TDR-class: Classes "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information

Description Details Objects from the Class Slots Author(s) See Also


These classes store information gathered by time-depth recorders.


Since the data to store in objects of these clases usually come from a file, the easiest way to construct such objects is with the function readTDR to retrieve all the necessary information. The methods listed above can thus be used to access all slots.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("TDR", ...) and new("TDRspeed", ...).

‘TDR’ objects contain concurrent time and depth readings, as well as a string indicating the file the data originates from, and a number indicating the sampling interval for these data. ‘TDRspeed’ extends ‘TDR’ objects containing additional concurrent speed readings.


In class TDR:


Object of class ‘character’, string indicating the file where the data comes from.


Object of class ‘numeric’, sampling interval in seconds.


Object of class POSIXct, time stamp for every reading.


Object of class ‘numeric’, depth (m) readings.


Object of class data.frame, optional data collected concurrently.

Class ‘TDRspeed’ must also satisfy the condition that a component of the concurrentData slot is named speed or velocity, containing the measured speed, a vector of class ‘numeric’ containing speed measurements in (m/s) readings.


Sebastian P. Luque

See Also

readTDR, TDRcalibrate.

diveMove documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.