
## Method: AsymAsymTotalVarDist
## asymmetric total variation distance of two distributions
##  newly introduced by P.R. 13 03 09 --- for use in collaboration with 
##  Matthias Brandl, Claudio Agostinelli
setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
                                        e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1,  
             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = 15, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){

        ## if we have to recall this method with a smaller TruncQuantile arg:
        mc <-  as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))[-1])
        mc$TruncQuantile <- TruncQuantile * 1.8
        dots <- list(...)
        dotsn <- names(dots)
        dotsI <- dots[dotsn %in% c("order","subdivisions", "stop.on.error")]

        #block warnings:
        o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
        ## find sensible lower and upper bounds for integration of q-cp
        # (a) quantile based
        low <- min(getLow(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getLow(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
        up  <- max(getUp(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getUp(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
        # (b) scale based
        s0 <- min(IQR(e1),IQR(e2))*IQR.fac
        low0 <- min(median(e1),median(e2))-s0
        up0 <- max(median(e1),median(e2))+s0
        # (a) & (b)
        low <- max(low,low0); up <- min(up,up0)
        # store densities to avoid dispatch
        d1 <- d(e1); d2 <- d(e2)
        ### integration as a function of c:
        Eip <- function(f, c00, diagnostic0 = FALSE)
                do.call(distrExIntegrate,c(list(f, lower = low, upper = up,
                                    rel.tol = rel.tol, c00 = c00,
                                    diagnostic = diagnostic0),dotsI))

       # positive part
       integ.p <- function(x,c00)  pmax(d2(x)-c00*d1(x),0)
       # negative part
       integ.m <- function(x,c00) pmax(c00*d1(x)-d2(x),0)

       ## function zero c(rho) of which is to be found 
       fct <- function(c0, rho = rho){
           e.p <- Eip(f=integ.p, c00=c0, diagnostic0 = FALSE)
           e.m <- Eip(f=integ.m, c00=c0, diagnostic0 = FALSE)
           e.p*rho - e.m
       ## find sensible search range for c-values
       ## goal: range of density quotient d2(x)/d1(x)
       ## x-range:
       x.range <- seq(low, up, length=Ngrid/3)
       x.range <- c(x.range, q.l(e1)(seq(TruncQuantile,
       x.range <- c(x.range, q.l(e2)(seq(TruncQuantile,
       ## to avoid division by 0:
       d1x.range <- d10x.range <- d1(x.range)
       d1x.range <- d1x.range+(d1x.range<1e-20)
       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
       d2x.range <- d2(x.range)
       dx.range <- (d2x.range/d1x.range*(d10x.range>=1e-10)+
       ## gives range for c:
       low1 <- min(dx.range); up1 <- max(dx.range)
       ## in any case compare with c=1
       tef <- fct(1, rho = rho)
       ### if c=1 is already a zero:
       if(tef == 0){
          res <- Eip(f=integ.p,c00=1, diagnostic0 = diagnostic)
          names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
             diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
             diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
             attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
             class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"
       # else: only have to search in c in [low1;1] resp [1;up1]
       if(tef < 0) up1 <- 1 else low1 <- 1

       c.rho <- try(uniroot(fct, lower = low1, upper = up1, 
                            rho = rho, tol = rel.tol,
                            maxiter = maxiter)$root,
                    silent = TRUE)

       ## if does not give reasonable solution recall function with 
       #  smaller TruncQuantile
                              signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
                                        e2 = "AbscontDistribution")), 
                              args = mc))             
       ## else:
       res <- Eip(f=integ.p, c00=c.rho, diagnostic0=diagnostic)
          diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
          diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
          attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
          class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"
       names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                    e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
        o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
        supp <- union(support(e1), support(e2))
        # store densities to avoid dispatch
        d1 <- d(e1); d2 <- d(e2)

        d2.range <- d2(supp)
        d1.range <- d1(supp)
        integ.p <- function(c00) pmax(d2.range-c00*d1.range,0)
        integ.m <- function(c00) pmax(c00*d1.range-d2.range,0)

        fct <- function(c0, rho = rho){
           e.p <- sum(integ.p(c0))
           e.m <- sum(integ.m(c0))
       d10.range <- d1.range
       d1e.range <- d1.range+(d1.range<1e-10)
       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
       d.range <- (d2.range/d1e.range*(d10.range>=1e-10)+
       ## gives range for c:
       low1 <- min(d.range); up1 <- max(d.range)
       ## in any case compare with c=1
       tef <- fct(1, rho = rho)
       ### if c=1 is already a zero:
       if(tef == 0){
          res <- sum(integ.p(1))
          names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
       # else: only have to search in c in [low1;1] resp [1;up1]
       if(tef < 0) up1 <- 1 else low1 <- 1
       c.rho <- uniroot(fct, lower=low1, upper=up1,rho=rho)$root
       res <- sum(integ.p(c.rho))
       names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                    e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
        res <- 1
        names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution",
                                    e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){ 
        res <- 1
        names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "numeric",
                                    e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
        t1 <- table(e1)
        d1 <- t1/length(e1)
        s1 <- as.numeric(names(t1))
        e11 <- DiscreteDistribution(supp=s1, prob=d1)
        return(AsymTotalVarDist(e11,e2, rho = rho, ...))

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                    e2 = "numeric"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
        return(AsymTotalVarDist(e2, e1, rho= 1 / rho, ...))

## to avoid trivial distances (distance = 1)
## abs.cont. distributions may be discretized
## resp. empirical distributions may be smoothed 
## (by convolution with a normal distribution)
setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "numeric",
                                    e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
     function(e1, e2, rho = 1, asis.smooth.discretize = "discretize", n.discr =
             getdistrExOption("nDiscretize"), low.discr = getLow(e2),
             up.discr = getUp(e2), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth"),
             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = 15, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
        res <- .asis.smooth.discretize.distance(x = e1, Distribution = e2,
                asis.smooth.discretize=asis.smooth.discretize, n.discr = n.discr,
                 low.discr= low.discr, up.discr = up.discr, h.smooth = h.smooth,
                 distance = AsymTotalVarDist, rho = rho,
                 rel.tol = rel.tol, maxiter = maxiter, Ngrid = Ngrid,
                 TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ..., diagnostic = diagnostic)
          diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
          diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
          attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
          class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"
setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution",
                                     e2 = "numeric"),
    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, asis.smooth.discretize = "discretize", n.discr =
             getdistrExOption("nDiscretize"), low.discr = getLow(e1),
             up.discr = getUp(e1), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth"),
             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = 15, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
        res <- AsymTotalVarDist(e1=e2, e2=e1, rho= 1/rho,
                  asis.smooth.discretize = asis.smooth.discretize, 
                  low.discr = low.discr, up.discr = up.discr, h.smooth = h.smooth,
                  rel.tol = rel.tol, maxiter = maxiter, Ngrid = Ngrid,
                  TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ..., diagnostic = diagnostic)
          diagn <- attr(res,"diagnostic")
          diagn[["call"]] <- match.call()
          attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
          class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist",  signature(e1 = "AcDcLcDistribution",
                                     e2 = "AcDcLcDistribution"),
           function(e1, e2, rho = 1,  
             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
             IQR.fac = 15, ..., diagnostic = FALSE){
        ## if we have to recall this method with a smaller TruncQuantile arg:
        mc <-  as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))[-1])
        mc$TruncQuantile <- TruncQuantile * 1.8
        dots <- list(...)
        dotsn <- names(dots)
        dotsI <- dots[dotsn %in% c("order","subdivisions", "stop.on.error")]
        #block warnings:

        o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)

           if( is(e1,"AbscontDistribution"))
               e1 <- as(as(e1,"AbscontDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
           if( is(e2,"AbscontDistribution"))
               e2 <- as(as(e2,"AbscontDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
               e1 <- as(as(e1,"DiscreteDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
               e2 <- as(as(e2,"DiscreteDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
           ac1 <- acPart(e1); ac2 <- acPart(e2)
           ac1d <- ac1@d; ac2d <- ac2@d
           ac1.d <- function(x) ac1d(x)*acWeight(e1)
           ac2.d <- function(x) ac2d(x)*acWeight(e2)

           dc1 <- discretePart(e1); dc2 <- discretePart(e2)
           dc1d <- dc1@d; dc2d <- dc2@d
           dc1.d <- function(x) dc1d(x)*discreteWeight(e1)
           dc2.d <- function(x) dc2d(x)*discreteWeight(e2)

        ### continuous part
        ## find sensible lower and upper bounds for integration of q-cp
        # (a) quantile based
        low <- min(getLow(ac1, eps = TruncQuantile), getLow(ac2, eps = TruncQuantile))
        up  <- max(getUp(ac1, eps = TruncQuantile), getUp(ac2, eps = TruncQuantile))
        # (b) scale based
        s0 <- min(IQR(ac1),IQR(ac2))*IQR.fac
        low0 <- min(median(ac1),median(ac2))-s0
        up0 <- max(median(ac1),median(ac2))+s0
        # (a) & (b)
        low <- max(low,low0); up <- min(up,up0)
        ### integration as a function of c:
        Eip <- function(f, c00, diagnostic0 = FALSE)
                do.call(distrExIntegrate, c(list(f, lower = low, upper = up,
                                    rel.tol = rel.tol, c00 = c00,
                                    diagnostic = diagnostic0),dotsI))
       # positive part
       integ.p.c <- function(x,c00)  pmax(ac2.d(x)-c00*ac1.d(x),0)
       # negative part
       integ.m.c <- function(x,c00) pmax(c00*ac1.d(x)-ac2.d(x),0)

       ### discrete part

       supp <- union(support(dc1), support(dc2))

        d2.range <- dc2.d(supp)
        d1.range <- dc1.d(supp)

        integ.p.d <- function(c00) pmax(d2.range-c00*d1.range,0)
        integ.m.d <- function(c00) pmax(c00*d1.range-d2.range,0)

       ## function zero c(rho) of which is to be found 
       fct <- function(c0, rho = rho){
           e.p.c <- Eip(f=integ.p.c, c00=c0, diagnostic0 = FALSE)
           e.m.c <- Eip(f=integ.m.c, c00=c0, diagnostic0 = FALSE)
           e.p.d <- sum(integ.p.d(c0))
           e.m.d <- sum(integ.m.d(c0))
           e.p <- e.p.c + e.p.d
           e.m <- e.m.c + e.m.d
           return(e.p*rho - e.m)
       ## find sensible search range for c-values
       ## goal: range of density quotient d2(x)/d1(x)
       ### continuous part
       ## x-range:
       x.range <- seq(low, up, length=Ngrid/3)
       x.range <- c(x.range, q.l(ac1)(seq(TruncQuantile,1-TruncQuantile,length=Ngrid/3)))
       x.range <- c(x.range, q.l(ac2)(seq(TruncQuantile,1-TruncQuantile,length=Ngrid/3)))
       ## to avoid division by 0:
       d1x.range <- d10x.range <- ac1.d(x.range)
       d1x.range <- d1x.range+(d1x.range<1e-20)
       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
       d2x.range <- ac2.d(x.range)
       dx.range <- (d2x.range/d1x.range*(d10x.range>=1e-20)+

       ### discrete part
       d10.range <- d1.range
       d1e.range <- d1.range+(d1.range<1e-7)
       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
       d.range <- (d2.range/d1e.range*(d10.range>=1e-10)+

       ## gives range for c:
       low1 <- min(d.range,dx.range); up1 <- max(d.range,dx.range)
       ## in any case compare with c=1
       tef <- fct(1, rho = rho, ...)
       ### if c=1 is already a zero:
       if(tef == 0){
          res <- Eip(f=integ.p.c,c00=1, diagnostic0 = diagnostic)
             diagn <- attr(res, "diagnostic")
             diagn[["call"]] <-  match.call()
          res <- res +sum(integ.p.d(1))
          names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
             attr(res, "diagnostic") <- diagn
             class(attr(res, "diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"
       # else: only have to search in c in [low1;1] resp [1;up1]
       if(tef < 0) up1 <- 1 else low1 <- 1

       c.rho <- try(uniroot(fct, lower = low1, upper = up1, 
                            rho = rho, tol = rel.tol,
                            maxiter = maxiter)$root,
                    silent = TRUE)

       ## if does not give reasonable solution recall function with 
       #  smaller TruncQuantile
                           signature(e1 = "AcDcLcDistribution",
                                     e2 = "AcDcLcDistribution")), 
                           args = mc))
       res <- Eip(f=integ.p.c, c00=c.rho, diagnostic0 = diagnostic)
          diagn <- attr(res, "diagnostic")
          diagn[["call"]] <-  match.call()
       res <- res +sum(integ.p.d(c.rho))
       names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
          attr(res,"diagnostic") <- diagn
          class(attr(res,"diagnostic"))<- "DiagnosticClass"

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "LatticeDistribution", 
                                         e2 = "LatticeDistribution"),
    getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution")))

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "LatticeDistribution", 
                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
    getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution")))

setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                         e2 = "LatticeDistribution"),
    getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution")))

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