Do some reporting on a RWL object

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples

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This function generates a small report on a rwl (or rwi) object that gives the user some basic information on the data including the number of series, the span of the data, the mean interseries correlation, the number of missing rings (zeros), internal NA values, and rings that are very small, or very large.





a data.frame of ring widths with rownames(x) containing years and colnames(x) containing each series ID such as produced by read.rwl


a numeric value for the threshold value that will cause small rings to be listed. If values is NA this will be omitted.


a numeric value for the threshold value that will cause large rings to be listed. If values is NA this will be omitted.


This report is a list containing the number of series, the mean length of all the series, the first year, last year, the mean first-order autocorrelation (via summary.rwl), the mean interseries correlation (via interseries.cor), the years where a series has a missing ring (zero), internal NA, very small ring, and very large rings.

This output of this function is not typically meant for the user to access but has a print method that formats that data for the user.


A list with elements containing descriptive information on the rwl object.


Andy Bunn. Patched and improved by Mikko Korpela.

See Also

read.rwl, summary.rwl, interseries.cor


data("gp.rwl") = gp.rwl)
# list very small (smallest 1pct) of rings as well
one.pct <- quantile(gp.rwl[gp.rwl != 0], na.rm=TRUE, probs=0.01) = gp.rwl, small.thresh = one.pct)

Example output

Number of dated series: 58 
Number of measurements: 16408 
Avg series length: 282.8966 
Range:  421 
Span:  1570 - 1990 
Mean (Std dev) series intercorrelation: 0.6748932 (0.08072735)
Mean (Std dev) AR1: 0.7203621 (0.1259479)
Years with absent rings listed by series 
    Series 01A -- 1670 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1780 1782 1900 1902 1904 1918 1922 
    Series 01B -- 1670 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1896 1900 1902 1904 1918 1922 1939 
    Series 03A -- 1782 1822 
    Series 03B -- 1780 1813 1818 1820 1822 1974 
    Series 05A -- 1822 
    Series 05B -- 1822 1971 
    Series 07A -- 1600 1670 1735 1748 1752 1773 1977 1981 1984 
    Series 07B -- 1735 1977 1981 1989 
    Series 10A -- 1951 1971 1974 1977 1981 1984 1989 
    Series 10B -- 1971 1974 1977 1984 1989 
    Series 12A -- 1735 1748 1752 1847 1989 
    Series 12B -- 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1847 1879 1963 1971 1974 1977 
    Series 14A -- 1748 1773 1971 
    Series 16B -- 1773 1977 
    Series 17A -- 1989 
    Series 17B -- 1971 1977 1989 
    Series 20A -- 1735 1748 1773 1780 1977 1989 
    Series 20B -- 1600 1670 1748 
    Series 22A -- 1780 1864 1951 1963 1971 1974 1977 1981 1984 
    Series 22B -- 1963 1971 1974 1977 1981 1984 1989 
    Series 31A -- 1735 1822 
    Series 31B -- 1735 1977 
    Series 32A -- 1654 1657 1670 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1813 1879 1963 1971 1977 
    Series 32B -- 1654 1657 1670 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1822 
    Series 36A -- 1735 1748 1822 1951 
    Series 36B -- 1748 1822 
    Series 42A -- 1977 1984 
    Series 42B -- 1879 
    Series 47A -- 1729 
    Series 47B -- 1729 
    Series 48A -- 1974 1977 1989 
    Series 48B -- 1974 1977 
    Series 40A -- 1654 1682 1685 1696 1701 1703 1722 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1780 1782 1822 1984 
    Series 40B -- 1703 1735 1748 
    Series 39A -- 1654 1735 1748 1752 1773 1780 1782 1822 1841 1879 
    Series 39B -- 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1822 1963 1989 
194 absent rings (1.182%)
Years with internal NA values listed by series 
Number of dated series: 58 
Number of measurements: 16408 
Avg series length: 282.8966 
Range:  421 
Span:  1570 - 1990 
Mean (Std dev) series intercorrelation: 0.6748932 (0.08072735)
Mean (Std dev) AR1: 0.7203621 (0.1259479)
Years with absent rings listed by series 
    Series 01A -- 1670 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1780 1782 1900 1902 1904 1918 1922 
    Series 01B -- 1670 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1896 1900 1902 1904 1918 1922 1939 
    Series 03A -- 1782 1822 
    Series 03B -- 1780 1813 1818 1820 1822 1974 
    Series 05A -- 1822 
    Series 05B -- 1822 1971 
    Series 07A -- 1600 1670 1735 1748 1752 1773 1977 1981 1984 
    Series 07B -- 1735 1977 1981 1989 
    Series 10A -- 1951 1971 1974 1977 1981 1984 1989 
    Series 10B -- 1971 1974 1977 1984 1989 
    Series 12A -- 1735 1748 1752 1847 1989 
    Series 12B -- 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1847 1879 1963 1971 1974 1977 
    Series 14A -- 1748 1773 1971 
    Series 16B -- 1773 1977 
    Series 17A -- 1989 
    Series 17B -- 1971 1977 1989 
    Series 20A -- 1735 1748 1773 1780 1977 1989 
    Series 20B -- 1600 1670 1748 
    Series 22A -- 1780 1864 1951 1963 1971 1974 1977 1981 1984 
    Series 22B -- 1963 1971 1974 1977 1981 1984 1989 
    Series 31A -- 1735 1822 
    Series 31B -- 1735 1977 
    Series 32A -- 1654 1657 1670 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1813 1879 1963 1971 1977 
    Series 32B -- 1654 1657 1670 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1822 
    Series 36A -- 1735 1748 1822 1951 
    Series 36B -- 1748 1822 
    Series 42A -- 1977 1984 
    Series 42B -- 1879 
    Series 47A -- 1729 
    Series 47B -- 1729 
    Series 48A -- 1974 1977 1989 
    Series 48B -- 1974 1977 
    Series 40A -- 1654 1682 1685 1696 1701 1703 1722 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1780 1782 1822 1984 
    Series 40B -- 1703 1735 1748 
    Series 39A -- 1654 1735 1748 1752 1773 1780 1782 1822 1841 1879 
    Series 39B -- 1729 1735 1748 1752 1773 1782 1822 1963 1989 
194 absent rings (1.182%)
Years with internal NA values listed by series 
Years with values < 0.09 listed by series 
   Series 01A -- 1778 1847 1899 
   Series 01B -- 1685 1780 1847 1899 
   Series 03A -- 1735 1752 1820 
   Series 03B -- 1773 1782 1800 1817 1963 1977 
   Series 05B -- 1735 1782 1847 1879 1896 1899 1902 1963 1974 
   Series 07A -- 1782 1822 1971 1974 1979 1989 
   Series 07B -- 1654 1670 1748 1752 1971 1974 
   Series 10A -- 1963 1980 1985 1987 1990 
   Series 10B -- 1948 1956 1963 1970 1981 1987 1988 1990 
   Series 12A -- 1902 
   Series 12B -- 1822 1841 1948 1951 1969 1989 
   Series 14A -- 1752 1805 1847 1879 1904 1963 1977 
   Series 14B -- 1822 1951 1977 
   Series 16A -- 1735 1752 1773 1977 1989 
   Series 16B -- 1735 1877 1879 
   Series 17A -- 1963 1971 1974 1977 
   Series 17B -- 1735 1963 1974 
   Series 20A -- 1948 1951 1963 1971 1978 1981 1986 1987 1990 
   Series 20B -- 1735 1948 1951 1963 1971 1977 
   Series 22A -- 1956 1973 1983 1985 
   Series 22B -- 1960 1973 1978 1985 
   Series 23A -- 1986 
   Series 25A -- 1879 
   Series 31A -- 1748 
   Series 31B -- 1822 1951 1963 1971 1974 
   Series 32A -- 1653 1656 1736 1737 1754 1780 1801 1864 1948 1956 
   Series 32B -- 1653 1715 1729 1774 
   Series 36A -- 1752 1879 1963 1974 1977 
   Series 36B -- 1963 1977 
   Series 42A -- 1948 1971 
   Series 42B -- 1948 
   Series 44A -- 1974 1977 1979 
   Series 40A -- 1606 1695 1712 1716 1983 
   Series 40B -- 1606 1607 1609 1695 1696 1701 
   Series 39A -- 1729 
   Series 39B -- 1600 1654 1780 1841 1864 1971 

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