
#' Calculate a matrix of significance test results for all possible values
#' @param n.control Number of patients in the control group
#' @param n.treatment Number of patients in the treatment group
#' @param level Significance level to test (default 0.975)
#' @param prior Prior on binomial probability parameter of the control group
#' @param treat.beta.prior.par Paramters for beta prior on treatment group probability parameter
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores to use for mclapply
#' @param posterior List of posterior functions, one for each outcome in the control arm. (Default length=\code{n.control+1})
#' @param check.xt Optional argument to specify which outcomes in the treament arm should be considered. Otherwise \code{0:n.treatment}
#' @param check.xs Optional argument to specify which outcomes in the control arm should be considered. Otherwise \code{0:n.control}
#' @return A matrix of TRUE/FALSE values of size n.control+1 x n.treatment+1
#' @export

sig.matrix <- function(n.control, n.treatment, level=0.975, prior, posterior, treat.beta.prior.par=c(1,1), mc.cores=1, check.xt, check.xs) {

  if(missing(check.xt)) check.xt <- 0:n.treatment
  if(missing(check.xs)) check.xs <- 0:n.control

  use.posterior = !missing(posterior)

  ZZ.list <-   mclapply(check.xs,
      # print(Xs)
      post <-
          if(inherits(prior, "function")){
            post <- function(p,g=1) prior(p,Xs)*dbinom(x=Xs, size=n.control, prob=p)/g
            f <- splinefun(smooth.spline(seq(0.001,.999,len=1000), pmax(0,post(seq(0.001,.999,len=1000)))))

            K <- adaptIntegrate(f, lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 1, maxEval = 2e5)$integral
            function(p,g=K) f(p)/g
            # formals(post) <- alist(p = , g = K)
            # K <- K *integrate(post, lower=0, upper=1)$value

          } else if(inherits(prior, "mixture.prior")){
            post.list <- posterior.mixture.prior(Xs, n.control, prior)
            function(p) eval.mixture.prior(p, post.list)

          } else if(inherits(prior, "list")){
            post.list <- posterior.mixture.prior(Xs, n.control, prior[[Xs+1]])
            function(p) eval.mixture.prior(p, post.list)
        } else if(use.posterior) {
            if(inherits(posterior[[1]],"mixture.prior"))  approxfun(seq(0,1,len=150),
          else posterior[[Xs+1]]

    ZZ <-unlist(
      lapply(check.xt, function(xT){
       # print(paste0('.',xT))
      res <-  try({
        # if(debug ) browser()

        unsure <- TRUE
        #start quick and dirty
        tol <- 0.06

        this.int <- NA

          # this.int.res <-  adaptIntegrate(
          #   function(p0) {
          #     pmax(0,
          #         dbeta(p0,
          #               treat.beta.prior.par[1]+xT,
          #               treat.beta.prior.par[2] + n.treatment-xT) -
          #           post(p0))
          #     },
          #   lower=0,upper=1, rel.tol = tol, subdivisions = 200)

          this.int.res <-  adaptIntegrate(
            function(p0) {
                    treat.beta.prior.par[2] + n.treatment-xT,
                    lower.tail = FALSE) *
            lowerLimit = 0,upperLimit = 1, tol = tol, maxEval = 2e5)
          this.int.res$value <- this.int.res$integral
          this.int.res$abs.error <- this.int.res$integral*this.int.res$error

          this.int <- this.int.res$value

          if( (this.int - this.int.res$abs.error) < level & (this.int + this.int.res$abs.error)  > level){
            # print("We were very close! Trying again -------------------")
            # print(this.int)
            tol <- tol/3
            # print(paste0("Tol: ",tol))
          } else {
            unsure <- FALSE


        this.int > level
      if(inherits(res,"try-error")) browser()#save(xT, post, file=paste0('ERROR-2-',Xs,'-',xT,'.Rda'))
    # , mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.preschedule = FALSE
    ) )

    # print(ZZ)
# browser()
  , mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.preschedule = FALSE

         dimnames = list(Control = 0:n.control,
                         Treatment = 0:n.treatment)


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StudyPrior documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.