
context("ANOVAs: known bugs")

test_that("another label bug (May 2014)", {
  expect_is(suppressWarnings(aov_ez("id", "corr", d.in, between = "cond", within = c("type", "inference"), return = "Anova")), "Anova.mlm")  

test_that("orig label bug", {
  obk2 <- obk.long
  levels(obk2$phase) <- c("fup test", "post-hans", "pre tenetious")
  expect_is(suppressWarnings(aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + age + Error(id/phase*hour), data = obk2, factorize=FALSE, return = "Anova")), "Anova.mlm")

test_that("ANCOVA check bug (reported by Gang Chen), January 2013", {
  dat <- read.table('../../../../bugs/mydata.txt', header=T)
  dat$ID <- as.factor(dat$ID)
  fm <- suppressWarnings(aov_car(Value ~ Propdd00 + Group + Gender + GAS0 + MAD0 + CPD0 + Error(ID/ROI), data=dat, factorize=FALSE, return = "Anova"))
  fm0 <- suppressWarnings(aov_car(Value ~ MAD0 + CPD0 + Error(ID/ROI), data=dat, factorize=FALSE, return='afex_aov'))
  expect_is(fm, "Anova.mlm")
  expect_is(fm0, "afex_aov")

test_that("ANOVA: ids in multiple between.subjects conditions", {
  species<- c("a","b","c","c","b","c","b","b","a","b","c","c","a","a","b","b","a","a","b","c")
  habitat<-  c("x","x","x","y","y","y","x","x","y","z","y","y","z","z","x","x","y","y","z","z")
  data1<-data.frame(species, habitat, mvt.rate, ind)
  # should give an error
  expect_error(aov_ez("ind", "mvt.rate", data1, within = "habitat", between = "species"), "Following ids are in more than one between subjects condition:")

test_that("empty factors are not causing aov.cat to choke", {
  data(sleepstudy) #Example data in lme4
  #Works with all factors
  expect_is(aov_ez("Subject","Reaction",sleepstudy, within="Days", return = "Anova"), "Anova.mlm")
  #If you remove a factor it fails...
  expect_is(aov_ez("Subject","Reaction",sleepstudy[sleepstudy$Days!=9,], within="Days", return = "Anova"), "Anova.mlm")

test_that("factors have more than one level", {
  expect_error(aov_car(value ~ treatment+ Error(id/phase), data = obk.long[ obk.long$treatment == "control",]), "one level only.")
  expect_error(aov_car(value ~ treatment+ Error(id/phase), data = obk.long[ obk.long$phase == "pre",]), "one level only.")

test_that("variable names longer", {
  obk.long$gender2 <- obk.long$treatment
  orig <- aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + age + Error(id/phase*hour), data = obk.long, factorize=FALSE, observed = "gender")
  v1 <- aov_car(value ~ gender2 * gender + age + Error(id/phase*hour), data = obk.long, factorize=FALSE, observed = "gender")
  v2 <- aov_car(value ~ gender2 * gender + age + Error(id/phase*hour), data = obk.long, factorize=FALSE, observed = "gender2")
  expect_identical(nice(orig)[,-1], nice(v1)[,-1])
  expect_identical(nice(orig)[,-c(1)], nice(v2)[,-c(1)])

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afex documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.