimeClus-package
##' @docType package
##' @keywords package
##' @import parallel
##' @import Rcpp
##' @import methods
##' @importFrom stats runif coefficients lm var
##' @useDynLib SpaTimeClus
##' @author
##' Author: Cheam A., Marbac M., and McNicholas P.
##' @references Cheam A., Marbac M., and McNicholas P., Model-Based Clustering for Spatio-Temporal Data Applied for Air Quality.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' data(airparif)
##' # Clustering of the data by considering the spatial dependencies
##' <- spatimeclus(airparif$obs, G=3, K=4, Q=4, map = airparif$map,
##' nbinitSmall=50, nbinitKept=5, nbiterSmall=5)
##' summary(
##' # Clustering of the data without considering the spatial dependencies
##' res.nospa <- spatimeclus(airparif$obs, G=3, K=4, Q=4, nbinitSmall=50, nbinitKept=5, nbiterSmall=5)
##' summary(res.nospa)
##' }
##' Real spatio-temporal data: airparif
##' airparif$obs describes 101 days in 2015 by indicating the quantity of NO2 at 9 sites around Paris during 24 hours.
##' airparif$map indicates the locations of the 9 sites around Paris where the measures are taken.
##' airparif$datasup describes the 101 days with meteorological variables.
##' @name airparif
##' @docType data
##' @keywords datasets
##' @examples
##' data(airparif)
spatimeclusModelKnown <- function(obs, model, param=NULL, tune=tune){
if (model@Q>0){
matT <- matrix(obs@m, obs@TT, 1)
if (model@Q>1) {for (q in 2:model@Q) matT <- cbind(matT, obs@m ** q)}
matT <- cbind(rep(1, obs@TT), matT)
matT <- matrix(1, obs@TT, 1)
matT[-1,] <- matT[-1,] - matT[-obs@TT,]
if (is.null(param)){
param <- list()
for (it in 1:tune@nbinitSmall) param[[it]] <- initparam(obs, model, matT)
input <-new("STCresults",
criteria=new("STCcriteria", loglike= -Inf),
return(TuneOutput(SpaTimeClusCpp(input, param, matT) ))
##' This function performs the maximum likelihood estimation for a known model in clustering
##' @param obs array It contains the observations to cluster where the dimensions are respectively: number of the observation, site of the observation, time of the observation.
##' @param G numeric. It defines possible numbers of components.
##' @param K numeric. It defines possible numbers of regressions per components
##' @param Q numeric. It defines possible degrees of regressions.
##' @param map matrix. It gives the spatial coordiantes of each site.
##' @param m numeric. It indicates the moments of observations (optional, default is 1:T).
##' @param crit character. It indicates the criterion used for the model selection ("AIC", "BIC" or "ICL", optional, default is "BIC").
##' @param tol numeric. The algorithm is stopped when the loglikelihood increases less than tol during two successive iterations (optional, default is 0.001).
##' @param param list of \linkS4class{STCparam}. It gives the initial values of the EM algorithm (optional, starting point are sampled at random).
##' @param nbcores numeric. It defines the numerber of cores used by the alogrithm, only for Linux and Mac (optional, default is 1).
##' @param nbinitSmall numeric. It defines the number of random initializations (optional, default is 500).
##' @param nbinitKept numeric. It defines the number of chains estimated until convergence (optional, default is 50).
##' @param nbiterSmall numeric. It defines the number of iterations before keeping the nbinitKept best chains (optional, default is 20).
##' @param nbiterKept numeric. It defines the maximum number of iterations before to stop the algorith; (optional, default is 500).
##' @return Returns an instance of \linkS4class{STCresults}.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' data(airparif)
##' # Clustering of the data by considering the spatial dependencies
##' <- spatimeclus(airparif$obs, G=3, K=4, Q=4, map = airparif$map,
##' nbinitSmall=50, nbinitKept=5, nbiterSmall=5)
##' summary(
##' # Clustering of the data without considering the spatial dependencies
##' res.nospa <- spatimeclus(airparif$obs, G=3, K=4, Q=4, nbinitSmall=50, nbinitKept=5, nbiterSmall=5)
##' summary(res.nospa)
##' }
##' @export
spatimeclus <- function(obs, G, K, Q, map=NULL, m=1:(dim(obs)[3]), crit="BIC", tol=0.001, param=NULL, nbcores=1, nbinitSmall=500, nbinitKept=50, nbiterSmall=20, nbiterKept=500){
obs <- BuildSTCdata(obs, map, m=m)
nbcores <- min(detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE), nbcores)
if (nbinitSmall<nbinitKept) nbinitKept <- nbinitSmall
listmodels <- list()
resallmodels <- matrix(NA, length(G)*length(K)*length(Q),3)
lig <- 0
for (g in G){
for (k in K){
for (q in Q){
listmodels[[length(listmodels)+1]] <- STCmodel(g, k, q, is.null(map))
lig <- lig + 1
resallmodels[lig,] <- c(g, k, q)
for (i in 1:obs@n) obs@x[i,,-1] <- obs@x[i,,-1] - obs@x[i,,-obs@TT]
tune <- new("STCtune", tol=tol, nbinitSmall=nbinitSmall, nbinitKept=nbinitKept, nbiterSmall=nbiterSmall, nbiterKept=nbiterKept)
if (nbcores>1){
results <- mclapply(X = listmodels,
FUN = spatimeclusModelKnown,
mc.cores = nbcores, mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.cleanup = TRUE)
results <- list()
for (it in 1:length(listmodels)) results[[it]] <- spatimeclusModelKnown(obs, listmodels[[it]], param, tune)
allcrit <- rep(-Inf, length(results))
degen <- rep(-Inf, length(results))
garde <- degen
for (it in 1:length(listmodels)){
degen[it] <- results[[it]]@criteria@degeneracy
if (crit=="BIC"){
allcrit[it] <- results[[it]]@criteria@BIC
}else if (crit=="AIC"){
allcrit[it] <- results[[it]]@criteria@AIC
}else if (crit=="ICL"){
allcrit[it] <- results[[it]]@criteria@ICL
garde <- allcrit
garde[which(degen>0.5)] <- -Inf
results <- results[[which.max(garde)]]
results@allmodels <- cbind(resallmodels, allcrit, degen)
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